Sunday, May 18, 2014

Poem 1481. Person's nature

                                                              Person's nature
Whenever some one use to ask what is nature of you I don't know what to say now and what
Will be after some time and after some views on every moment and on every view I just feel
One thing on every moment that those logic with which every one moves ahead in life will goes
The way we want it in life I feel just one thing from my mind that how can others so easily say
That they are in some way of life because no one can able to guess or tell what is our nature in life
On every point we just change from one thought to another thought of life on every moment
We just feel that we are doing one thing in life and then suddenly we saw ourselves on totally
Different track of life when we move ahead we just have one feeling from mind that those things
Which describe our nature are not really existed in life because when one thing happen we act
In one way but we are so different on another point for one person we are angel and for another
We can prove devil in life we just never able to tell what we are from inside we can just keep
Changing from one thought to another in life because when we move ahead I just feel one thing
From inside that when things changes on every moment we need to understand just same nature
Will not remain part of our life when those things which enter in our future began to look so
Wrong in life we began to change slowly from inside we just can't show to world our enemies
And our friends on every time we just feel one thing from our mind that those nature which
Look so perfect and true is not what it seem in life when situation changes I just feel one thought
From my mind that those things which are important part of nature which will show us many
Types of situations from time to time we just feel one thing that nature will change when those
Circumstances will change on every point I just feel one thought from my mind that situations
Are so important to me are turning in wrong way for entire life I feel that my nature will have
Some impact on me at every point I just feel one thing from inside that those changes which
We face in life are not going ahead as per our thinking on any point I just feel one thought that
Nature which we have will change from time to time but still on every moment I feel one thing
From inside that those circumstances which will look so good for our life are having worst
Effect on time to time I just feel one thing from my mind that nature will have effect on every
Moment inside life I feel those situations which will have effect in life can change our nature
In few moments and in few seconds of life I have seen few people who claim they are brave
In life just manage to run away when crisis enter in life so on every moment and on every point
I feel that those feeling which are important in life are having effect on every point but then
Those nature which will have effect in life on every moment and on every point will handle
Situations on every point but changing our nature from time to time when crisis enter many
Brave one will look so wrong on every point and those who are weak one will look totally
Different because they start their fight but most interesting is that fact some people just run
Away when crisis come in life and when those crisis goes they enter and show their bravery
On every point I just feel one thought from inside that crisis are something not that much good
On any moment in life but some people comes back when crisis goes away and then once again
Become brave one in life how interesting are those facts of life which tell us that we don't want
Brave one inside life on every moment I just feel that I can never understand that nature but
Still feel one thing from inside that people are going ahead with their thoughts on every point
But then those crisis enter inside our life will look totally wrong on every point but on those crisis
We see our true nature from inside and on those crisis we can see how much improvement is
Needed inside life on every moment and on every point I feel I just need one thing that my nature
Should become something so important in life because when it gets improved I feel one thought
From inside that those fact of nature are creating problems for us inside life will come only on
Crisis and not that moment we just don't have time to just our nature in life so when comes one
Question on paper which ask me what is my nature I feel confused in life I used to keep it blank
On yesterday and still it is blank in today's life on every moment I just have one thought from mind
That those nature which will change our future will not going to create that much bad effect in life
I just feel that nature is something so hard to guess in life because we just never know what are
We thinking from inside we just feel that we know ourselves but our heart is hardest mystery
Of life we can move mountain even if we are weak if our heart decide so no need to be brave if
You want to fight and no need to label some one as coward,stupid or as idiot because we are not
God in this life one day you will understand that same person was sunshine and on that moment
You will feel that you have missed most important thing just because you thought that you are
Nothing but god of world and label people as per your thoughts as well as per your choice in life.

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