Sunday, April 15, 2012

Poem 155. Attitude

Each person has his attitude each person has his nature if we look around
We can see our world is full of many attitudes and nature like some person in world
Just love to do favour they just went out of their way with just one wish it is to help
Other person and inside our life on every day and night these people just do what
Is best for others they just never care what will be result of it on their life and
They are so strange that they never want favour even if you went to them willingly
In life even then they will see something wrong in taking favour and they just say
Proudly to whole world that in their life they never took favour from anyone in world
So some may call it great but some may call them snob but we just can't force them
To take some favour may they die with need but never in their life they will take favour
If you think this one as strange sort of creature let me show you other side of person
Those person who just love to take favour they are just opposite who hate to do
Any sort of work even when other person can't get their work done perfect for them
They just never move their hand to complete their work these people are those
Who hate to do the work they hate it so much that they hate to move their finger
So inside their life they just never do any work but they are so good and convincing
Others to do their work sometimes they use weapon of insult and sometimes
They use weapon of admiration in one way or others they just make sure that
Their work should completed as they have desired but sometimes when other
Person can't able to do their work as properly as they desire then they accept
That sort of faulty work they are even ready to beg if someone does their work
For them work is something important for their future and their world so inside
Their life and inside their world they just do things which are done by others
If sometimes someone force them to start to do their own important work
They were shocked by what is happening inside their future after all in our life
We work but these people just never think of working in their life ever but
Still we need adjust with their attitude in world we need to let them be shocked
But tried to force them to work but sometimes these people just run away but
Never ever able to do any sort of thing or any sort of work which is required
Then comes number of other interesting creature who just love suggesting
Even when they don't know much about that work they just do it every day
As if it is part of their duty and their work when other people hate their suggestion
Some times may they prove useful but mostly they are useless for our world
And those suggestion never stop they just irritates many people in this world
Even if whole world stood against them and try to stop them from giving suggestion
Still they never give up because suggestion box seems to like god in their world
Then comes number of other people these one are of worst sort for me at least
And for my entire world they just love complaint about each and every thing
In world they never like any thing which is given to them in this world
If you give them something white then they just say it is too light to wear
And if you give them dark color then it will be too cheap for their world so
Inside their life on every point they just hate whatever you do in world and
In fact they have problem from world's each and every creature after all in life
Every time they treated in best way the entire world because world is something
So bad for their nature because every time we try to think something nice and
They manage to destroy it's pleasure because they manage to find a fault in
Each and every thing inside world because things are something totally wrong
For us and for our future because our life get destroyed by those complaints in future
So in our life we all see these types of people but one thing we do wrong is that
We try to improve those people but one thing is like written line on rock that
May we force them to act as we like but sadly we can never change their nature.

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