Sunday, October 12, 2014

Poem 1733. Honesty in life

                                                                 Honesty in life
Can you feel in life on every point that thought tell you that you will not lose if you try honestly
That is one feeling which you cherish as human being some may say it never happen to you as
A human being it is jut your own dream but when that person say this we can see that person is
Not smiling inside life on every point that person never hold that kind of smile which touch our
Heart as well as mind so when that person took wrong way that person acted in wrong way
For entire life never get what we call pleasant type of smile on any moment and any point in life
That smile which touch our life never look so great on any point to that person because that
Person have forgotten that smile on every point after all that smile is that treasure which just
Give our life so different type of shine that is needed on just limited point inside our future and
Our life when we move ahead on every angle of life we feel just one thought from inside that
If that person never have such smile inside life how can that one value it in life on every moment
And on every point that one will think just one thought from inside that smile is not that much
Valuable for their life because they have never feel that pleasure of honesty from inside on every
Moment and on every point they just feel one thought that honesty is nothing but just one big
Burden for their life they feel it will never win because they have just never tried when faith is
Not on honesty then it will create different effect on us at every point I feel just one thought
From inside that those people will never understand honesty on any point they just feel that
Honesty is that thought which will give us that future which will shine on every point but it will not
Happen because honesty is not that easy to do on every time we feel just one thought from
Inside that honesty is that source of thought which may differ from one point to another point
Honesty is that thought which will may look different from one angle to another angle of life
But when we include it inside our life then we feel true meaning of that dream from our mind
It reflects those thoughts which are transparent like water in life we can see in that true reflection
From inside that honest sort of thought which will help us on every point after all honesty is that
Feeling which make us alive and our happiness no longer depend on our feeling from inside on
Some thoughts we see so many meaning from inside but when honesty is done we need to
Pay some price after all  honesty like dimond never comes cheaper in life when we first say
Words about honesty they will create impact on our mind we feel just one thought from inside
That honesty is that feeling which will create different look in life will not accepted by people
So easily in life we need to move ahead on every point with rejection of people since honesty
Is not appreciated as per our wishes from inside I feel one thing from inside that talent of our
Honesty which capture positive thoughts of our mind will not easily understood by people
Because they never feel that it is practical in life they say it is just our imagination like some
Tooth fairy of child since we never seen bad days we just don't understand honesty is that
Kind of jewel which will give us some shine when we start to move ahead but when we are
Told that we don't know world that much we just feel confuse again and again when we just
Start to move ahead honesty is that thought which touch us every day but for some people
It is just thought for other not for us on any moment we feel just one thing on every moment
That honesty is that thought which will give us shine on every point we feel just one thing
From inside that honesty is that concept it will become pure on every point in our life but
Then honesty is that thinking from inside which was so important in life after all that honesty
Is that thought which have positive type of thinking on every point so then I feel one thing
From inside that feeling which will look so great on every point but then honesty is that value
Which is so precious inside life but it means moving alone inside life so being alone will turn
Into some sort of truth of life but then those things are truth of life honesty will give lonely
Beginning inside life but just trust our heart on that point slowly we find that we are always
Alone in life before accepting honesty people pretend they are just with in life they want just
To share rewards not our life so we need to move ahead on every point that honesty will then
Create impact in life but just wait for some days and time we will see that honesty is that
Value which we truly need from inside and slowly more people will enter inside life so that
Honesty is positive shine of life so then honesty will remain always part of our life but for
Owning that valuable jewel of honesty we need to move ahead alone for some time then
Only we get true friends inside with honesty true friends enter like free games on every point.

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