Thursday, May 29, 2014

Poem 1501. Cheating in life

                                                                  Cheating in life
Sometimes you think that you need to change things and then we start to plan without even
Proper thinking we never once thought what are we doing because sometimes we feel that we
Are cheated because we are convinced regarding that thing sometimes we feel that we have right
And people are doing every thing wrong so we just began to feel one thing that those things
Which are wrong were just due to that cheating and then we just began to feel we must come
Ahead and start to change the thing but question is that how can we change things when those
Wrong things which are started have began just due to our thoughts and thinking no one can so
Easily cheat us in our thinking something is always wrong with our thoughts when we just fell in
That trap of cheating when we are so pure and so innocent thing how can we just change so much
Just when some one convince us about that cheating when some one have heart of that gold
Which will shine on every time they will never get so angry and start doing so wrong just because
They feel some one cheated them in life on many occasions and on many points I just feel one
Thing from my mind that those things which change our future and our life will have wrong
Thought reactions inside life those things which will make us so bad just after hearing one word
Cheating inside life shows us that we are standing on wrong spot of our life when we move
Ahead I just feel one thing from my mind that sometimes one word cheating bring out all anger
Which we stored inside and it is just throw on one person instead of throwing on proper person
Who bring it in life and then we feel just one thing if we are so frustrated in life why don't we do
Something to find peace in some nice thing in life but we just never did it we just keep searching
For that cause on every point we just feel one thing from our mind that those plans which we made
Are creating problem for us in life we feel that cheating is one thing against which we must fight
But just running after that thought will not help us in life we can punish cheater but do you think
That cheating will stop after that in life no, it will not stop it will visit us from time to time and we
Just get subjected to it again on some point I know that you need to fight against cheating inside life
But while doing it we must understand that we should not cheat our humanity on any point because
We are human being and we want justice in life and we can get that justice by just some thoughts
Which are more practical inside life just running after some thought will not help us in life if we
Want to fight against cheater then I feel that those thoughts will change many things in life because
Those thoughts which are important inside life I feel just one thing from my mind that those cheating
Which are touching my thoughts and my mind those cheating which are having effect on us are
Creating impact on us at each and every point I just feel one thought from my mind that sometimes
When we go ahead with cheating we feel that those wrong things are something which will have
Impact on our mind those cheating which look so interesting on every point I feel just one thing
From my thoughts and my mind that cheating are something which will have some wrong side
Of our life I just feel one thing from my mind those cheating are having sad effects on life so
Just in few days and in few moments of life I just feel that cheating will have impact on every
Moment and on every point those cheating which are touching my soul will look so different
On every point I feel just one thing that cheating is not only thing which matter in our life we need
To understand that those sad effect which it create will matter of just some time but if while
Asking for justice we forgot our limits then pain will be for whole life because people will remember
Just one thing on every point that when you are asking justice you have done injustice to them in
Your life so when I will move ahead I just feel one thought from my mind that those justice which
We want against those cheating are never helping us inside our life because when we make that
Injustice on every moment and in every point of life because when cheating is found we feel that
We can find some justice inside life but truth is that we are just creating injustice on other side
Because when we start throwing anger then no one can be spared so inside our life those all form
Of cheating will never help but just creating more injustice will also not going to help us in life
So when you found that you are cheated don't just start to raise your voice try to understand
That you want justice in life that doesn't mean you can do any wrong things with others in life
Asking for justice doesn't mean hurting others in life just because you ask justice never feel
That you are acting in right way inside your life if you act in wrong way then you will look worst
Even than that cheater in life never let your thoughts tell you that for justice you can do any thing
And act what ever way you want inside your future as well as inside your precious type of life.

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