Thursday, October 2, 2014

Poem 1718. Creating one plan

                                                                Creating one plan
Once again in life I just can't guess thing my plan doesn't work as I wish it to work and
I felt it will be good for every human being this is what we think inside life when we do things
We just feel one thing that we are doing favor not to us but to each and every human being
From inside of mind we feel just one thing that we have done every thing just for world and
We are doing anything just for us as a human being but inside this life it is totally wrong thought
Or thinking on every moment I feel just one thing that those plan which I have made in life
Are not for whole world but just for me as human being we never accept one thing that how
Good may be our thought but our first motive is to achieve things for us as a human being
When we move ahead in life on every thinking I just feel one thought from my mind as human
We all think we are doing best for other in life we just never accept that we always wish for
Our own good inside but I never feel that is crime but when we do something totally wrong
For our own profit inside life and we just harm others on every point we need to think just
One thought from inside that what are we doing inside our life because we all plan to do good
Not just for us but for whole world on every point but sometimes we just don't manage to do
That much good inside life because those things which are leading us ahead on every point
Will look so perfect inside life I just never able to guess what I feel from inside but one thought
Surely touch my mind those plans which I made inside life are not going ahead as per my
Thinking on any point I feel one thing from inside that those plans are good one in my eyes
But every one have different view on every point and every one want different things before eyes
So when we move ahead in life we just feel one thing from inside that those plans which are
Created by us inside life never look that much good on any point my plans will not work as
I feel from inside because those plans are created with different thoughts on every point those
Things which are having effect on my life are always turning in different way inside our life
That plan which we have created inside life will look different on every point those feelings
That touch us on every angle of life will make our life good and alive but those works which
We do it in life no longer seem that much great on any point we feel just one thought from
Inside that human being are so precious to us in life but still we are harming them in life with
Just one hope that we are doing best for them on every point those thoughts which awake us
In life are telling us on every point that we must on our plan because it is best for our life
But only if we understand from inside that our plan is not taking us ahead on life but it is just
Managing to hurt us on every point that plan which will show us true light will be the one
That have good look on every point because when some people are so against it then we need
To adjust with our plan and create it with different style because when that plan is set in that
Perfect way in life I feel that we have made mistake of including our personal benefit inside
That plan which was once so good will look totally wrong on every point just because of
Those personal views on some point that plans which are created by us inside life are having
Different type of thinking on every point I just feel that I need to create such a plan in life
Which will look interesting on every point because when that plan will look wrong in life
Then I feel other will never accept it in life so may be some part of that plan is regarding me
And that creates problem every time because ego is something which every one have inside
That personal things don't let us change our plan but if we want to achieve something then
We must need to change plan inside life so that plan which will have effect on life then I feel
Just one thought from inside that when life move ahead with it we feel one thought that our
Plans are confused on every point those thinking which touch us in life have different reaction
On every point those plan which will lead this world to positive side should be made on many
Moment and on every point I feel one thinking from inside that plans are made in such a way
That we need to understand those plans from every point we need to understand when our
Feeling enter in that plan and when those feeling are far away in life because those feelings
Are managing to harm our plan sometimes and sometimes they make that plan is winner inside life
Because we put our thoughts and feeling in limit we are winner inside life but when we cross
Those limits that plan just talk about us and others were just ignored from that plan on every point.

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