Friday, July 5, 2013

Poem 938. Old jokes

                                                   Old jokes
Some times some jokes are part of our life but when we grow up
We say we are not kids so we don't need them in our future or life
But one thing is so true that these jokes are precious part of life
They should stay with us and we must do some efforts to keep them tied
Some times some jokes which make us laugh just kept in past because
They are no longer our part so when we grow up do we really need to do that
Do we need to forget those jokes as per our rules which are set by other people
Who are some thing bigger for all other we don't know but with whom we live
If you forget that joke do you think you can really adjust with those people
Who objected that joke there are some thing which just remain part of life
But we never like them still we kept them because they just look perfect and nice
Those are such friends who try to tell you to forget our old laugh and tell you
You are so grown up for that kind of joke because in life there are so limited
Moment for innocent laugh or smile why do we have to waste them some times
They are so dear and precious for our heart then why did we stop them
Just please other's heart I know why do it because we don't want other to
Make joke on us and laugh on our life but do you really think this is fine
When your moments are controlled by some one else what is fun in your life
After all while laughing on your jokes you are not harming any one in their life
We deserve some thing which is best for us and we must claim it loudly
And then we can watch who will laugh on us if you say it with full confidence
No one is going to dare to smile in fact they will nod head to show that
You are so perfect and wise when you pay attention to other's like and dislike
Then only you will harm your self and other things in your precious life
But sadly in life we never try to be brave and tell other's the truth that
What we really prefer and like then we hide those things and keep them in one corner
Of heart where they just always stay and want to come out in our life
If only we get more confident in our life and do the things as we like
They may be smile on us if we try to hide but if we do it with confidence
Then they surely do as per what we like and we do things according
As per our like and dislike never change your like just to impress some person in life
Because your likes are going to stay with you until you die
They help you to laugh and help you to smile in your life and if you left them
Without much thought what will remain in your life because your likes
Are some thing which are part of your life and those jokes are as precious as
Some jewels in your life may be you don't understand it easily in your life
But if you think little but hard you may understand what is truth of life
We can never manage to live normally in life without those jokes
Which are may be old to us but they are never outdated in our life
But some times due to some pressures you do this mistake in your life
And throw away those things which are part of your life but that don't
Mean you can forget those smiles in your life because those smiles
Will remain in our heart and always keep you fulfilled happy and bright
I just wish some times people understand importance of those smiles
And keep their egos in box and try to forget what argument they had in life
But sadly if all change may be we just lose many other things in our life
Because many times people attach to other people when they see other's true faces in fight
So in life just to understand others why do we need fight and
Why can't we understand goodness until that wrong and badness come in life
So our life was never and never will be full of just laugh and smile
So why did we need to tell others what we like and what we dislike in life
Because if we just as we wish people just ask questions about our life
May be they are nice nature question but still we hate them because
Other have asked them to us in so pointed way in life that we just can't
Ignore what is truth of life that we all need from heart those old jokes in life.

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