Monday, April 2, 2012

Poem 122. Stories

There are two sides of paper one writes story of success and
Other writes of failures one tell me how hard did that person work
Before that one get chance to win have success inside our life and
Inside our world because getting success was never easy task in world
But on same paper on other side we read other story of failures
In which we can read about how hard that person tried to win but
Never manage to get success in this world after all inside our life
We have two stories which are part of our thinking and our world
But some one told me we must not read those sad stories about world
When we read some thing sad just sad memories are repeated inside world
Because on those paper those memories are some part which effects world
Those stories which are written inside those paper are some thing
Important and interesting for our world when we read we feel sad about
Those incidence some says that we must not read because they bring out
Sorrows of the world and they make you sad from heart and they hurt
On each and every part of world after all sorrows are some thing which
Will just stay apart of the world and they will give rise to entire future
Which will be sad beyond the world they say when we read some thing
We attracts wrong towards world and we have some sort of magnet inside
Our mind which attract negativity of whole world when I know it for first time
I was confused beyond the word after all I never saw any magnet which will
Attract any feeling in world I heard of just those magnet which attracts iron
So if I have some magnet inside me why don't I attract some iron in world
If you ask me I prefer to attract gold over iron because gold is some thing
Weakness for most person in the world so if I thought negative it will
Attract wrong sources inside our world now I thought that is really scary
For my thinking and for my whole world I was so scared to think that
Moment which I can't express in world but then suddenly I began to think
I began to think I will die next day it was worst feeling in the world but
Then when next day I was perfect I understood  no negative feeling can't
Have power to change my world after all our destiny is some thing which is
Properly given and written in our world we hardly ever make difference
In it at all in this world if I can change it just my thinking then every one
Will began to think just positively so if we avoid person who are talking
Negative could have stop our problems entirely but in our life on every time
It don't happen this way just change thinking never able to achieve big change
So in your life never think negatively just keep happy in every day because
It will give you peaceful thinking but never in life let you think that
Your future can be destroyed just due to your wrong thinking after all
Thinking is just process of your mind you need  to control it because it will
Take you ahead in life and due to that process you will make progress
In way of thinking on every moment you need your proper sort of thinking
So try to think positive but that don't mean you just hate every negative thinking
Just  reading stories of positive life will not help you in positive happening
Some times you even need to read some sort of negative thinking because
That thinking will also tell you about world and it's other concepts
While living because when ever we think we just feel that we need to keep
Negative news also as they are part of our life as any human being so
Inside our life we all need to keep negative thoughts and negative thinking
So inside your life never just avoid that negative thinking try to create
A proper ratio between thoughts inside our life about our future and thinking.

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