Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Poem 945. My work

                                      My work
How easy was my work when I began to start it seems like
Easy part no problem in any thing at all but as I went ahead
I just found many things fall apart that is true problem of mind and heart
They always like easiest part they want everything smooth and
Whenever we start some hard task mind just began to complain to heart
And heart feel that we need break for at least for some time and part
But no work can complete in just few days it need lots of effort of every sort
But how much effort can we do is just one question repeated by mind and heart
When world want efforts from our mind and heart they just complaint
That they want to rest for some time and some part but question is that
Who is right and who is wrong did world expect too much from us
Or we all are acting lazy in some part because when we start this new work
We just jump with joy and promised to all that no one can stop us
From doing it all then when time come to do all our part suddenly
We began to say we are bored from heart so wrong is this feeling of heart
Because quick success don't seem every one's life's part and any way
Quick success never teach you to win in your life in any part
We must stick to one thing until we just can't because it is so easy to fall apart
Difficult thing is to do work from our heart even when it says it just can't do that part
Some time our mind get so tired that we just don't have heart to do the work
Which we like in each and every part because when we try to reach on some top
Too much work is some thing always it's part nothing can achieve without stress
And then those things which you like suddenly missed like boring and waste
But never let that feeling stop you from doing what is right and
Always do work as hard as possible in your life because hard work is
One mountain which stood before light and when we climb on it
One day we will succeed 'as a light and even if we fail we can achieve
Some thing in our life because learning and working never get wasted
Like a water even if they fell on some land slow they come together
And stay inside one day it come out in form of well when land get dried
This is what truth of life may this moment work will seem useless   
But it will after some time always manage to help us in our life
So never give up when your heart tell you that you are just bored
Because once you said you like it there is no way to say you are bored
You can move the mountain only if you decide that you love your work
And you selected it now because you like that should motto of your life
If you let your heart totally rule your life some times it's weakness
Comes out to destroy it but never let those weakness rule your life
Each thing have always positive and negative side and we have to select
From them only positive type of sides because negative one's are going
To stop us from working what ever we are trying and life is not
Just about resting peacefully for all days and nights some may claim
That your work is useless for your life but always ignore them
And concentrate on one who says that work is important for life
Because getting complicated is specialty of each and every work of life
You can't just leave your work because it don't fulfill your desire
To remain happy and relaxed on each and every day of life
If you do so then you just keep changing every day each work in your life
Because everything is easy and simple at beginning and complicated
When it goes further and on difficult stags of your future and life.

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