Friday, April 20, 2012

Poem 167. The Horse

                                                  The Horse
When I see the horse it was riding on road and I feel it is like living
Our life because that rider jump up and down as that one pushed by horse
Horse can go as it wish but still rider have it's chord so rider ls so happy and pleased
When I saw it he was so sure that he had all control of that horse because
On his face I saw confidence that is great which tell me that he was pleased
That he could ride so nicely such big and strong horse after all that horse was
So healthy and fast it seems like it could jump with much  power and strength
That we feel that it can be talking to air so nice to feel that we have control on
Such strong thing and such beautiful thing as that horse how good it feel to have
Control on such horse our life is also something like that horse big and beautiful
When we have control on our life's part we can ride it as we wish from heart
And we can feel happiness inside our life and our heart after all life is something
Interesting in many parts so we can see many nice type of things and control them
Just with power of our thinking and our heart because that power is something
Perfect for our horse because that horse rides in perfect way on each part
When we see how graceful is way of riding of horse we just fall in love with horse
Same thing happen with our life when we saw it's beautiful part we just fall in love
With our life from our heart I can see on face of that man that person really care
For his horse because that one is not beating him he was just patting his horse
This is how we need to handle our life we need to pat it like that owner of horse
But mostly in life we can see many people who want to run properly their horse
So they just beat their horse because their horse needed to turn the way in which
They wish and they want so sometimes we act in so cruel way with our horse
Because we just want to go ahead and it should just the way we  want when we can
Get things in nice way we just want to act in rough way because we want to win
But it's not right and fair for a horse and it is not nice and fair even for our life
In any way we must understand that we should live our life with proper care just
Because we want to win we can't work on each day and night without caring for health
Or we can't force other people work for us as we want just because we got money
To throw in every day our life is something which must be treated with care and
We all need some nice thing in life because we want our life to become something
Perfect in each and every way that horse is precious to his owner and I can see
That his owner is going to take that horse with best care but one day that horse is going
To die in natural way so same apply to that owner and our life in every way
We are all going to finally one end but still some people just never understand
That life need proper use and proper care we can't just ignore life's need of peace
And happiness we must need some days to laugh without thinking about what is
Our future and what is our luck in every way we need to understand life is something
We must learn to enjoy on each day in normal way so in life we can treat it
Like that horse with nice grace because life can never act right way if we act with it
Totally wrong way just look at that horse and it's strength but that horse is in control
Because it is treated with proper care when we treat something with respect and care
We just have in return affection from that part mostly life returns that ways but
If that owner treat horse in wrong way it is easily possible horse may throw it's owner
Far away so in our life and in every way we just feel that our life is something
In our control on every day but if we treat it in totally wrong way don't feel shocked
If in return life will treat you in wrong way but we feel most shocked when we treat
Our life and everything in proper way still our life goes wrong way but then I remember
That some times something scare our horse away due to some factors even horse
Jump and get scare then ran away so even honest and best owner sometimes get
Treated totally wrong way because life also have effect of environment so I feel from
Heart that my life is something like that healthy horse which is running with air
And I will always pat my horse and treat it with respect I hope you will also treat
Our life in same way after all riding is what we suppose to do we are not running in race.

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