Sunday, October 12, 2014

Poem 1734. Some location in life

                                                            Some location in life
Some location will create impact on our life when in that area I saw in details on every point
I just have one thought from inside that some locations will look so beautiful on every angle of
My thinking in life those location seem to have nice look inside life that angle will have some
Interesting kind of effect on our life when we look at that location and find something so
Enchanting from inside but then worst sort thing began to happen inside our life when we move
Ahead inside life we just kept looking at that thing and it capture our thinking on every point
In every area it seem to be one truth of life that this enchanting beauty will give true effect to
Our future and life we kept understanding just that beauty on every point slowly that beauty
Will become one truth of our life we forget all thing and just remain involve in that beauty of life
It could be any thing a place, a hobby or a passion in life or it could some person in life but
Finally we get same result in life we get that thing fully for our future and our life we understand
That concept by heart on every point we just began to understand every area of our future and
Our life that location hobby,passion or person become something which is just perfect for us
In life but while doing that thing in life we forget all parts of this world which will create so
Many effect on our life we just need to ignore those parts on every time after all those parts
Are something which are important but when we just look at them it all look so wrong on every
Angle and every point those thoughts which touch us on every area of life will create that type
Of impact on every point those hobbies and those passions which we have in life look so wrong
On every angle of life we never need to move ahead on every point what we need is just one
Thought from inside that those location which we are concentrating look so great on every
Point but we forgot about other side we need to pay attention on that thing in life we need to
Make one thing perfect in life but never let yourself be alien from other things in life one skill
Is required that you must concentrate on one thing for limited time and then slowly divide your
Time in other things also in life sometimes you need to prove so just paying attention to one thing
Is demand of that time it will create that thing with full efforts on that time we need to do it
Because it is demand of that time but then slowly we need to look at others things also in life
But when this happen we feel so shock from inside because life is not that way that was before
We start to concentrate on one thing in life that thing or that passion is our power in life never
Once think that you have made mistake on concentrating on it at that time because it is not
Wrong on any point it was perfect and nice but life will also taught us on every point that when
Things will turn wrong on any point it is not because of our ignorance stop blaming yourself
On every point you need to move ahead in life it is not your mistake that when you are busy
In your thought world just manage to take wrong side it's just up to world when we suppose
To do our job in our life world just manage to destroy it in that limited sort of time we need to
Understand one thing from inside that when we move ahead on some point we just look at this
World on that time if world manage to create problem in our life then it is not our mistake but
We are always right since we have learn to understand our ways of life we need to move ahead
On that point we just can't change whole world as per our likes or dislikes on every angle
We need to understand every moment and every point because those points are creating so
Many types of impact on every angle of our life when we move ahead in our life I feel just
One thing from my mind that being busy in our world is not that good crime but when whole
World turn up side down it may seem like some crime but truth is that thought from inside
On every point I just feel one thinking from inside that in this world we see many things on
Every angle of life on which we feel many concepts of our life from inside that those hobbies
And passions are truth of our heart and mind we need to understand that we must spend on
Them some time or some part if something wrong happen during that time we just can't say
We are wrong in life world need perfect things on every point so for that we need to work
Hard on every point I know we can't get perfect but at least we can achieve our best in life
So we need to just look at one point to get that thing inside life that is need of our life and mind
If world goes wrong way during that time I feel just we can't change whole world even if
We were paying attention may be we can't change it in life so it's better that at least we got
What we wish from our heart on that point so we need to get that thing because we just can't
Help those people who can't help themselves in life that is concrete rule of world and our life.

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