Friday, May 2, 2014

Poem 1455. Accepting false

                                                    Accepting false
I just don't want to change my opinion or my view just because every other person began to love
Wrong or false inside our life on every part we just feel that thing from our heart we feel on every
Moment and on every part that we must keep our opinion inside our heart when we move ahead
In life's every moment and on life's every part I just use to think that I must understand one thought
From my mind that others always tell me inside life but how much you can accept on every point
After some points we just feel one thought from our mind that those false hopes which we keep
Inside our mind are not something so interesting on any point I just feel one thing from my mind
That those people who are telling me their thoughts are not that much good friends of our life and
When we move ahead we just feel one thought from mind that those things which are told to us
Are not something that good for our life because those hopes are so false and so wrong is that way
Of our future and our life that on every moment we just feel one thing that we must go ahead in life
I feel one thought from inside of my mind that those false hopes which I keep in mind are not going
To take us ahead on any point I use to think that false hope is truth of our life and on every moment
We just feel one thought from our mind that when we went ahead inside our life we just feel one
Thought from our mind we feel that when we move ahead we can't accept those false facts of
Our life and on every moment we just feel that we can win on any point but still we just remain
Stuck to those facts on every point because when others say them if we move with them it is
Easy for life but it is not possible on every moment and on every point when we move ahead then
We just feel one thought from inside that those false thinking which look so good for our life
Doesn't look that perfect when we move ahead in life I just have one thinking from our mind that
Those false hopes which can give us success will never take us ahead inside life when we start
To move ahead we just feel one thought from our mind that those false hopes which lead us to
Success doesn't look that good inside life when we move ahead those false hopes will just manage
To hurt us on every time we just keep thinking that those false hopes of accepting others views
Are nice but if you ask your mind truthfully then your mind will tell you that it is not possible for
You inside life you can pretend you believe it inside your life so on every moment inside our life
You just can't lie on any angle of your life but then those people who are accepting views in life
After all those false hopes which are so wrong inside life but then I feel those thoughts inside life
Which will create problems to us in the life those hopes which are going ahead on every point
Then look so wrong when our mind scream against it and say it's not fair inside life so then I feel
One thought from our mind that those thoughts which are going ahead on every point inside life
So those hopes which are going ahead inside life there are those wishes which are nice on every
Moment and on every point I feel one thing from our mind those false hopes which take us ahead
On every moment and on every point those false thoughts which are so important to us on every
Moment and on every point those hopes which will look so right to us are taking us ahead on
Every wrong moment inside life I feel one thing from my mind that those things which are so
Important to us inside life are having those thinking of mind on every moment inside life those
Thoughts which are going ahead inside our life but then I feel those problems which will look so
False inside life but then those things which are so important in our life so then those problems
Which are so false inside life but then those things which are so important in the life so then
I feel one thing from inside our mind will having same thought on every moment and on every
Thought inside life but then those things which are so precious to our life are not going ahead
On any point with thinking of having false hopes inside life when we move ahead we just feel
One thought from our mind that accepting false thoughts is impossible in life even for your
Success you can pretend you have accepted it in life but then finally your mind will scream
Against it on every point so interesting is one fact on every point that even when we get that
Success we just feel one thought from inside of our mind we feel that those things which are
Turning in wrong way inside our life are not going ahead as per our thinking on any moment
And on any point I feel one thing from inside that those false thoughts which will take us ahead
Will manage to take us on each step from one point to another point inside our future and life
Are taking us backward from our mind when we just can't accept them inside life so that success
Will never give us any joy on any moment and on any point inside our thinking and inside life.

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