Friday, July 26, 2013

Poem 975. Bad luck

                                Bad luck
How sad we feel when we lost something precious to us
At that moment we feel our sorrows from our heart
After all in life we will feel sad but question is that
When other lost something why don't we feel that sad
Instead of sharing their sorrows from our heart we began
To one ugly game of blaming even unknowingly by our heart
Instead sharing sorrow our first question is how this happen
I know we are curious and we may ask it for knowledge
But sadly after that people start totally new and world game
Which is search how that person lost something because that one's fault
We like to find other person's fault just because we don't want
All blame should be lead towards just some time due to bad luck
But it can happen to any one in this world and without fault
Which is the truth we know fully from inside of our heart
We all feel that it will just happen to that person and
That one suffer due to that one's fault and we just like to say it
Because we want to feel that we are safe since we are always from fault
But is it right to blame other person just because we want feel safe from heart
Sometimes in some circumstances it is not a person's fault because
In life death comes to us as our unwanted and sad part or sometimes
Some person are made such a way that they can't remain to us
Because they are never their when we really needed them
In both cases it is not that person's mistake or fault
Then why did we blame that one just to give secure feeling to heart
Some times bad thing happen in our life due to just bad luck as life's part
Then when bad thing happen in life we just began to search for cause
We want everything to be perfect in our life so we blame everything
For other person's mistake why do we think that some bad luck
Can easily enter inside our life because bad luck is not common
To enter in every one's life it is something rarely enters in life
If it enter in some one's life don't feel sacred it may enter in your life
You can take precaution but always remember one thing that
All bad thing don't enter in your life they are not virus that just
Jump from one body to other body in few moment and few times
Bad luck is one thing which enter in your life only if your destiny
Decide to show you some days and bad nights but that doesn't mean
You also see the same days and nights because each person
Have different future and different type of days and nights
They may help you to arise and they may help you to understand nights
But that don't mean they all will just come ahead and enter in your life
Just try to help those person in whose life problem have enter
Without this fear that they will enter in life our life is not common
And some sort of story in which problem get repeated each time
Our life is written by writer who have more knowledge in life
So none problem is mostly get repeated in others life because
Each one have one nature and each one have different eating habit in life
So how can two person have same problem at same time
I know it happen but it happened only when really some virus
Enters in our life but it is not that common and even in case of it
All people don't suffer same way because doctor is prepared next time
So things don't get mostly repeated in life and if you help some one
That thing will never make their bad luck enter in your life.

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