Friday, April 6, 2012

Poem 131. Nature of person

                                              Nature of person
One day I decide to give my thing to someone some said I am stupid and
Some said I am too soft in my life because my life taught me many things
But being harsh is not one of them but then one day someone told that
How harsh I was when that beggar come before me and I began to look
On other direction on that one's call so different are person and so different
Are their view some says you are soft and some says that you are too harsh
On both sides I just have one question at my heart am I too soft or am I
Too harsh each person seem to think different thing from heart something
I give too much while other thing I just keep all to please my heart but
When I began to think about my self I think I have both parts because
Whenever I wish to give I give it from heart but sometimes when I feel
Someone is pushing too much to get from me I just began to shut my heart
When some one talk in nice way that one can easily melt my heart and
Even when that one don't deserve still I give that person what that one ask
So when I give that person who is hardly worthy of it then people began
To think I have such a soft heart so inside my life on each and every part
I just do some time charity on wrong person and give things to totally
Wrong sort so people began to think I don't use my brain properly but
Instead of saying it they say I have proper heart so inside my mind
On each and every point I just do things which please my heart but
When just to please my heart I just give too much some one who was
Worthy of nothing then people began to say that I spend too much
Without logic and too much by just thinking inside my mind and my heart
Every one seem to have some sort of complaint about my thinking
And about my heart because pleasing person seems like impossible for heart
When I give that person some thing out of my purse or when I stood up
From my chair even when I need to sit for some person people began to
Claim I am too much sweet at heart but some times when I want to go
Inside to visit doctor and line is too long when some one ask for favour
And I don't give it readily because I am also sick physically and by heart
People says that I am too much harsh but I just have one question inside
Why people have to comment so much on every point and on every heart
When our friends say this we can at least understand their concern or thought
But when our friends push us to start fight by calling us too soft I just feel
One question inside at heart are they truly my friend or I imagine friends
Like some child imagine fairy at their heart and some times due to my trouble
I can't able to help someone that person call me harsh I feel why don't that
Person feel that there is also charity needed for me inside other person's heart
After all according to nature those person calls us what they want and
If in life we want to go ahead never think about those people who are life's part
But still they call us wrong thing but still those thoughts remain at our heart
Because in our life on every point we do some thing which may hurt other's heart
And they call us according to their thoughts and their heart but inside our life
We can't change our self according to those thoughts because those thoughts
Are not due to change in our nature but they are due to change in that person's
Nature and thought some people are those person who think giving is so great
And they expect from other to act same way they want each one to bleed
For each and every heart while we can't every thing do as they wish because
We are having problems which they never able to see from their heart and
They never understand that we also need some one who show us soft heart
Every time we can do charity after all our needs are also our life's inseparable part
While other feel that if we do too much charity it may harm us and our heart
And they just love to advice other what is good for their thinking and heart
So just remember one thing our nature is never at fault it's just depend on
Other's thinking that we should be called soft or we should called harsh by our heart
Person of soft nature call us harsh and person of harsh nature call us soft by our heart.

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