Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Poem 933. Hidden thoughts in heart

                           Hidden thoughts in heart
How was I sure that this type I am thinking in proper way
And I know which way world is going and what they all want to get
I acted according to my guess about the world and planned everything
In just perfect way as useful and convenient for every one else
We all thought that it is so perfect that we even began to think
Every thing is perfect and went according to plan and very well
But when we thought that every thing is so perfect and normal in life
We never thought may be others are totally thinking some thing else
And we misunderstand totally their thinking and what they think about life
And that moment we all think that we perfectly well about every way
Because we never able to think about many ways but never guess
Other person's thought and their own ways when we are thinking
About way of life and their thoughts have totally different effect on heart
How hard you may try but still you can't learn to fly in sky
So sadly in our life we can't ever able to understand others heart
What others think is just one big mystery we can never guess
What other person in mind thinking we want to ignore these type of thoughts
But some times we are effected by others views and their thoughts
So we have to fight each and every type of war to improve our thoughts
But even after improving we can hardly able to guess what other thought
Their thoughts are hidden behind their smile and some times tears that fall
But truth is that those smiles and tears don't always shows us
What are our true feeling which are fully hidden inside our heart
Some times behind tears smiles are hidden inside our mind and heart
And we saw this every day in life that it just fill our mind and heart
How unknown seems the world when some one fool us with smile
And hide their tears and pains behind that smile and that laugh
We feel as if we don't understand world and what is hidden behind heart
Thought and heart are some thing which is one powerful mystery of heart
Even we have to some times guess what is behind each tear and
Sorrows of heart but worst is that even smiles are not true some times from heart
Some person are made in such a strange way that we can never guess
What is inside that one heart so I decided always to avoid them
All those person who have that type of complicated sort of heart
But life is not that easy that you can avoid some thing which is it's part
After some times I saw that every one have some part of that type of heart
Which always remain inside us and remain our life's part
I mean to say not just other but some times even in our heart
Some times we have some sort of unique and strange sort of part
But there are some thing so nice which will please our feeling and heart
But at same time it may have some thing harmful for heart
If we just don't understand our feeling from that heart we do any times
Do something thing totally wrong and strange for your mind and heart
Because these feeling are some thing which always really and fully hurt our heart
Some times some person keep those feeling inside those hearts
Which may hurt our world and it will totally damage and fall apart
Inside our heart we try to build some thing new and do some thing totally different in heart
Then in our life all we saw just do what we think perfect for us and all
But we never understand what is truly and faithfully needed for heart
Just by jumping on conclusions we took wrong turn inside our life
Which is always bad and harmful for our life as well as our heart
So may be we should just stop guessing game and start to ask others
What is it which is hidden in their soul and heart but some time even that
Don't solve our problem because many person don't tell us fully
What they think and what is fully and natural hidden inside their thought and heart.

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