Friday, April 13, 2012

Peom 150. My old friend

                                                     My old friend
When dust got in my eyes I had one memory which is part of my past
Which is dear to my heart because that was my small age and I have so
Innocent heart with my friend I use to play in playgrounds part and with
Her I use to dream what will be our future which will be our best imagine part
We use to think we can do things which are important to our future and heart
We use to think that we can change our world in each and every part because
Logic never enter in those childhood thoughts and they never use to make me
Tense about life's any part because inside our life we use to like every part
We use to think that one day we will prove that we are best in whole world
To this world and many hearts we use to think that playground is something
Big and unique thing of some sort we use to play and dream things of many sort
One day I think I learn one thing we are not sure about tomorrow and those
Dreams are nothing but my thoughts because my friend went away so far that
I can't reach to her even when I try to reach by thought at that moment
Some one told me we have to accept sad things as past and we can always
Have to go ahead and have to make new start for some people friend was nothing
And not that much important for heart and for some people it was just gossip
Which can be discuss from each and every corner and enjoyed by their heart
But I have just one question why death create effect of that sort some just want
To run away from it and some want to talk about it as a regular part but one thing
Is so clear sure for my heart that I must need new friend immediately to replace
And then feel secure in my heart so I started searching for friend but it was not
Easy for heart because sometimes our heart is not ready for changes of that sort
But still sometimes we are force to accept new friend and it is never easy to do
That sort of replacement so then I got new friend who told me she loved sand after
Rain and love smell that created by rain by her heart so my replacement will like
Totally different thing but since my first friend is missing I need replacement in heart
I just feel so empty when I see that place of my friend so on that moment I just
Have one thought I need replacement so I found as soon as possible a new friend
So finding new friend is one thing I thought will be best way to forget my past
Because new friend will just remind me of new things which are needed by heart
So for forgetting my past I need new friend with just that one thought I made my friend
I never thought about our likes and dislikes in life after all we are just two friends
It not like we have big life ahead we need to share just few moments I need my friend
With that one thought I made my friend I never thought that my friend don't have
Same liking I never thought that my friend have different thinking whenever
My mind start I just feel one thing in end that I just don't want to be alone and
I want one friend this is what happen when we lose something and we never
Expect to lose it on that moment we just thought of one thing that is replacement
Our life every time likes the past to stood before us on each moment and inside
Our heart we just love to have that replacement so inside my life I made one friend
Which is not like me in thinking or in any sense and then I thought I can forget
My past and forget my dead friend just because I found one wrong type of friend
May be my friend was neither wrong nor I was wrong but problem is that
We are not on place where we belong we don't have same view neither same thought
And adjustment can't stretch our friendship that long and one day our friendship was
Going to break because two pillar on two sides may look similar but they
Can't come near unless building is going to break so this is what happen to my second
Friend when I made that one because I want to forget my old friend or if I tell you
Truth which is inside my heart again and again that I made that wrong friend because
Inside my heart I never want to replace my old friend so I don't want to create
Some nice friend who will be so perfect in every sense that I need to forget my old friend.

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