Sunday, April 8, 2012

Poem 136. Game

Many sports are happy and they are really playful this is how I use
To learn we suppose to play but many times when I walk on ground
So saw totally different type of game which use to scare me even to watch
Or even if I wanted to play because games are thing which teacher told me
Something good for health and we doesn't need to win we just need to play
Because when we run around then we will get fitness which will help us
In our life in each and every way because sports are something important
To play and when we play with each other we will understand winning and
Losing are nothing more than part of game so I went out in playground to play
Even when I don't know how to play that I was even not that much good at game
I just thought that it is nothing much but just a game even if I didn't do it properly
They will let me play because my teacher told me that sports mean something
Nice and great and playground is one place where we come to make new friend
On play ground are those people who will enjoy playing game and how good
We are in it will no more matter inside my mind or inside my game I just
Thought on playground they will teach how to play the game after all they are
Children of my age they are nothing but just like my school friend because
When I enter in my class I always find my friend who will help me in my crisis
And teacher teaches me when how to do things again and again so even when
I know that I am not that good I went to play the game because I thought that
On that playground everyone will want other children to come and join our game
But when I put my foot on that playground those children look at me as if I did
Some crime or offense because I don't know how to play I can't go and play with them
I just felt so shocked to understood this game I never thought that game was something
So big in which normal kids are not allowed to play they want no one on that ground
Because they think their ball with hurt any one who come between the game
But in their eyes you can clearly see that they think those who don't know game
Are nothing but dust before them they are expert and they are winner of game
And they want to win the cup or trophy so other kids are not allowed to play the game
I just feel one question in my heart did my teacher told me totally wrong about game
I was told that game is something with which we can make friend but when I look
At those kids I can't even imagine making them any friends they are just talking
About hitting others in their game they are just talking about one word that is hate
They want to show dust to others who will play with them this game so that was not
A place on which we can make friend I can see such anger in their eyes when
I touch the ground that I just don't want to stand there they can hardly look like
Kids which were shown in my book with ball in their hand and smile on their face so this was
What that playground which will teach us to win the game but when I began to learn
About sports I was first told sportsmanship must be there in game I just feel
One question about it again and again if they treat those people who are on their side
This way how will they treat people who will stood against them after all inside life
Those people who will fight against us in game are not ever one of them so
Inside our life this was what real face of game and I was so disappointed with game
But next day our teacher took me on same ground and told us to play as she teach us
A simple and normal when we run around that ground wind will catch in our hair
We laugh so much and with winner loser also smiled in same happy way
That ground was so full of laughter no fight was there and no one wanted to win
Any thing because we were just playing and our teacher told us that this was
What we call game I was so confuse now what was happening yesterday on our playground
If this was game until now I never dare ask that question to my teacher or
Anyone in my life because answer to it will also give me one big fear and scare.

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