Thursday, April 19, 2012

Poem 166. Picture of nature

                                                 Picture of nature
In nature each landscape has it's different beauty and type and whenever
I see them they touch my heart inside sometimes it's beautiful flowers which
Looks like gems to my eyes and sometimes it's lovely river which touch that
Ground and make me happy in life even in that sky there are colours so nice
Even in those picture dessert looks so beautiful to my eyes when that sand
Have that golden shine it looks as nice as those flowers and fruits and plants
Which stood in perfect and nice way of life even an apple manage to please my eye
But then instead of apple sometimes lion looks perfect to my eyes so when
Someone gives me picture I always prefer lion over that apple because after all
In picture we just ask for something which is look nice and unique to eye
We hardly ever think about it's use to you and me after all that picture have
Some different meaning because we just thought that in life that apple is
Something we see every day so lion become special for me so we can always
Like in picture lion or our dear dessert instead of fruits and flower I just prefer
Different aspects of nature because these things become special for me
Because I can get apple every day and eat it if that is my wish from my heart to me
But I can hardly see lion every day because he is jungle's king so in that picture
Lion is my favourite and I want to see him for some time but I never went near him
This what happen something with our life when we see same thing again and again
We want change in life instead eating those tasteless apples which we are forced
Sometimes to eat but if ask your heart does that apple is so not tasty because
Inside our life on every thinking we just feel that those apples are not that tasteless
To me but those apples doesn't look perfect to you and me because those
Apples are not bad because every time we are forced to eat same thing
So apple no longer appeal us we began to like some different thing when food
Is our need still we want other picture and our basic need this is what happen to us
As all human being we fall in love with totally wrong thing because we have all
Those things which are needed with us many times but then we want not just
Basic things we also want more comfort and power we want to be powerful
Because we feel so scared that one day we may lose all those important things
Since we have our needed thing in limited way we want to store those things
Even when we don't like apples we want to store it and then we think some where
In our mind if we have power that we can always get better things and then
Instead of apples we began to dream five course meal so inside our life on everything
Because apple is something which is important for our meal still we want more things
Instead of normal needs inside our life because our life become so big mess that
We can hardly understand meaning of our life our ambition goes ahead of every feeling
Which is alive in our life and we began to think that we must understand need in life
We just began to like lion because lion is something which is important for life
Because we want to dominate people inside our life since winning become ambition
Because we want better food inside our life and we can eat those things which
Are tasty for our life so inside our life food is something most important for life
But food which is tasty will look far better in our life but those foods are something
We get only when we have power inside our life so on each moment inside our life
We just think we want to be lion in life but one thing confuse me that why did
I like dessert inside my life but it so lovely to my eyes then maybe I thought that
It remind me of childhood days of beach in my life so sand is something favourite
And nice to me from childhood even when sea is missing still I feel that sand
Is same thing in mind some times our thinking and our mind misses all logic
Which is important for life and it just like those pictures which are not so nice
When question comes of adjusting with them in reality of our precious life.

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