Friday, July 12, 2013

Poem 950. Sorrows of life

                                             Sorrows of life
So confuse is my life sorrows and happiness stood by side
I just don't know shall I cry sorrow or on sorrows may be I just give smile
Because sorrows are our life's unwanted guest who will come and meet us
On after few days so it is our view what we decide to do shall we smile
On sorrow since they have become our guest or shall we just hate them
It depends on our thought what we decide from our heart do we smile
On every moment or do we decide to cry every time we see this unwanted guest
What is our life depend on what we decide just because guest is unwanted
Is it wise to hate that one if that person is going to stay with us for life
Because sorrow are that guest who will visit us again and again and if we
Insult them from heart then we just cry when our this unwanted guest
Comes and meet us in our life again and again but in life we can't stop them
These unwanted guest will come again and again they will show us every day
They have right on our life as much as we have right on our life from beginning to end
So our life is so strange sorrows are it's part and always remain it's guest
How much we may hate them but they live us in our life
Some times they seemed like some childhood friends of mine
But when ever they came they bring truth with them and they show
True colour for each and every day so we saw all those colours of life
Which are so interesting but scary at same time how hard we try
But we just can't enjoy sorrows of our life because they are something
Painful still come perfectly after some time how much I hate those sorrows of life
But they are some thing which are tides in river of our life and
No river can move ahead without tide just some have limited while others
Were loaded with tides after all that water look so cool and nice
And if we understand for that beauty of water we need to adjust with tides
So whenever in life we see any kind of tide we just look at them
And must think they are sorrows of our life then if you look carefully
You will surely find no tide remain at same place for entire life
After some time moves ahead each and every tide so how can sorrows
Stays at same place for entire life they also move ahead from time to time
And then slowly they will reduce and one day we can get plain water for some time
But if there is storm tides may grow so large that you feel they will destroy
Entire world or entire life but nothing like that happen they always go away
After some time and after some days in their life and we must understand
That is truth of life sorrows are some thing which are part of our life
Sorrows are something which always comes in life but they also have
Tendency to move away from one point to other point they never
Stay at one place this is nature of life sorrow just move from one home
To other home in life but that will not relief since they find other home in life
And it could be home of some one whom we really prefer and like
Only if sorrow stop coming this is one thing we wish from our life
But if sorrow don't come truth may stay hidden for entire life
After all truth is some thing which we must understand in life
But we all seem to prefer that may truth be remain hidden and sorrow stay away from life
But there is just one question which always enter in mind
Why sometimes people create sorrow in their life after all sorrows are something
Which always remain part of our life sorrows are something which
Hurt every person and every one's mind and still they are some thing required for life
They like some bitter medicine which we hate swallow said by lot of people
But for me they seemed like some sickness which always destroy fun of life.

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