Friday, May 23, 2014

Poem 1491. Wind of success

                                                             Wind of success
How I wish that I can get a thing call success in life but on every moment and on every fight I feel
Just one thing from inside that those things which are so important inside life are having bad effect
On every point that just success which will look so nice on every point and then just for success then
We feel one thought from inside those things which are so precious in life will look so good to us on
Every moment and on every point I have one thinking from inside that success is something which
Will look so unique inside life on every moment and on every point those success which will look so
Perfect inside life after all these success which is good for our life on every moment I feel success
Is something precious inside life I feel that this success which will touch my mind because it will
Have effects inside life since success seem like some thing so precious on every point I just feel have
One thought inside my mind that success is not helping me on any point it will turn in wrong way
On every moment and on every point I want that success to look good for my life but that success
Just kept touching in wrong way our mind I just feel one thing from my mind that success is so
Needed inside life after all those success which are so important in life are not giving happiness
To me because I just feel they are taking away freedom of my life I just can't do any thing as I feel
And wish from my mind because success will just manage to touch me on wrong point of my life
That success which showed me that beautiful light inside my life will look totally wrong on every
Moment and on every point I feel one thing from my thoughts and my mind that success is some
Thought which suppose to give me happiness but in hope to get quick and easy success I just stop
Taking those ways which I prefer and like on every moment and on every time I feel one thing
From my thoughts and my mind that success is something which is so precious to my thinking
And to my life shows me that positive way which tell me that I must move ahead inside life and
Success which is so precious  to our life seem like some thing that put chain in my freedom to get
That success in life when I will move ahead with every thought of mind I just feel one thing that
My success is taking me ahead on every point I have just one thinking from my mind that success
Is something precious on every point I have one thought which just manage to hurt my mind that
Success is that precious thing which put me on just limited road of life when we think of success
We feel it is regarding getting happiness inside life but some times success force us to quit our those
Precious morals which are so important in life when I will move ahead I just have one thought from
Inside that success sometimes force us to quit many things which are so important and pure to our
Thinking and our life success seem like some trap which confuse us on many points we just feel
One thing that success is not that useful for our mind when I move ahead I just feel I could have
Done many things better inside life only if I just don't feel scared of failures from time to time
I could have done many things a lot better inside life after all those things which are giving us so
Much success on every point I just have one thought from my mind that success has become
One task which I have to achieve in life because people are just saying it is basic of surviving in life
On every moment I just feel one thing from inside that success which is so important inside life
Just because we have wrong thoughts on every point those success which will have some sad
Effects in life those things which are regarding success are just our thinking in life I feel that
We just don't need success to survive inside life we need to move ahead on every moment and
On every point I feel just one thing from my mind that success is something which will come
Along some time but when people force it success seem as necessary as breathing on many
Thoughts and on many points I just feel one thought from inside that success will not help me
If I start to move ahead for success inside life on every moment I feel one thought from my
Thinking and my mind that success is not that simple things inside life success is something
So precious on every point but we are not getting it as per our wishes inside life so in our future
And in our every point I feel success is something which is so important inside life those things
Which are creating problems in life will look so different to our thinking and our mind I feel
Just one thought from my mind that success is something so important in life but not that much
That it could destroy happiness in life success is like wind which touch me from time to time
But success is not that air which I needed to breath inside life success can like wind bring happy
Things in life but it can also bring storm in life but your happiness and your peace of mind is
Some thing called air on every time so never for success sacrifice those things in life because
We can never survive without air inside our life but without wind we can manage some parts of life.

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