Friday, May 23, 2014

Poem 1492. Other side of that life

                                                               Other side of that life
They always say there is other side to each and every coin we all know it very well still we need
To remind on every time but still we just never understand  it from inside of our mind on every
Thought and on every point we just feel one thought from inside that those sides which are part
Of our life are never remembered by us on important time I just feel one thing from my mind that
If every thing have other side then why don't we understand it on first point when we all knew
That every thing have other side why just we keep admiring some thing on every point I know
One thing from my thoughts and my mind that nothing is perfect and nothing is so good in life
That for just getting some thing we just began to fight on every concepts of life when we will
Move ahead we just feel one thing from inside our life that other sides which are so precious to
Our thoughts and mind are not going ahead as per our thinking at same time because we just view
One thing that is one side we can easily able to see inside our life on every moment we feel that
We can win in life if we get that thing because we have seen one side I know we all have one
Thought and one direction in thinking inside life but still I feel just one thing that we must start
To fight for those things of which we have seen just one side because then after some time that
Other side will enter inside our life and it will create a lot of problem for us inside life when we
Began to fight we are hurting other people in life who have seen just that other side I know that
You have not seen bad side but when some one else suggest it may be we need to stop for some
Moment and for some time before fighting for that person inside life I know we all like those thought
Which will make alive good side but if that things have bad sides then others are suffering now but
You will surely suffer after some time each thing should stay in limit inside life never just keep one
Thinking before your kindness and decency in life because when you start to insult then others
Will answer you in same way of life when you throw stone then other will also return that stone
On every point when we move ahead we just feel one thing in life that we are doing that thing perfect
But perfection will change from time to time because when we view just one side we feel so sure
That it will same on other side but if even coin doesn't have same design how can you expect such
Thing in life because in life you must understand one thing on every point that there will be always
Other side of life but when we start talking of other side people just start getting depress in life
People just never accept that their guess is totally wrong on some times I just have one thought
From my mind only if people accept that their guess is just based on one side but that doesn't
Make world that much worst on every point just because we guessed some one angel and that
One is not that good in life but people just never accept their defeat inside life and then they just
Start spreading negative thoughts when they proved wrong in life I just feel one thing from my
Thinking in life that best way not to accept your mistake in life when some one show it you just
Start saying negative things on every concept of life instead of accepting each thing have other
Side you just start telling whole world is worst thing in life but world was never worst it is always
Best gift from god inside life those who doesn't value it never understand what they got in life
When you just watch one side it is entirely your mistake inside life when we move ahead then
We must understand one thing on every point that those things which have other side will always
Confuse us in life but that doesn't make world worst it is just telling you are not thinking properly
In life and we need to study more before we began to trust things in life but people just doesn't
Improve their mistake instead of that they just like to cry in life and like to tell how things are
Totally wrong when their mistakes are shown in life every one does mistake and every one need
To correct them in life but if we remain stuck to that mistake then we will never understand those
True value in life just not accepting mistake is not remaining with that mistake in life but some times
When we began to say every thing is wrong before accepting mistake shows that we are not
Going to improve our ways in life those things which are so wrong on every point should be
Corrected by us but instead of that we began to blame god for every thing when we are shown
Bad side of that thing which we worship in life when we choose a thing or human being to worship
In life why did we feel so shocked to see other side because those things are not for worship
Inside life I just feel one thing that we all must remember human being will make mistake and
That is truth of life and those mistakes will surely create that human being other side of that life.

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