Friday, October 17, 2014

Poem 1744. Useless treasure

                                                                 Useless treasure
Treasure is something which is important on every point it will differ in life from one person
To another person on every point after all those treasures which will be stored in our mind
Will create different effect from one person to another person in life those treasures which
Will have effect on our life I feel just one thing from inside that those treasures which are
Different parts of our life will differ on every moment as per our thoughts of our mind we
Need to move ahead on every point treasure will create effect  in life those treasures
Which we see on one place and they are special to us on some point will not be that much
Good when we move ahead in our life and stood before another person in life when treasure
Enter in our world that treasure is that thought which help me on every point I feel just one
Thing from my mind that treasure is some thought of our mind which will look so good to
Me inside my life after all treasures are those things which will look great to us on every
Moment and point I feel we need to understand what is treasure for some person when
We went ahead in life I have just one thought from inside that treasure have those many things
On every point I feel one thing from inside that treasure should have that thing which that
Person like inside life it would differ from one point to another point after all those things
That are part of our life will have included treasures inside life when in life I see many things
Which look so perfect inside life those treasure will look good to that person on every point
On every angle of life after all those treasures are precious sort of things which will
Surely give happiness from inside those treasures will look so nice on every point because
Those treasure will create effect on every point those treasure will look so good on every
Point inside life those treasure will look so interesting inside life then I have one feeling on
Every point that from one person to another person will have some impact on person's
Future and life because those things which leading us to bright point are something which
We think from our mind when we move ahead on every angle of life treasures that look so
Good for our world will have some effect on every point I feel one thought from inside that
Treasure will be great when it have those things which suit us in life those things will differ
On every angle of life so we can't be sure which sort of treasure we need from inside I feel
Just one thought on every point that those treasure will have some sort of value on every point
Of life because those treasure will have effect on our mind because they will have some good
Concept on every point but then those treasure will have those things which will look so
Great on every point but when those treasure differ how can we store them in life because
Those treasure will have some effect on every point because treasures are those things
That will hurt us on every point when we store them and people just don't like it inside life
Those precious sort of things which will impact on every point will look so great on every
Point in life but then those different things will create treasure inside life but then
When things move ahead inside life but those things will differ on every point because those
Things have effect on our life those treasure which are part of our life doesn't look that much
Good on every point because those treasure will look so great on every point with this sort
Of treasure will create some good effect on life I have some thought from inside those sort
Of things which are special in life should not differ on every point we feel one thing from
Inside our life that treasure will have some impact on our life but every treasure will have
Some sort of effect on our life but in case of those things we just never know which will be
Good to store in life but then when I went ahead on every point then I see just one thing from
That treasure are those things which will have some effect on life but when those treasures
Are our thoughts then they will create effect on our mind when I will move ahead in life I feel
Treasures are great gift in every point I feel one thing from inside that treasures are thoughts
Which will differ from every point in life so even treasure will differ from one point to another
Sort of point some thoughts are good for us and some thoughts are bad for our life when
We move ahead on every point we just feel one thing from inside that some thoughts are so
Good and precious in life while other thought will differ on some point some are good while
Some are bad for life after all those thoughts which are so important inside life have some
Impact on every point treasure have included thoughts on every point but like things even
Some thoughts are rejected inside life so when we move ahead on every point think once
Again on every thought in life I feel that may it be things or thoughts in life because then
I can see one thing from inside some thing are treasure for us and rejected in others life
So we always need to accept it in life that some thoughts are those treasures which will have
Some effect on our life because they will differ from person in life so always remember
One thing from inside that some of our precious treasure are useless for some person in life.

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