Sunday, June 1, 2014

Poem 1505. Small work in life

                                                            Small work in life
How nice it seems when you start something new how nice it seem when you win some thing
Which will give you perfect type of view how nice it may seem when things get confuse just to
Get things as we want for us to look but how hard it began to seem when some one point finger
At us and how hard it will seem when world stood against us on every moment and on every point
I just feel one thing from my thoughts and my mind on every moment I just feel that nice is not
Word which is enough for my thinking and for my each view I just feel one thing that beautiful is
That thing which will look so perfect on every thought and every view how nice it may seem but
We have one feeling with each view that things will look nice when we have interesting thoughts
As well as my views but then after some times you just know may be there is also other side of
Winning which may be due to that you have to take that thorn which was emptied because you have
Expressed and convinced your views have you ever in life thought that may be you will have to
Handle inside life on every point those things which are so precious inside life so then I feel just
One thing from my mind that those views which are something important inside life I have one
Thinking from every point that those words which will look so good to our life because we are
Telling truth on every point but when we are telling truth we just have one thought from inside
That just telling right thing is not enough inside life you have to set it proper after some time
Because when you claim that other person is wrong people want you to make it right for them
In life and it is not their mistake and it is not their fault on any point because when we have
Those views which look good to them on every point those things which are so precious in life
They feel that then we must have what we know right for them in life so when we move ahead
On every point we just can't criticize to some one on every moment and on every point because
It is easy job but if we manage to throw that person what will we do on next point those things
Which will win us on every point are giving us responsibilities in life so then I feel one thing from
My thoughts and my mind I feel just one thing from inside that dream which will important in life
On every point those things which are so special on every point I feel that thinking will look so
Right inside our life but that views which are so precious to life should also have future planning
Inside life those thinking which are important in life will look so perfect on every point but then
When some things which turn in right way for our life will look so good can't be just for challenging
Person in life they should be look so perfect inside life just saying things against people will not
Make us winner in life I just have one thought from inside some thing new will have some sort
Of thinking on every point but question is that which thinking will look right on every point I just
Feel one thought from my mind that those new thinking which are touching my mind are not
Going ahead as per my thinking on every time I just feel that many times I just say things because
They are truth and right I just never thought that people want me to tell them what is right way
To deal with things in life we all know what is wrong because we can see it in life but what is
Right that is one question I will never able to get answer of which inside life on every moment
I just feel one thought from inside that searching for right way is hardest task of life on every
Point and on every moment I just feel one thought from my mind that winning is so important
In life but not just winning is enough for our life on every point I feel we can win but then we
Need to find some people who can understand things in life when we start to move ahead in life
We just feel one thought from inside that just by telling some one is wrong in life we can quit
Our duty but that doesn't happen in life because after that we have to show others how to make
That thing right people expect us to lead them in proper way of life just by fighting with one
Person we don't win inside life we have to find true ways of our nice and perfect life so when
We will move ahead in life we just feel one thought from inside that those who are winner just
Don't get prizes inside life they also get responsibilities in life so whenever we decide to criticize
I feel we must need to find proper way of life we just have to tell people which way will right
That doesn't mean we need to spoon feed man kind we can just tell them their responsibilities
On some points and then if they do it then we have to show some good ways of life but I just feel
One thing from inside if people do their small work in good way inside life then people just never
Need to show ways in life because best way in life is to do your job properly in life and if you
Do that work then you can get success and happiness within just few months inside your life.

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