Thursday, June 12, 2014

Poem 1525. Wrong concepts

                                                            Wrong concepts
On one time one thing seem so perfect in life but same thing will look so wrong when we
Start to watch it on another time how easily we manage to confuse our mind how can we get
So easily convinced by wrong things in life just because we are not mature enough and we
Are not that much wise how easily people manage to fool us in life it is so common to be fooled
Inside life but question is that how long will we be fooled by those things in life on every moment
And on every time we just feel one thought from my mind I feel one thing from inside life but
Still for that limited things inside life I feel one thing from my mind that those months which are so
Important inside life I feel one thing from my mind that for long time I have just one feeling
From inside that those months which are so important inside life those long time will look so
Totally wrong inside life I feel one thing from my mind that those facts are something which
Will look so different on every angle of life I feel just one thing from my mind that those
Days and months in life which will look so wrong on every angle of life when we move ahead
I feel just one thing from inside that those period which are so interesting inside life but then
After some points I feel one thing from inside that those times which are so important in life
I feel one thing from my mind but then these period in which we are fooled inside life but then
I just remember it in life on every moment I feel that this period which should be wrong on
Every point inside life I feel one thing from inside that if those things are just for limited time
Because if those things are for limited period then it will look so wrong on every point I feel
One thing from inside that those things which are something which should stay for limited
Moment and time on every moment if we just kept those feeling alive then I feel one thing from
Inside that those things would go to different directions of life because when we believe it for
Too long time it is like poison which will spread on every angle inside our life I feel just one
Thing from inside that this poison will be seen on every part and every area of life because
When wrong concept spread for long time it feel that things are turning in wrong way for
Our life those things which touch my thoughts and my mind will tell me on this from inside
So then I feel one thing from inside that those things which stay with us for long time seem
To have effect on us every time I feel one thing from mind that if we get fooled for long time
I just feel one thing from my mind that those things which are wrong should not stay with
Us for long time so then after long time those wrong thoughts which are nice inside our life
I feel one thing from inside those things which are so important in life because they will look
So wrong on every point because they will take us wrong on every point inside life but then
When things moved ahead in life I just feel one thought from my mind that those things which
Will look so different on every point I feel one thought from my mind that going in different
Directions inside life I feel just one thought from my mind that when things went in wrong
Way inside life I feel just one thing from inside that those wrong thoughts which use to take
Our thinking on wrong point will look so wrong on every moment of life I feel one thing
Then those right things will turn in wrong way inside life because we have believe in just
In right concept inside life those things which once use to take us ahead on every point seem
To turn in wrong direction in life I feel just one thought from my mind that wrong thoughts
Will confuse my mind and they will take me in wrong place in life it happen to every one
Inside life but what is our future is depend on how we move away from that wrong concept
Inside life if we stay on that same concept for long time then we start destructing our basic
Nice things inside life on every moment we just feel one thing from our mind that those
Things which look so perfect on every point will look wrong if we keep wrong concept
In our life so just never let your ego control your mind when you feel that you are standing
On wrong side just confess it inside your life after all those concepts which will look so
Good for our life can't wait in line for long time because they are creating basic inside life
I feel one thing from inside that those things which are nice for our life but those wrong
Concepts of life should not stay for that much long time on every point inside life I feel one
Thing from inside never let wrong concept rule you in your life because they are destroying
Some thing for our life wrong concepts will manage to hurt us on every point inside life
So keep them in limit and just for limited life after all mistake are not that big thing just a small
Things in life if you turn back before you hurt or damage other people beyond limit in life.

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