Sunday, July 7, 2013

Poem 940. The voice

                                        The voice
Have you ever in dream heard some strange sort of voice
Which always comes and guide you in darkest type of night
We always heard that sentence and then we all began to describe
That strange and mystic sort of pure voice which we heard in night
And since every one claims that they had heard we become sure about voice
That must truly exist for us in during dark and ruthless type of night
That voice have some strange quality and some strange meaning in night
It always touch us in right way and began give us that different in sight
But just ask your heart do you really think it is some one else true mystic voice
And do you think it really come to meet you in darkest type of night
In this world we believe many things and trust many type of people
So why don't we just add this list one extra type of voice for that dark night
We all want to be some special and some thing unique in our heart 
So in efforts to become some thing unique we just do everything to please heart
When some one suggest that there is some unique sort of voice 
We began to believe it exist just to give us happiness and superiority in life
We want to hear it just to prove we are some thing unique among people
We are so frustrated by complex which we receive by this world
We want to prove our self something unique as great as well so to world
We began to show some thing which is made by our determination of heart
We want to prove the world we always have some thing unique in world
And so we just use our extra head and just guess what is future of world
Then when some one says that one heard some special unique voice
Suddenly we get convince that such voice is needed for perfect sort of life
Then we began to search for just one unique dream and then we find from night
So many sort of scattered and broken dream so we mix them and add one voice
Which is truly just need of our heart and useless in other form in life
Then we all believe we have heard that sort of powerful and strange voice
And it will change our each and every day of our precious life
We want to tell every one about our unique power and all began to describe
Their strange dreams in their life we all like to dream about that voice
It is nice and pleasant until you don't take seriously that kind of voice
Every day in our life we just need some sort of guide but that doesn't mean in life
We need some one come from god to guide and become our true voice
We are human being who live on earth as human and god have given us chance
Of living in our own way our own life so why did god send that sort of voice
That voice some thing which comes from your inner heart and it guide you at nights
What is wrong and right for you and your heart so before trusting that voice
Just always remember one thing in life this  is  your voice so it can make mistake
And easily tell you wrong way in life so just trust after using brain your inner voice
It may guide you in many spots of life because we don't use our brain properly in life
But still some times it may misguide you in your life but at that spot always remember
It was not some mystic or unique came god to guide it was just inner voice
So many time it may help you but some time it misguide after all this is life
And nothing will be so nice and perfect without problems in our life
After all it is not god's but just our hearts nice and precious voice
So expecting it to be perfect means expecting too much from our life
It is our brain and it is our heart's voice so some times it will make mistake in life
If we listen to it without thinking about other things in our life
And obey it as if it is some greatest god's order and it's his voice
Then we will surly mess our whole because we are just part of god
But not a actual god in thinking or in our life so mistake are part of our life
And we make them on each and every day as much we prefer in life
Never just trust some thing which is not that much perfect in your life
So whenever you heard that voice we must listen to it but should not
Just trust it without thinking in life and while just keeping open your eyes
Never trust some thing because just it is different in your life
Always trust every thing after applying full knowledge and logic in your life
Because these books of knowledge and logic are truly god' voice in life.

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