Thursday, October 16, 2014

Poem 1741. Angel at door

                                                              Angel at door
When we heard some thoughts and voice we just feel one thing from inside that we can't
Ignore how hard may be that road on which we walk with that voice because some voice
Will just have that power inside it have that strength on every point but before you start to
Follow that voice I just have one advice from inside that never let that voice capture your
Thinking and mind before you know surely which is that voice but then I have now new
Shocking advice that if we keep judging may be we miss best angel in our life does our fear
Of devil should become so strong on every point that we just ignore angel with one precious
Hope that devil never enter in our life this things which are moving from one point to another
Point of life when angel will give some result then only we can understand them in life but
Until we don't try some one how can we understand angel on any point that fair and perfect
Sort of shine in life on every moment I just feel one thought from my mind that when I feel
Some one from inside that those voices which will have effect on mind when they are of
Angel then we need them in life so just being scared of devil never solve our problems in life
When we need two section in our life some are angels and some are devils on every point
We just never said it straight but we always feel one question from inside that why devil just
Enter in our life when we want and need just angel on every point but that just wrong thought
Of our mind we even need devil to understand goodness in life how complicated may it look
But it is truth of life when devil enters only then we learn to value angel inside life when devil
Attack only then we forget our pride and prejudice inside life and then only we go out to help
That angel which we know existed on whole time we never want to change our thoughts and
Our mind just because once we decide that we don't want to trust that person it become just
One stubborn thought on every point when we move ahead that person who is so perfect for
Our dreams and life just began to feel like trap of devil because we just don't want that one
To enter in our life angel is not trusted because we don't want to take risk in life and we just
Hope that problems will vanish if we ignore that angel and even if that one is angel we can
Always walk without angel's help in life so on that moment we need one devil in life which
Will teach us lesson that angel is needed on every point we can't ignore goodness on any point
And we are not good enough to spread alone goodness in world in life we just want to ignore
That nice angel because we are so scared that what we heard from sources can be truth of life
We really never care for truth we just care for one thing that is precious sort of feel from that
Thinking and that voice which tell us that we must not trust that angel on any point then we
Just need that devil to irritate us in life that devil tell us that we must stand together in one sort
Of tight circle and we must do that fight when we move ahead we no longer feel that much
Scared on every moment we feel just one thought again and again in life that we need to fight
Only if we can learn to it before devil enter in our life may be destiny stop entry of devil on
Every point but it is never going to happen because that is how never we walk in our life since
We are too careful we just stop angel and devil is too smart so never ask for our permission
When devil enter in life how funny or sad what you say is completely your choice it's up to you
How you take this life it is not your fault that you want to be safe in life but life is never that
Safe train which keep you safely inside and thinks safety comes first in life but it is that wind
Which blow every thing as per it's choice and never once think of results because it is nothing
But just fun which wind feel from inside we never know how good can it turn in life but we
Just keep guessing how many bad ways it can move in life when we move ahead we feel just
One wind which take away things in life we never understand that nice feel of wind which
Will fulfill our dreams of life we never understand good way of life on every point we just see
Those bad lucks which we can see in life so that angel is waiting on our door and we just
Hold angel to stop there in life and we don't know how to throw away devil from our house
On any point when they enter they mostly show their difference on start in life but still it seem
That we are so lost in our world that we hardly notice that difference in life in our eyes they
Are just two person who are unknown to us on every point who is asking for permission and
Who enter in secret way just never seem to matter when logic is worked with help of fear
Inside life we need to understand one thought that we are scaring without thinking some times
Life is not that hard if we let it move ahead slowly as per it's wish on some point just trying
To stop every good thing and taking it in so slowly is not really helping us that much inside life.

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