Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Poem 161. A story

                                               A story
Sometimes I think a story it turn out to be best and everything will go
Just as I thought and just as I guess everyone clap for me and I laugh
With my heart and I receive cup of success and I drink it like water which
Is needed for my body and needed for my heart after all success is something
Fully and totally rare we get it on limited times when we required it to be
Part of our life on each and every day so whenever on some story I get success
I feel happy about it in each and every day but every day is not nice nor every day
Can be that perfect we can get everything as a winner every time and we can't
Every time get success inside our life so on those occasions and on those time
My story don't seem perfect and I can't just get it right because those person
Want something different and I wrote something so different about life
When they wanted red colour I painted with white many sides of life so
I can understand I got it all wrong inside my life so I choose wrong thing
Which will always create wrong effect on person and their life because our future
Is something never perfect for our thoughts and life sometimes even if we do best
We got failed inside our future and our life after all in our life each time
We can't expect to get success to each and every story in our life so
Sometimes in life our work fail in life I feel sad about it but then I accept it
So inside my life I find some story inside our life so I accept that my story
Need efforts and it fail this time after all many times I have taught inside life
That failures are nothing big but just part of my life so I feel that inside life
When we fail it is feeling that may depress me for some days and some time
After all in life on each and every time when I fail I feel sad but after some time
I accept it because failures are like tides which just come and go out of life
But I just accept it in my life that once something turn into no I just want
It to be same way for our entire future and our life because every time
I see a no in my life I just throw that thing out of my future and out of my mind
Because turning back to that thing is not my style of mind once something is no
I want it to remain no in life because whenever it change I feel worst in my life
When someone reject something at first and then start to turn to yes I just feel
One question inside life why I was rejected at first then why suddenly things
Change inside our future and our life after all in life on each and every time
When someone says no first and then yes many questions arise they confuse
So much to my mind that sometimes I feel that no is better than this yes which
Comes inside our life after some time because every time I feel so scared by
These changes in life I just started searching for selfish motive that instead of work
Which I am doing in life work is no longer seem important for my mind because
Searching for those motives become question of death and life I know it is so
Wrong to think this way in life but still every time I find such a shocking thing
Suddenly things turn into wrong way for my life I known suspicion is wrong
But this whole world is of strange kind that sometimes we feel suspicion even
About our shadows in our life after all sometimes we see so wrong things in life
That even white become black for our eyes I just never understand when
We are happy in life then why those shadows of fear enter inside our thinking
And inside our life so on each time we feel suspicion of each and every side
Because somewhere in life our faith is nothing but just boat of paper inside life
So how easily our faith changes into some wrong colour in life after all in life
Every day is nice only I don't feel so many suspicion about many things in life
But they always says that precautions keep you alert in life but I think that
I have taken enough precautions so maybe I should trust some things in life.

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