Monday, April 30, 2012

Poem 187. Limits

Sometimes you will hate and you cross all limits then darkness fills your heart and
Every part of your thinking that darkness will not let you see that sun which is shining
Inside your life when you see some injustice sometimes you think that injustice is truth
Than any other things some injustice are truly too much hurt for heart and wanting justice
For them is perfectly true need of your thinking and your heart but then you must think
One another thing that do you really in life feel that you need to see that sun which is
Shining because if you just keep that injustice in mind your mind will just look one way
In each and everything and worst thing is that when some one claim you that person will
Give you justice easily you began to believe sometimes in life injustice is so horrible thing
That start one hate inside your heart which will never let you understand what other person
Is telling that person may not clearly something but sometimes we need to find proper ways
To get justice as human being but hate is something which if cross it's limits then you can't
See that thing take away your peace and you just learn one thing that is hating but problem
Is that during this process sometimes you forget something if you want justice that don't
Mean changing everything sometimes you can force a person inside your life as human being
And force that person act just as you wish as human being but never let your hate cross
Your limits as a human being but when we say hate we began to think that maybe it happen
Because that is negative feeling but let me tell you one thing it happens with every thing
But if we want to win we need to use our brain in each and every thing don't use your anger
Because it will make you just blind of course you are running fast but not on track many times
And take away your peace because when feeling have some control inside our heart so
Inside our life on every thing we just feel that we must fight for justice but while doing this
When our anger take front seat and when our justice took back seat we don't even feel and
Just on that moment we feel one thing that if we want to fight for justice then we must teach
Lessons to other human being and after that thought we can hardly able to do justice and
Something wrong happen to us inside as human being instead of justice we just want our anger
To rule our thinking so when we go ahead to ask justice we must think carefully as human being
Are we truly concern about our thinking when we demand for justice because some times
While doing it we seem easily forgot to ask feelings of victims just put some people who tell
Stories to us and began to make justice maybe in our life we need to understand one justice
That if we are on right side god will one day give us justice but sometimes it seems that
Human being began to think that they are god of this world and this thinking will take them
On totally wrong side because when you make mistake you can no longer demand even
From our god about those justice because in this world when we did wrong suddenly we
Turn on wrong side because we are stood once again with our enemy because when we did
Wrong god will not say that we want to do justice god will just ask why did you do wrong thing
Because if you have faith in god you can always search proper ways for justice because
Inside our life we don't want to make victims of our own injustice because when we see some
Injustice our emotions began to control our brain and I just think on that spot we have to stop
Ourself for justice you may need many times but one is your precious logic you can use
Your brain and you can get justice if you stop screaming before demanding justice because
Your scream will just give pain to your heart and never manage to give your justice and then
You may use wrong sources to get that justice I just want to say one thing if you want justice
Then for it you don't need to start making your own victims because some people may say
Fear will bring you justice but that is a hard thing because if some one does those horrible
Things then that person hardly got anything emotions as human being so handling that person is not
That simple and easy thing demanding justice is always seem so easy to human being but sadly
When person needed to do justice many time that person create victim instead of properly
Punishing those culprits who are hardly called human being so in life when you start to making
Justice always remember your limits in heart and tell yourself you are not god your are just human being.

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