Monday, May 12, 2014

Poem 1472. Unanswered

Why sometimes even you have to chose different thought and different ways but then on every
Point I feel just one thing on every moment I feel that those different ways will look so great then
We just have those thoughts which are so precious inside life look totally wrong on every moment
And on every point those thoughts which are so important inside life should be sometimes take
Those thoughts on different directions in life so then I feel one thing from our mind that those
Different ways which will look so wrong on every point after all those thoughts which are moving
In one directions of life but those directions began to look so totally wrong on every time I feel
Just one thing from my mind that those questions which I have asked are getting wrong answer
On every moment and on every time I just feel one thought from my mind that those questions
Which look so truthful to us are confusing directions of life when we move ahead we just feel
One thought from our mind that those thoughts which are important to us on some points are
Not moving ahead as per our wishes from inside of our mind I just feel one thing that those
Different thinking which are part of our life are not going ahead as we wish from every angle
Of our life you have to chose your road and then move on it in life you have to move ahead
On every moment and on every time I just have one feeling from inside of our life that those
Thoughts which are so important to us will look good for our life so when we go ahead then
I feel just one thought from inside that getting wrong answer will help us on every moment
And so we just want wrong answer but we know that they are not right so many time I just
Prefer to ignore that question inside life because those answers which we need will help us
On every moment of our life I will never feel one thing from any angle of life that those parts
Of life which look so good on every point are not going ahead as per our thinking and as per
Our wishes on many spots in life I just feel one thing that I need answers to my those questions
Which are so important to me on every moment and on every point I feel that I must not
Answer those questions in life which will look so wrong on every way of our future and of
Our mind I just feel one thing from my thoughts and my mind that those different questions
Which will enter inside our life look so wrong on every moment and on every point because
I want to ignore them those questions in life on every moment I just feel one thought from
Inside that those questions which are so precious to others are sometimes just disturbing things
In life I just feel that why some questions began to enter in every part of life when we began
To think one thought from our mind those people who are important in life on every moment
And on every point I just feel one thought from my mind that those questions which are inside
Our thinking and our mind where some times from our thoughts inside our mind I just feel
One thing from inside that those questions which are precious on every point are turning
In wrong way for our entire life on every moment I just feel one thought from our mind that
Those thinking which are perfect for us are going ahead as per our wishes on every moment
And on every time questions which are precious inside life are not having that simple answer
On every time I just never understand one thought from my mind that those questions which
Are so important to me on every moment and on every time are not those which people are
Again and again putting inside my life when I will move ahead I just want one thought from
My mind that those questions which are so important to me on every point are not going ahead
As per my thoughts from time to time I just have one feeling from inside that those thoughts
Which are so precious to me on every moment and on every time are kept on back seat since
Those unwanted questions enter in life each question have importance but we need to understand
That those unanswered questions are kept that way because we don't agree with each others
Answer because we all know on that point what other want to say we all know from inside
What we felt again and again but when we went ahead with life we just always forget that
Those questions are something which we don't need that much on some moment but still
Sometimes inside our mind we just keep talking about those questions again and again until
Finally we reach to that answer which will give us happiness but when we like different answers
I just feel one thing on every moment that why should we need to bring that question before
This world if that question is put in totally wrong way so inside our life I feel one thing again
And again that some unanswered questions should be for all life kept in that same idol way.

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