Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Poem 935. Routine life

                                         Routine life
My sun always rise and fall in within minutes how I wish
My sun of luck just stay in sky at least for some hours with me
But my sun of luck never have that power it just comes in sky
For me and my future for just few minutes and it is that time
When I have to do my all work and try to finish because if
Work start on proper time may success will come and visit me
Sun of our luck never stay in sky but that don't mean we have
Some thing wrong if only good luck is not there bad don;t come in
Many days of life are just goes without any good and bad luck in it
We do our daily work and do our daily job and on each and every day
We Just don't have to wish on some star there are many days
Which just went quite peacefully neither good luck nor bad luck
Enter in our sky on such day even for any hour or just minutes
Our life is more made of such normal days which come and goes away
So instead of thinking that good luck is everything may be we learn to enjoy
Normal life as any person or any human being not just for lucky days in link
Because our life is consisted of what we call normal days for all
And luck or unlucky days are so limited that we should stop giving them thought
You can't change your luck or can't make your sun rise so why do
We have to waste on it our hours and our precious time so why don't
We just enjoy our each and every day without thinking about our
Luck or bad luck which may in our life manage to come ahead
Life is some thing which we need to understand it is normal perfect thing
Not some thing which just run on luck like petrol for some car
Life is some thing in which we get many normal days and every thing
Is not some thing which is always turn every thing in special kind of event
In our life we always run after luck or bad luck and think it is important part of life
But still we must say we just always manage to run after luck in our life
On every incidence we spend so much hours of thought that it feel as if
Our life has some thing perfect and each event have some thing like some book
Full of adventure and action thrill is our life but our life is not that complicated
It is very nice and simple thing and it every day stays with routine so when
We get bored we start to find some thing useful out of useless thing in life
And our each and every visit become a maze which give us happiness or
Sorrow of life but truth is that nothing is serious in every day incidence of life
There are some new incidence which are just useless but still unknown in life
Don't just think that unknown is something always important and valuable in life
But many times unknown incidence prove just so useless in our whole life
If you notice properly normal life is more common part of each and every life
Still we take many tension and turn normal thing into special for our life
Just due to our tension easy things become abnormal for our thinking and life
We all just wish from our heart that some thing special inside our life
So even some times when we don't see good luck we invite bad luck to fulfill our heart
Because we want to see some thing strange and scary for satisfaction of heart
Then we just don't like normal sort of our life which is very common type life
For each and every type of heart so we must understand what is truly feeling of heart
Simple and normal sort of life which is always normal sort of life's part
So we must understand what is truth and inside story of our life which will
Be told us by every one may we like or may we just don't prefer it or not like
That our life is normal full of routine we do in day to day of our whole life
And it will always go that way we may like it or may totally dislike even if
You want some thing special in your life you have to live many days before
You can able to see special incidence to fulfill your want of thrill in life
So it is better we must learn to enjoy our normal and simple routine life
Instead of waiting for some thing special sort of to come inside our life.

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