Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Poem 1511. Speed in life

                                                               Speed in life
From first time in life I just feel one thought from my mind that I am not doing any thing just
People are doing it for my life I feel one thing from inside that I just can't able to do that thing
In life after all those things which will move ahead on every point I have one thought one thing
From inside that I can't get things done on every moment and on every point but I just still feel
One thing from inside that if I can't able to do that thing then how can I win in life I want to move
Fast on every moment and on every point so I want every success to become part of my life on
Every moment I just feel one thing from my mind that those things which are taking me ahead
In life are moving ahead so fast on every time I just feel one thing from my mind that those things
Which look so good to us in life should be included inside our life when we move ahead I feel
Just one thought from my mind that I want to move fast on every day of life but life just don't
Give that speed which I carve from inside life just don't give me that strength which I feel from
My thoughts and my mind on every day and on every point I feel that I want to move ahead on
Every moment inside life I feel just one thought from my mind that those things which are
Happening inside life are about going ahead on every point I feel one thought from my mind
That those things which are turning in wrong way of life on every moment I feel those false
Thoughts from inside that I can't move ahead as I wish on every point I have to go slow if it is
Decided by life on every moment and on every point I just have one thought from my mind
That going slow is some rule which manage to hurt on every point but still that rule is something
Which will always stay with us in life when I will decide to move ahead on every point but it will
Always move slow inside life on every moment we just feel one thing from our mind that we
Need and want fast speed and still we don't get it in life on every moment I feel that I just don't
Want to move ahead in life because those things which will took ahead on every point will seem
Like something which create problem on every point I want to move ahead on every point but
Still I feel one thing from my mind that I want to move slow then I want to move fast inside life
Because I just want success so when people tell me slow will win then I feel that I will move
Slow on every point but then some one told me that we move fast then you will win in life I feel
Just one thing from inside those things which are so precious inside life I feel one thing from
Our thinking inside life I feel just one thing from inside that fast and slow will not make much
Difference inside life success will be some thing which will look so different on every point
Because slow and fast will have impact on every point I feel just one thing from my mind but
Then I feel that slow as well as fast things will not matter that much inside life because then
I feel one thought from inside that slow moment and fast moment inside life I have just one
Thing from my mind that fast and slow moment will achieve success on every point but then
Fast and slow moments will have side effects on every point I feel one thing from my mind
That if we move with slow speed we just feel so scared on every point that success will not
Visit us on some times but how will success visit us is one question that will enter in life on
Every point I feel just one thought from my mind that slow things will look so great on every
Moment inside life if some one promise success for us on some point but that will not happen
When we move slow in life so slow will always manage to scare us in life but then that slow
Moment will look so wrong just because we don't want to move ahead inside life slowly on
Every moment and on every point because it will include that suspense in life which will manage
To hurt us on every point I feel just one thing from my mind that those slow moments will
Manage to hurt us on every moment in life I feel just one thought on every point that those
Movement which touch me look so wrong on every point I just feel one thing from my mind
That slow movements are always worst because they need patience in life we feel one thought
That hurt us on some points that it is better to fail than just keep waiting on every point in life
On every point I just feel one thing from my mind that waiting become like failing in life so
I just feel one thing from my mind that I just don't want to wait in life because that thinking
Will fail even pleasure of winning in life because we are totally depressed by the time we win
Inside our life on every moment and on every point because winning will make us more useful
In life but only when we learn to accept it with smile not with thought that it come too late in life
So may be we need speed more that winning in life and that is sad truth of our thoughts and mind.

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