Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Poem 1749. Standing with advice

                                                         Standing with advice
When we just wrote without thinking how easy is every point but when we feel some one is
Listening suddenly every thing become biggest try we just don't act as we want to act then 
We just pretend to every one what we never have inside when we act that way we are just 
Managing to confuse our mind on every point I feel that when other began to care on some
Moment and point because we just never thought from our mind as we use to think before 
Inside life we just never let our life flow as per our choice we feel that restriction on our thinking
And our mind when we think again and again in our life we just think too much and then words
Began to jumble so much that meaning seem nothing worthy to understand in life when life is
So easy to understand on some point but how hard it is on other area of life when we said it
With one thought that is to protect some one in life but sometimes same trick become misery
Of life but when we do something with hope of good we need to keep patience in life we just
Never want to stop looking some thing from inside but then some times we have to keep away
For our good that thing because some times just getting is not right in life about some thing 
We need to forget sometimes our need and have  according to good of that thing sometimes
In our thoughts and in our thinking we will manage to confuse every area of our mind and 
Our thinking because sometimes our advice are just for others good then they manage to hurt
Our thoughts and our feeling but they are also life's necessary sort of thing on every point I have
Just one thought in my thinking that when I advise some one I must think just good of that person
Not about my own feeling I have just one thought that those thinking which tell me that it may
Hurt me in future should stop it's thinking after all how selfish can be our thinking on every point
At least we should not advice some one which is not about our thinking but some people just 
Never understand it from their heart on every point and on every thinking I just have one sort of
Thought and feeling that when I listen to that person I just feel one thing why don't that person
At least quit advising any one as human being because when you advise some one in view with
Just of own benefit that doesn't seem like act of human being after all needy should not be at 
Least used by us for our winning but it is not what always happen in life to human being we just
Have one thought and thinking that when we told something we are just advising not forcing to
Act that way to human being but that is like dark cloud say that it is not their mistakes that 
It started raining we should blame it all lightening we can give as many as excuses we want 
As human being but one thing is true that we all know that we are responsible for each and 
Every crisis when we advise wrong thing we must not just quit in middle of that drama which
Is started in life but some people seem to think it is not crime but I hate when some one act
That way as human being because I have kept my hopes on many human being may you say
That it is like betting on horse on some points for our mind and as human being it is not that
Much right for our thinking we just never understand that point and that thinking I have just 
One thought on every point that things will not move ahead as per our thinking may be we 
Need to run instead of betting on some other horse on some point we must just give advice
To other human being we need to act on our own advice when we start to move ahead in life
We need to start moving ahead on each point with our advice may other move ahead in life 
With them but we need to stand with them on every point just giving advice and running away
In life is something which will have some impact on every point of life we can move ahead 
On every point of our life because those thoughts are that advice which will have impact on
Some others life and they are human not just something on which we can bet our life we need
To understand in our life we need to act like human on every point and for it we need to think
Like human that will have kind soul inside may hard times have harden our soul many times 
But still that kind soul need to be alive on every point of our life because kindness is that sort
Of thinking which keep our heart fresh and alive then give us happiness on every point since
That thought which touch our mind look so great on every point then why should we stand
With them when we give them as advice never just run away after giving advice it is not right
When you give one may it be wrong or right just stood with it all time because being wrong 
Is not crime but running away is wrong every time it will always lead to lot of problems on
Every moment and point those right ways will give correct light to our life on every point in life.

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