Thursday, June 5, 2014

Poem 1513. Guess of heart

                                                           Guess of heart
On every moment and on world's every part I just feel one thing from my heart those things
Which touch our soul are something mostly different than what we guessed from heart because
Our heart is not telling us any truth on any part I feel just on every moment that beat of heart
Which will make me happy on every part which will touch that smile which is precious to my
Thinking and my heart I just can't able to guess which book or which thing can give me that
Thrill or that thinking that heart will tell me it want some thing is mostly manage to confuse my
Thoughts and thinking only I can clearly know what I want from my heart but it never happen
As per our thoughts on any part I just feel one thing from my heart that I want something which
My heart suggest really wanted by my heart I feel those things which are precious to my thinking
On every part are not going ahead or touching my heart I feel those different things which are
So important to my life's every part are just managing to hurt me inside my heart because I just
Never able to guess what is right for me at first sight always there are mistakes on each time
Our guide confuse us and our judgement began to look wrong in life so then I feel just one
Thing from my mind that those guess which I will make in my life will look so wonderful on
Each and every time I just feel that guess work is impossible job of life that job will look so
Nice on every point but then I feel that guess may turn wrong on some time after all those things
Which are some thing very nice in life I feel one thought from my mind that guessing that
What is right for our heart will manage to always hurt our thinking and our mind on every point
We feel that those guesses of world will look so different on every point because when we guess
We just went by emotions and beauty from outside and when we see that we are wrong on
First moment and on first time I just feel one thing from my mind that I need to find some way
To get things as per my guess in life but all this time I just think one thing what I think from
Inside of my mind on every point those guesses which we made are confusing my thoughts
And my mind because when other people enter in picture I know that it is not like selecting
Book for reading in life because those books are just selected by me to entertain my mind but
Those books are something precious for bringing happiness to our mind because we have just
One thought from our mind that they should be perfect for our choice so if they turned out
To be wrong we just decide to throw them out of our life but in case of other things it is not
That easy for our life because we need to decide that other things are also part of other people's
Thoughts and life because those things are not for just us other also start getting involved
In that part of life so we have to decide should we go ahead as per our wish because those
Thing will have different effect on life I feel just one thought from inside that those things which
Truly belonged to us could be guessed by us in life but those things which don't belong to us
Can't be decided by us on every time because those things which are so important to us on
Every point I feel one thing from my mind this guess is something which will look so good
For our life when we do it just for us because then we can change them after some time
Because those guess which look so good for our thinking in life will not look that good when
It will began to change things on every point so then I feel one thing from my mind that those
Thinking which will have worst effect can change our mind we can change them from life
But when we guess thing which should be choose by all because to look so wrong on every
Moment and point we need to understand but they feel one thing on every angle of life
Because on every moment and on every time I feel just one thing from my mind that guess
Is one thing we make on every point inside life I have one thought on every point but then
I feel one guess on every point those guess will having bad effect on every point I just feel
One thing from inside that guess which look so nice on every point will have different effect
On every point of life that guess is some thing so different and wrong on every point so
I feel one thought from my mind that guessing one job which I need to do inside life but
Then guess will be so wrong on every point I feel one thought from inside that guess which
I have made inside life due to need of that moment and need of that time so when I began to
Guess that thing on some point so I just began to guess in life after all those guess will not
Work so easily in life so we have to just guess something nice on every moment and every time
Sometimes it will look good and sometimes it will look so wrong on every point of our life.

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