Monday, June 16, 2014

Poem 1532. Candle of hope

                                                                 Candle of hope
Those beautiful lights of different kind will have different effect on life those light which
Touch us on every point will have different side of impact inside life because those light
That are having so different meaning on each point some are so bright and some are so light
But still in some way they all seem nice because sometimes we want sun to shine bright but
Sometimes we need just one small candle light we need different things so each light have
One meaning inside just never say you prefer one of them in life because after some days I am
Sure  people will find you using another light because destiny never have understanding and
It is never that much easy for us in life when we say we don't want one thing destiny will
Include it on next moment inside life those lights which we see in our life will always have
Different type of meaning on every time those lights which will shine on different points are
Something which touch our thoughts and life so when we say we don't one sort of light then
Destiny may prove totally otherwise because we are just puppet on chain which controlled
By some one else in life those lights which touch our thoughts are something which will have
Impact on us every time but one thing is so sure that I never accept it in life I just want to
Get things as per my likes and dislike I just feel from my heart when I want candles to shine
How can wind just manage to blow them in life and then when I shut window to keep them
Properly in life that windless room feel like prison to me on sometimes so I can dream of
Candle but truth is some different on many points no one can enjoy each part as they prefer
And they like if you want to live with your terms then you need to keep nature far away sometimes
And you need light you candle and use technology to give coolness in life you just can't have
Nature as per your life so when you dream of candle near sea shore and with just nature it seem
So hard to keep them alive so you have choose one thing that is with your choice what you
Really want from heart is it your wish or what nature provide in life just trust on one thing
My friends both the things are nice but if you start counting on negative both the things will
Have list of them in life we can't have every thing that is rule of life because we are not alone
In world there are many people who need things in life so we can have something that will
Look nice and we can get some thoughts which will give us sun shine but some thoughts are
Like nightmare and every choice will have them in life if you forget candle you can always enjoy
In sea shore with wind a perfect time but if you want candle then you can adjust in that room
Which will manage to keep them alive nothing is wrong in your world if you learn to decide in life
Just never do one thing that sit on some sea shore and keep lightening candle and keep screaming
That it should stay that way in life because then you are doing biggest mistake in your world
That you have manage to hurt every one who is near you and hoped to enjoy that time those
Moment which you mean to enjoy in life should be spend in just a way that other person should
See on your face that perfect smile no one care for candle people just want happiness in life
So just choose one thing that will stay with you on that time and try to learn another thing that
You have adjust in life not for others but for your happiness inside life because when you scream
You just get sorrows and tears in life just keeping ambitions will not make you winner in life
You have adjust them with those happiness which will bring light and for it you need to understand
That in life frustration will just lead to problem people want happiness not perfect things in life
And those want them perfect never wanted them in life because no one can do every thing as
Perfect and right as we see them in picture on every time because in life no one is perfect and
When people just don't want us then began to make us excuse in life so just trying to be so
Perfect who can light candle on sea shore with wind alive is something so hard to do but just
Trust even if you do it for some one if that person is demanding from you then that person
Just want to avoid you in life because those who really want you will demand in limit in life
And if they demand too much then it is better to control them on time because when time will
Move ahead on every point you can move mountain as per wish of others in life on some
Points you can move them but on some points they are impossible in life we just never able
To understand what we feel from our mind our dreams are something which will look so
Nice that we began to think we need to do every thing to keep them alive even when those
Dreams are nothing but just one touch of wind which will move ahead in life and before moving
Ahead mostly it will manage to just one thing that is blow away our candle of hope on that time
So never let that candle be lighten on wrong place of life just light it carefully inside heart and
With careful mind because hope is most precious to us inside life that any other thing on any point.

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