Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Poem 1462. Trust

Trust is some thing that is strange feeling in life some just trust easily some one inside their life
Some just feel one thought from their mind that trust is something which is not same thing for
Every one in life each person have different concept of trusting on every point I just feel one thought
From my mind that trusting some one is not that much easy inside life when we move ahead we just
Feel one thought from our mind that trust are something which look so nice on every point of life
I just have one thought from my mind that trust is something not based on our thought but based
On what other person decides inside life on every moment I just feel one thought from my mind
That those things which we trust are based on how we think inside our life our thoughts will
Help our future and help our life on every point I just have one thinking from my mind that those
Thoughts which include trust are not nice for our life when I will move ahead I just feel one thing
From my mind that water is some thing so good for our future and for our life that I feel one
Thinking from inside that those feeling of trust which enter in our life will manage to bring that
Light of trust inside our life when I will move ahead I just have one thought from every point
That those trust which we have from our mind are so different inside our life but people just put
One question always before us inside life that on every moment people feel they are doing it right
I just have one thought from my mind that those things which are so important to us look so
Totally wrong inside life when people start comparing them with each other in life like some times
When person is shy that one never like to trust that much people in life those person are like those
Flowers which close themselves from time to time are going ahead in better way of life when I will
Move ahead I just feel one thought from my mind that trust is some thing special inside life but
Then on every moment and on every point some people don't trust that much easily inside life
But when I move ahead inside life I feel that trust is something so different inside life so when
We move ahead on every point I just feel that trust is that things which is not that much nice for
Our future and for our life when we move ahead we just feel one thought from inside that those
Things regarding trust are so different on many times but some people just feel those closing
Flowers are so wrong inside life I just feel that those flowers will have beauty from time to time
I feel that those flowers which look so good inside life look so different in every way and on every
Thought of life I feel that those flowers which are closing from time to time look so good to us
On every moment and every point I feel that shy nature is different inside life but then those flowers
Which look so different are not that much useful inside life I feel flowers which look so good
In our life look totally wrong to people when that come in form of nature inside life but then it is
Not that simple that you can just change from that nature inside life because when some one
Start trusting too much people began to call them butterflies so people just complaint how much
You may trust and you may not trust in life after all moving ahead is one truth of our life so
When it comes to trusting inside life so then trust is something important inside life so then those
Sides which involved inside life look so perfect on every point I just feel trust is something
So important in life but it is not something that is kept with just some rules inside life sometimes
We trust and sometimes we just don't trust in life on every point it feel as if trust is set with
Rules inside life when I will move ahead I just have one thought from my mind that those things
Which are so important inside life so I feel just one thing from my mind that we should let
People act according to nature inside life on every moment and on every point I just feel one
Thought inside life so then I feel one thing from every angle of life we must not ask any thing
On any point inside life I just feel that there are two people inside life one just love to go in biggest
Tides and able to enjoy rides but sadly when they fall people blame them in life and when other
Stay out of water called coward inside life but these are our ways of life some people enjoy
It on fast track and some just want to go slow in life after all each person have some choice
And we just can't decide which choice is best for life we just feel one thing from our mind that
Those choices which we make can decide our future every time so we need to adjust with them
On every point of life when I will move ahead I just feel one thought from inside that those
Choices which I make will decide my life but I must not force people to change their ways
Just to get my peace of mind because some people will like to play in forceful water and some
People will want to wait till water become normal and they have learn to move ahead inside life.

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