Thursday, May 22, 2014

Poem 1489. Spending time

                                                         Spending time
People can do any thing some times to spend their extra time some start to do some nice work
Like cleaning city and dirt for spending their time but mostly people just don't do that much work
They just want to relax in life but worst are those who starts fight inside life to get things as they
Want from their mind on every point I just have one thought from my mind that those hours
Which we have extra in life are just wasted from time to time but how did we waste them will
Decide what is our heart and what is our mind those wasted hours tell us our truth of life because
On those hour we do as we feel from our mind on every moment we just keep one thought
Inside mind on every moment we have one feeling from inside that those hours which we keep
In our mind are giving us many reactions from time to time those time which we spend on every
Moment and on every point will have some time which we will spend as we like sometimes when
I see that time I feel I can understand people inside life on every moment when we went ahead
In life I just feel one thought from my mind that on those times when I spend it on some point
I will understand true meaning of that time because that time will tell me how people think inside
Some just love to help world and some just love to fight but even those people doesn't feel it
From inside that on those time we will truly decide what we feel from inside on every moment
We just have one thought from mind those days which we spend as free time will tell us what
We like from inside but I just don't understand how can some people just love dark side when
Good things can be done in that time those people just keep doing bad on every time I just never
Understand what I feel from inside because when I start to move ahead I just have one thought
From my mind those times which we have can be used for nice thing in life I know that some
May doesn't like cleaning things but you can at least talk sweetly with others on that time and
You can share their problems and help them from inside those things can be done in that extra
Moments and time when I move ahead I just never understand one thought from my mind that
How can some people just believe on that nonsense inside life that when you fight with others
And force them to bow before you in life you are turning winner of this life because I just feel
One thing that this is not truth of our life on every moment we just feel one thought from inside
That those time which we spend with each other on every point will look so perfect inside life
But if we keep it just to insult people on every point we just have one thought from inside that
In life our time is some thing so precious on every point I just have one feeling from inside that
We need to spend that time just according to our likes and dislikes but we must not keep it that
Which hurt other people inside life on every moment we just feel one thought from inside those
Thinking which are so precious to our life will look so perfect on every moment and on every
Time of life I just feel one thought from inside that those people who use in wrong way that all
Time are destroying their life and other people's life we need to see in life that kind of sunshine
Which will not burn us or not so dim like moon light but just demanding such a things will not
Help us in life we need to work to get that thing we need to understand that we must move ahead
Inside life I just have one thought from my mind that those points which I want to understand
Are set in such a way of life that we want them to move ahead inside life I know that one day
People will understand on thing in life that sometimes wasted time is most precious time but still
From my mind before understanding it in life I just have one thought from my mind that those
Things which are so unique for life are done only in that wasted time we need to move ahead on
Every moment in life I feel that those moments which I have wasted on some points are creating
Many good things in life because when we do our work we just have to do it with such speed
That we can't able to think what is around us and is it wrong and right when in our life comes
Time of rest then we only have for morals some time I know it seem harm to understand but
Still it is truth of life that those points which are so important to us are going ahead as per our
Thinking and our mind I know one thought from inside that time which are precious to me are
Moving ahead as per my mind those wasted hours which I spend in discussing things in life
Are important to me on some point some people just say discussing is waste of time but just tell me
How can we do a thing without discussing in life some times people just discuss but they don't do
Those things in life but that doesn't mean discussing is wrong in life because when we discuss
Something then we will see that thought inside and when time will come someone will work for it
In life so at least discuss something good instead of hurting other in wasted time because just
Thinking good thing will also become good way of spending time because we often found that
Doing good thing is hardest for life so at least try to discuss them will be better way of spending time.

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