Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Poem 1497. Perfect and wise

                                                                 Perfect and wise
In life you always see people who claim to be wise just always prefer to call you fool in life
But I just have one question from my mind that those who called wise are moving wrong way
In life because every one will have enough brain in life to understand the world if they decide
But sadly some wise just don't want to understand our thoughts and our mind and on every
Moment and on every point they just feel one thing that we are nothing but fool inside our life
We just kept searching on every point those things which are precious to our life are not going
Ahead as we think on every point those thoughts which are called so wise are not telling us that
Truth because they are limited inside life just to those truths which are precious inside life but
Then I feel that those truth which they form wrong thoughts inside life those things which are
Having sad reflections in life those facts which are totally wrong in life because those truths are
Something not that much proper in life those facts which are good for our life are not said going
Ahead as per our thinking on every point those truths which are so positive in life are having those
Thinking which will wake up our conscious on every point but those wise people seem to forget
Those thoughts from their mind and still claim that those things which they tell us are perfect
As well as wise I just feel one thing how can some wise person can insult some one in life by
Calling that person stupid on every point because wise one will always know one thing in life that
Our knowledge is never complete on any occasion of our life we have to learn on every moment
And on every point we just feel one thing that we are having limited knowledge when we get next
Knowledge inside life since we are wise we just understand one thing that we never have enough
Knowledge inside life those things which look so good and perfect to us are not that wise when
Claim how wise are they and always tell others that they are wrong in life I just feel that is not sign
Of wise because just claiming other one is not wise just doesn't make them wrong in life I know
We all want to explain points in life on every moment I just feel one thought from my mind that
Those facts which we see inside our life are told to us by any one and some of them are those
People whom we never called wise in life we just never understand who is wrong and right but
Sometimes our experience tell us that some people are totally wrong on every point when we talk
By that circumstances then we must understand one thing in life that when we see things and
Say them before world truthfully then our thoughts are lot wiser than wise on every moment and
On every time we just feel that wise people are those who just move ahead in life without causing
Any problem in this world on every point because those who just remain stuck to one theory and
Tell world they are right are just stubborn person hardly called wise because when stubbornness
Enter your mind then you are no more wise if you want to explain other person some fact we must
First listen that person's facts and then give them answers inside life on every moment and on each
And every thought of life I just feel one thing that this fact will tell me that those circumstances
Are opening some possibilities inside life I just have one feeling from my mind that those situations
Which create problems for us are turning in wrong way for our life I have just one thought from
My thinking and my mind that those knowledge which I get in life can't be shared if that person
Think themselves perfect and wise because they just keep criticizing other person but never listen
To our points never find any solutions to those problems which we suffer in life when I will move
Ahead I just feel one thing from my mind that wise people are those people who will move ahead
On every point I have one thinking from my mind that those problems which we get by knowledge
Are something not that much perfect inside life wise people just never understand what they feel
From inside they just keep telling same thing on every point I just wanted solution for my one
Question but when I ask it to so called wise they just keep telling faults of other parties to me and
Then I feel those wise are not useful for my life because they are talking to me they are just talking
To themselves all time when some one ask you some question and you just keep talking about
Something else all time and just keep telling your knowledge do you really feel that is wise inside
Our future and our life so when some one called wise I feel that one be some one who listen to me
And try to answer my question as best as possible in life I feel that one is wise enough inside my life
I just don't want sea of knowledge and mountain of intelligence inside life I just have one simple
Question that is how much you have learn to respect other and it seem that it is ignore to answer
By many people who have so much knowledge that they should be considered as perfect and wise.                                                     

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