Thursday, October 23, 2014

Poem 1754. Broken pot

                                                                    Broken pot
When ever I see something so nice on every point I just feel that things should be stored on
That point of life but it is not possible on every angle of life but life never stop on that point
When those points goes ahead we feel sorrows from inside those sad feeling which will move
Ahead on each location will have some effect in life because those things will create some sort
Of effect on every side of life but that things will have those effect which will leading to that
Area of point after all those things will have impact on thoughts of mind but we just never want
To miss nice things in our life those things are turning on every point those thoughts are some
Sort of reaction on our life I feel those things that will have details on every point but then
Those things look so perfect and nice that are having effect on every point I just have one
Thought and feeling from inside that those impact which we have due to our life will have
Some effect on every point when nice things will move ahead with beautiful tide it all seem
So good for our life those things which are moving on every point look so excellent on every
Angle of life I just feel one thing from my mind that nice things will vanish on every point
With good luck in our life but when we see bad luck we just keep remembering those good old
Days of our life we just never understand when our days will move with tides of our life those
Things which are old seem so nice that sometimes instead of moving ahead we just keep sitting
On one place while remember old facts from our life those old facts which touch us on every
Point seem so confused to us in life those old things which will create impact on some sides
Of our life I feel they will have some good impact on our mind we need to move ahead with
Our positive thoughts in life we need to stop negative thoughts on that point but we are not
Even busy in negative thinking we are busy in just one fact of life which is living again our old
And precious sort of life those old facts which are creating effect on us at every point seem like
Some thing which will have strange sort of effect on our life old things are becoming alive on
Every point because we are living our old life which will have different impact on every point
We are living on every moment that part of our old life that old things seem to become so alive
We feel just one thing old things are leading us to that point where old things began to move ahead
In our thoughts on every point old life which we have left behind seem like some thing which
Look so moving on that point we just keep thinking old life will have some movement when we
Think about it in our life old life seem like some movement which will give some hope to our mind
But when we do this we just forget our life because old life is never alive on any point it is just
Some thing which is important in life that old life no longer seem like some thing which will have
Some effect on our mind but when we let that life just rule our mind we are standing on just one
Spot for entire time while world move ahead on every point we are standing on that angle of life
Where we can see many troubles of our life we just never understand what we feel from inside
Our life is moving in such a strange way that world will move ahead while we are standing on
One point we never understand value of world until it's movement start to move ahead in life
We just never understand any point of life which can tell us that we need to move ahead with
Those tides when sorrows enter we must not let our past capture our mind because beyond those
Sorrows there is happiness inside life those sorrows which are standing on those spot on every
Moment and point after one sorrows let those another thing to enter in life after all we just can't
Pretend we are living in past for some time because past is one thing which we suppose to leave
Behind we just can let that past enter in our mind but it never truly enter in our life what is already
Happened have happened behind we must need to learn one thing that we have to face today's
Change move ahead with today's tide of life because those pasts are having impact on every
Point in life when we move ahead past will remain in corner in life but sometimes by mistake
We just bring it in our center and that is trouble of life what ever happen once may it be good
Or bad in life but it must not become alive in our mind we just can't live in past because then
We never understand our future on any point people will just look at with shock because then
We are standing in unknown world of our life which is truly our world and past is standing on
Far behind so if you want to move ahead in life then first understand one thing that past is what
Happened behind just try to adjust with present then only you can understand life just living in
That past never let you learn that your future could be perfect and nice only if you try little hard
On some moment and on some point past is that pot which is broken and can't content water inside. 

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