Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Poem 1750. Claiming one thought

                                                            Claiming one thought
When I say something I just want it to say sometime not to think too much about it in life but
That never happen in life our each word become something big on many point because when
We say something people are listening with too much attention in life it doesn't matter what are you
 A famous or just person from roadside people even manage to criticize a child I have just
Understood when I did that myself in life how easily we manage to change ways in world on
Every time we tell every one not to talk about other people in life but we just can't keep quite
When we see some naughty child we may give lot of excuses but truth is that we just talk about
Some one on that point people just don't do things in life talking is their only strong point of life
And make every thing by it in life we just never able to guess how should we defeat that person
In life whatever may other say I just understood one thing when some one's talking become
Worship for people in life we must not cross it because Galileo have taught us truth will not win
With harsh approach in life we just had to adjust on sometimes because some people talk so
Nicely that they become god in people's eyes but question that next comes in life is that how
Can we move ahead in life on any point when we all know that telling others their mistakes is
One mistake of our own life but sometimes on some point we just have one thought from inside
That how can we convince our side if we don't show other people their mistakes in life we just
Try to scream and try to convince those people on every point those thoughts and those points
Will create wonderful effect on our life I just feel one thing from inside that when things will
Move ahead on every point but only with one thought that capture our mind seem to take us
Ahead on every angle of life just with one thinking from inside that when things move ahead
Then we want them to look so different inside our life with logic we just want to plan of our life
But things never seem to go as we like because logic is one thought which is far away from
Others mind so our logic and explanation will become just one useless thing for our life we just
Never want to move ahead on any point we want in this world to understand every area of life
Which tell me just one thought from my mind that when things move ahead with choices in life
We need to move them to that angle of life where we can see somethings with concrete proof
In life but people just never want to hear our voice because they feel that we are just criticizing
Their choice sometimes to correct their mistake people need some time and some times people
Just do some mistake for entire life in both cases we just can't improve them in life so why
Should we get so much involved in their mistake and make it misery of our life instead of that
May be we should move ahead from side I know it is true that we should have to fight for
Injustice every time but sometimes time seem to move against us in life so what is use of
Arguing on that point when people have already decided their mind we can move ahead with
Just our thoughts and mind we can't just change them in life and our advice just become nonsense
For their closed minds on every point I have just one thought from inside that sometimes even
Good advice will look bad for our future and life those advises which seemed like such a big
Problems for our life because they are creating different sort of effect on every point which
Are just damaging our mind when people abuse us regarding our advice suddenly every thing
Turns absolutely wrong for our life so may be we should not interfere on every time for justice
Inside everyone's life on each point we have one thought from inside that things will move in
That direction which we want to look great on every point because  directions are confusing
On many area of our life they are leading to many sections of our life where we see darkness
On every point those hopes of light are nothing but just nonsense of our life those thoughts
Which may help us will look so difficult to understand in our life I feel one thought from inside
On every point I have just one thinking from my mind that logic were far behind that we just
Can't touch them on any point of our life when we move ahead in life those things seem to
Turn wrong way in life since those logic are something which are too wrong for our life
Since people don't believe us we feel that abuse is just one gift of our life those people are
Never going to understand us from our mind on every point I feel one thing from inside that
When people move ahead we need to find some good concepts for our life but sadly they
Are limited to just us in life like that star which is favourite to us in life we watch it on each
And every night while people just keep ignoring that star for entire life because it is just precious
To our thoughts and mind for others they are nothing valuable in life we must not ignore them
Because others ignore them in life since they are our best claim of wonderful future inside life
So just like that star let us claim that wonderful thought just for us from this point and spot.

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