Monday, October 20, 2014

Poem 1747. Same light

                                                                      Same light
That same light you have inside is just same thing which I feel from my mind you have same
Wish and thought from inside but our hopes never manage to stand together because we are just
Confused on every point we all wish same thing but still we are not on same side because we never
Understand what other feel from our mind or sometimes we think that we are not that thing which
Others prefer and like that is our mistake of our life we all hope for same wish and for same light
But still we are too confused while demanding things in life our hopes are those things which are
Our true light we want to keep them high on every point but sometimes we just feel so confused
At every thought of our mind that our hope become just one thing which we hate from our mind
Our each moment in this life become just something which we never feel something we like it happen
Just because we are too scared to even hope for that thing which is our right since every one told us
We are not that much great our hopes become something which we must not keep in our mind on
Every thought we feel just need of that mind which is so good as well as perfect for our life but
We never once thought what will happen to us in life when our hope will vanish just due to our
One thinking that we must not hope in life those moment which took us on wrong point just manage
To tell us one thing that we are not right our hopes are those thoughts which are true diamonds of
Our future and life but they never make any sense when we keep them inside our mind and they are
So locked that they become just treasure not something which we use in life we need to understand
Just one thought from inside that this light which look so great is not that much great on every point
It is just one thought which will have some light feeling for life and it is just one thinking which will
Show us many perfect way to deal with problems in life we need to understand on every point just
One and same wish you have inside but we are standing on far away sides because we are so scared
To disappoint each other because we just never understand our mind we never understand what other
Feel will not matter that much when truth enter in life when we understand our faults and accept them
Then we can win in life but what we don't understand that is just our one thought from inside that
This light or this hope which we have inside just seem to shine on every point just hoping again and
Again one thought from inside that we need light will just manage to help us on every point we never
Understand our hopes are same until we understand we need to be brave in life because only brave
Person can get what they hope from inside those who scared of things just remain on that point and
It will be like that letter which remain unread always in life when we move ahead with each other
On every point we can see just hope because then we are not scared of disappointing others in life
We never understand our feeling on any point we just feel one thing that our life will move ahead
Step by step with each hope of shine because you are not scared of failing and I will not be scared of
Failing any more in life since two loser can enjoy a perfect life all those people who want to be just
A winner can run that race on every point but some times losing seem more graceful when things
Are so wrong that you feel you must need to take some steps which will make you loser of life
I am scared of shadow same way may be you are in life but one thing is so sure that we need to
Understand one thing in life just hiding in shadow and staying under mask will not help us that much
In life we need to move ahead from one point to another point it may be struggle but still we need
To understand just standing in shadow will not help us that much in life we are far away from
Our thinking and from our mind when we are hiding and scared to see what is before us in life
We need to understand one thought from our mind that we can move ahead step by step in life
But our thinking will not help us that much in life when we keep pretending that we need to move
Ahead for that light on every point that light will shine only on that point when we need to move
Ahead and approach each other with some hope of perfect life our need of life is that we need to
Store happiness on every point we need to understand that being loser is something people decide
For us and not god in our life we can move ahead happily when we act in right way in life on every
Way we just feel one thought from inside that this hope which we have can prove false but still
We need to do one thing we must work together and try that thing in life some lights are made by
That god in such way that they are always worth trying at each step we need to try that light and
On each point we need to go ahead with pleasant thought of life when we move ahead our heart
Will manage to beat on every point just with one hope that we need some thing perfect and peaceful
Inside our life we need to walk with hope of success on each point but sometimes success become
A dream which we can't achieve in life our every step becomes a hard task for life on every point
We feel just one thing from heart and from inside that we need to move ahead slowly step by step
In our life when our hope in our heart will manage to shine we just know one thing that we can't
Manage to give up so easily on good thing in life but question is that which one of us will become
Brave and face that wind which scare us with force in life and that is hardest question without
Any proper answer for our life we want to move ahead with just one hope of shine but we never
Did it since it will scare us on every point so that same light kept just shining inside our heart on
Each and every point without much hope to get some chance to move ahead but we must do it in life.

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