Saturday, May 31, 2014

Adventure story 139. The whole truth

                                                        The whole truth
Tushar started running in his hotel.He was late today.It was his hotel from his mind.He knew that he was not owner of that hotel.He was nothing but just a cook.But still he felt as if he owned it.He felt that it was his duty to get every thing right and perfect.He always felt that way.His owner also treated him properly.Whenever some one admired something special dish.He was called and then guest admired his talents.He just loved it.He wanted to have that admiration on every moment.He always made sure of one thing that he always did every thing personally.But now a days customer's number was increased so they had appointed many cooks.He just didn't like that idea because they were not as careful regarding cooking as he was.They always did some sort of mistake on every point. Tushar just didn't like to keep kitchen in their hands.But today that person who supposed to supply vegetables didn't came so he had to come out to buy them.After all those things were important on every part because those were going to decide that how did their food taste.He had to buy vegetables.Then when he reached there,he just didn't get vegetables as per his wishes.They all didn't look fresh at all.Those vegetables had that stale look which showed that they were not that much good.He had to travel for long distance.He didn't manage to get that quickly.He wanted to return to hotel as quickly as possible.He wanted to reach to hotel.He wanted to run towards hotel. But when he reach there he saw that hotel was burning from every side.He was so shocked.He wanted to help them but he could heard screams on every point.It was getting worst on every moment.He could see that he had to save those people but they didn't let him go near it.He felt so worst.He felt sure that it was his nightmare.His hotel couldn't burn like that.It was made with so much precautions.It couldn't get burned.They must had used those precautions.But it seemed like every thing was burning.Even fire brigade couldn't able to stop it.That fire had spread to each and every side.It was getting horrible on every moment.He could see that it was burning every thing but it was not getting in control.It was all so damaging.Then he just felt that hotel was getting destroyed.He felt that water was not enough.He wanted to do it.He felt that he could had done it in better way.He wanted to use water to do that.But no one was permitting him to get that water.He was doing nothing.But then when he was trying to push his way,he was sure of one thing that they were not doing it properly.He saw it all was burning.But when he saw that water,he felt that it was not enough.Then he saw his boss and owner of hotel was watching it.But he was not sad like him.He was just angry for his financial loss.But there was not any sorrow as Tushar was feeling. Tushar could see that attachment was missing.He wanted to scream on that owner and tell him that their life was burning.But owner was just interested in getting insurance amount.That owner was doing it wrong in every way.But then Tushar felt that owner didn't care. Tushar felt so sad.
        That day Tushar felt as if his dream and his life was fully destroyed.He had nothing to live for inside his life.He was doing it all wrong.He knew that it was not his hotel.But still he felt that attachment.When he finally reached to his home,he started crying.He told his wife every thing.But first question she asked was if every one inside that hotel was safe and alive.He just didn't thought about it at all.He was so obsessed with just hotel.He never thought about his colleagues.He felt so guilty regarding every thing. He should understand one thing from his mind.That he just cared for hotel and forgot his all staff.No,it was not his staff.He was employee like them,He was just cook.But he kept forgetting it.He felt as if he was owner of that hotel.He knew that he should care for his friends.But he just cared for that hotel which was not even owned by him. Tushar just didn't own that hotel.It was so horrible.That hotel was burning with fire before him.He felt that owner was selfish.But now when he thought just one thing that he was so wrong on every point.He never thought about every one else.He was so confused inside life.It was so strange then he felt one thing that it was greed.He was greed for that hotel.It was so horrible.His greed was not reduced.On every point Tushar was so confused on every point. He wanted to own that hotel.He felt that was just one thought on every point.He wanted that hotel so he didn't ever care for his friends.He still remembered that how did he use to scream on every one because that food was not perfect.He felt that it was his mistake that he let them handle that kitchen.They were new.But he felt that his worst mistake was he screamed on them before going out.Then he suddenly felt that he didn't remember anything about his friend's faces.It was so strange.They all had just vanished from his mind.It was not possible.He must remember his friend.He felt so confused and sad.He wanted to move ahead but still he was not getting things one thing.How did he forget them?But then he felt that he must ignore them.He started feeling strange in each and every way.But then he suddenly felt one thing from inside.He was going ahead on every point.He felt that he must forget it.Tushar screamed on his wife Rani"I don't know.Do you think that I can ask this to any one?Are you mad?I am so tense and nervous.That hotel was burning.That hotel was looking so horrible.He still remembered how dark that hotel looked when it was burned.It was so horrible like some old building.He just didn't want to remember it so he closed his eyes. It was so scary.He just didn't want to remember that hotel.He felt that he could forget it.He had one thing from inside that if he could forget those friends then he could forget that hotel also.Tushar screamed on Rani"Just forget it.These things are not going ahead as per my mind.I don't want to remember that hotel.Do you understand it?"Then Tushar started screaming so loudly.That their small son Ankit came out running to watch them.
         Ankit was so shocked by this.He just started crying.Tushar saw his small son crying loudly and scared.He wanted to control himself. But he just couldn't understand that those things were effecting him so much.But he just couldn't stop his anger.He went inside his room and started throwing things.He could sense that Ankit was watching him but still he just couldn't stop.Then he just closed that door.But Rani was so scared that she started hitting on door and telling him to open it.He wanted to be alone for some time.But it was not happening at all.He was so upset by all this.He just couldn't control himself.Finally after some time he opened his door. Rani was standing outside. Tushar screamed on her "I want to eat food.Serve me my food or are you going to wait until I die."He was screaming with such strange expression that Rani was shocked.It was not words but it was his expression which seemed so strange.He seemed so strange.His body was shivering.He was not even talking in normal way.His voice was so scary on every point after all those voice were managing to to look so strange on every point.That sound was something so strange.He was speaking as if he was scared but still at same time he was looking scary.It felt as if he could kill them all.Rani just didn't understand which of his expression were true.But Ankit was crying from top of his lung and Rani was having hard time to control Ankit.Tushar was getting more angry.Tushar"Come on.Give me food."Then he suddenly turned towards door and screamed "I am going out.I don't want to tolerate this."Rani was so confused by this.But as soon as Tushar left house,Ankit stopped crying. Ankit"Papa looked scary.I don't want to see him again.""What are you saying?Yesterday your Papa gave you such a nice toy and you went out in garden to play with him.""But yesterday he was looking so nice but today he was looking so scary.I just hate it.""But you are so happy about it.When your Dad played with you yesterday in fact before today on every day you use to say that you love your father and you want to spend time with him.""But Mom he was so different today.He never use to scream and call bad names like this before."Rani knew that she had to convinced Ankit each and every thing. After all whole day Tushar was stressed by this whole incidence.But then Ankit was so small.He could not understand it. Rani took Ankit inside her laps.Then slowly she started telling him in most easy language that things which happened.Slowly Ankit got convinced that it was not Tushar's mistake.He felt that his father was feeling very sad due to friend's death.He didn't understand what was death.But Ankit knew that it was something bad so he nodded. Ankit was doing it totally wrong on every point. Tushar was taking every thing in wrong way. Rani knew that it was wrong but she felt sure that he would be normal next day.But then she saw that he was not acting normal.But then in few moment she saw that Tushar returned inside home.
        Tushar was packing suitcases.He was so upset by this.He was arranging all his luggage.He was arranging every thing.He was so upset by this all.But Rani was so confused that where did he was going. Rani"Where are you going?""I am going out.I want to be alone.""But where?"He looked at her with such a anger as if he wanted to slap her.She felt so scared that she just moved away.He started packing every thing and then without answering her he just went away.She was standing there in shock.How could he act this way?She could understand that he was upset but then he had to stay with them.But instead of that he went away.Rani was so confused.She decided that she must phone her in-laws.She knew that they would blame her but still it felt same on that moment.When she phoned there,her mother-in-law took phone, her mother-in-law had one habit.Her mother-in-law always blamed her. Rani told everything to her mother-in-law.Mother-in-law"I just don't understand that how can you become so insensitive towards your husband.Look at his problem and still you had created so much trouble for him that he had to move out of house.He was so upset but instead of understanding you have created scene...""But I have not done any thing wrong.""Ya.You say the same thing every time but .."Then she heard door bell at mother-in-law's house.Her mother-in-law went to open the door.Then she heard voice of Tushar and immediately her mother-in-law slammed phone.There was big voice of phone.Rani was so upset by this.It was not her mistake.She started crying.But in heart she hoped that Tushar would come to her senses next day.Ankit came running in her laps.She had to stop crying but things were worst for her.Next day when Tushar didn't came home,she phoned him on his mobile.But he just told her that he didn't want to come and then disconnected phone.She kept waiting for him.But when she went to meet him,he was doing every thing wrong.He screamed on her told her that he didn't want her any more in his life. Rani"But why?I have not done any thing wrong.We were happy and you never thought about leaving me today.Just think about Ankit."Then Tushar took hold of his head and ran inside house.He came out with glass of wine and started screaming"I was happy.But now I don't want to stay with you.Since that hotel was gone.I don't want any pressure on me.I can't give you anything.Just go away."He was saying it all in strange way.There was strange sort of sorrows and fear in his eyes.He was screaming with anger but any one could see clearly that he was not sleeping for long time."Don't you able to sleep?""Yes..Yes.I have nightmares every night.I just can't sleep so are you happy now that I have began to suffer."Now Rani started crying.She just didn't understand that why did she was getting blamed this way.She never hurt Tushar in any way and now he was claiming she wanted sorrows for him.Then he started screaming on her and told her to get out.She was so upset.She wanted to argue with him but she sensed that it was useless so she went away.
          From that day Rani's worst day of life began.She had to accept first that her husband had left her so she had earn for herself and her son.It was not easy.She started searching for job.But nothing was enough to give her that much money in which she could live comfortably.So she started reducing her expenses and started spending all money on her son Ankit.It was getting harder for her every day.Tushar was never available for any help.She just kept working and managing on her own.Then finally one day Tushar came to meet her.She was so upset to see him.She didn't want him to visit her any more.Tushar was looking so strange.He was full of smell of alcohol.He started getting ready on every point.He was so dirty.She just hated to see him that way.She wanted to help him on one hand.Her love for him was telling her that she must do something for him.But he was doing it all wrong. But then when she thought about condition of her and Ankit.She began to scream on him"Why have you came now?When we needed you,on that moment you decided to quit us.Now you want to visit.How dare you come this way in my house?You are drunk.Ankit will see..""I want..I want .."He didn't even able to speak properly.Finally Rani closed door on his face with anger.He screamed for some time then finally he went away. Slowly his visit began to become horrible for them.Even people from society started complaining.Finally one day watchmen were told to stop him and threw him away. Rani didn't want to thing turn into this way.But there was not any option because Tushar was getting drunk every day and it was creating problem for every one.She didn't want to find new house.He was doing it totally wrong way.She knew that she must not hurt that society.She didn't want to hurt them because they were helping her in many ways after Tushar left her.It was horrible.She heard Tushar screaming her name and abusing her.Once even police were called.She was so upset by this.Then after some days it was stopped.But one day finally she received call from Psychiatrist who told her that he wanted to meet her regarding Tushar.She was not interested in him was one sentence she wanted to say but she knew that it was not true.She still cared for Tushar and she was concern about Ankit's future so she decided to visit that Doctor.When she went there,she was shocked to see Tushar in normal clothes.He was looking weak but he was looking better.He felt that it was good.Psychiatrist was interested in telling her every thing.He told her that he was treating Tushar for few days and due to his success Tushar was not visiting her at night.Psychiatrist was told her that Tushar was suffering post traumatic stress disorder and he could treated on every point. It happened due to fire in hotel.Since that fire was destroyed his favourite hotel.That hotel was burning all sides which took peace of his mind.Psychiatrist told her many things but finally she understood just one thing. That her husband was little better now.She was so confused but she didn't want to suffer again.But then Tushar talked with her and finally he told her that he was working in nice hotel now.She got all that information.She wanted to patch up with him.But she was scared but then she thought about money. She needed it so she decided to include Tushar in life.She was scared but she needed money for Ankit's future so she decided to take risk.She just hoped that every thing would go well.But then she just requested one thing that she wanted her in-laws out of her life.Tushar agreed with this and she took Tushar with her.But she was so scared.She was sure of one thing that Ankit would not be happy.But Tushar was happy.She thought that it was worth trying.She took deep breath and went home.But Ankit was adjusted with Tushar quickly.But they had to leave society. Rani hated to do that but she did just for that salary which Tushar was getting.Sometimes people had to think about money. Ankit wanted his father but Rani just needed Tushar's salary.But she always managed to hide those feelings.One thing was just truth that she no more loved this Tushar.But she could pretend and it was working very well for them.After all who wanted to knew whole truth.
                                                                   The End

Friday, May 30, 2014

Poem 1504. Solutions

Those solutions which I wanted inside my life are created those problems which will take us ahead
On every moment and on every point I feel those solutions which are important to us in life are not
Going ahead as per our thinking and our mind I feel that my problems have created many things in
My life which will help us on many moment and take us ahead on many points those solutions that
We want are not that much good for our mind because those solutions are creating thoughts which
Will disturb peace of our mind I feel when I think in details I just have one thought from inside that
Those solutions which are so important to us are creating problems for us on every point I have just
One thinking from my mind that solutions of every problem will manage to guide us on some point
Those solutions which look so good will have logic on some points I just feel one thing that those
Solutions are not taking us ahead in life when I think about those solutions I feel one thing from
My mind that solutions are some which will have different angle on every point I just never feel
Or understand that there is some logic in solutions inside our mind those solutions which I will see
Look totally different on every point I feel just one thing from my thoughts and my mind that
Solutions are complicating many thoughts of mind instead by logic I find solutions have complicated
Things on many points I just feel one thought from my logic that solutions are not that good for
Thinking and for life when I try to find logic on every point those solutions which I reach I feel
Should be perfect for my life but sometimes those solutions will look so good on every point then
I just feel one thing from my mind that solutions which will reach to some point are not that easy
To move ahead in life on every moment and on every point I feel that life is something which
Give solutions on every point those things which are leading to that solutions which are something
That are creating problems inside life because sometimes even logical solutions seem like some trap
On some points I just feel one thing from my mind that solutions are not going ahead as per our
Thinking inside our life those solutions which are giving us proper guidance in life seem like some
Sort of thing which is perfect on every point I feel that solutions are not helping us on any point
I feel that solutions are something which are having different angles of life on every moment and
On every point I just feel one thing from my mind that solutions are not giving me much success
On any point they will lead to that place which will have some sides on every point those sides
Which we feel can help us on every point they are going to take us ahead inside life so then I feel
That those sides are having reactions on every point because they are not that clear and nice in life
On every moment and on every time I just feel one thought from inside that those solutions which
I have created in my life are having different reactions on every point I feel just one thing from my
Thinking and from my mind that solutions are set in such a way that they will make best of life
When we start finding solutions we just feel one thought from inside that solutions are something
Which will take us ahead on every point those solutions which open light for us inside our life
Will look so different on every point I feel just one thing from my mind that solutions are taking
Us ahead on every point those types of solutions which will wake up sunshine are found some times
But wrong solutions are also part of our life so when we find solution I feel sometimes that even
Before problem I start to find solutions to give peace to my mind sometimes even those problems
Doesn't visit us in life on every moment we just feel that those problems are creating some effect
Which will bring unhappiness for us in life so we just start to find solutions and decide to store them
For our safety inside life on every moment and on every point I just feel one thought from my mind
That solutions are stored in so many places that my thinking will start to quit me in my life so on
Every moment and on every point I feel just one thing from my mind that solutions are something
Which will take us ahead in life they are making my life better but if I store them too much then
One day they will just manage to hurt my thinking and my mind on every moment and on every
Thought and point I just feel one thing from my mind that solutions should also found in limit
Inside our life and they should not cross limits in finding them on any point those solutions
That are precious to our mind would be given in some limit inside life on every moment I have
Just one feeling from mind that solutions are something which are creating problems on every
Thought and on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that solutions should wait until
Problem arise in life because just storing solutions will not help us in life so we must wait until
Problem arise and until that moment and until that time we must not store solutions because
We have limited place in life just storing solution means other things can't have place inside life.

Poem 1503. Wrong thoughts in mind

                                                        Wrong thoughts in mind
From one angle of life on every point I feel some times life will take us on wrong points when
We start to move ahead in life those points are those pleasant thing inside life when we began that
Thing on some point those things will look so wrong on every area of life when I will move ahead
I just have one feeling from mind that those angle which will look so nice have some reaction on
Every moment and on every point I feel just one thought from my mind that those beautiful things
Which look pleasant to me are turning in wrong way inside life on every angle I just thought one
Thing from inside that those facts of life will look so confused when I will move ahead in life so
When I start to move I feel I took all care to go ahead on every point with just one hope that I will
Get it all right from my thoughts and my mind all those feeling which I thought gathered positive
In my life seem to gather together when I went ahead from my mind on every moment I just feel
One thing from my mind that on every thought I just tried to get positive in life those thinking which
Help on every point seem to have bought together inside my life and from my mind so when I will
Move ahead I still find one thought from my mind that those points which will bring light in my life
Will never help me on any point when I will move ahead from my thoughts and from my mind so
Then I feel just one thing that wrong thoughts are entered on some point but those thoughts which
Will help were collected by my mind on every moment I just feel one thought from inside that
Those thoughts which will turn wrong way suddenly enter in life on some point and those thinking
Which disturb me seem to hurt my mind when I will go ahead on each and every point I just feel
One thing from my mind that even on positive thoughts there will be negative thoughts from mind
Because while walking on road of life I just feel one thing from my mind that those points which
Are turning in wrong way of life those wrong things are such part of mind that even after taking
So much care they seem to enter inside life with even positive mind but then I feel one thing from
Inside of  mind that just walking with positive thought doesn't help us in life negative will just enter
On some point and how did you will react to those things in life will tell us how did we move ahead
On every point I feel just one thing from my mind that wrong points will not help us that much
Inside life but still they will bring out those weakness which are hidden inside we just never understand
What we feel from our mind on every point we just feel one thing from inside that we don't have
Wrong points on any angle of life but we all have that is one truth of our life and those wrong
Points are there inside every mind there is no mind which doesn't have bad point when we say
One thing from inside that we have just every good point we are not telling that much truth in life
We are just confusing our thoughts and our mind because those points which we discuss will just
Confuse us in life those things which will harm us will lead to wrong intentions on every point
I just feel one thing from my mind that those things which will touch us on every point will
Look so different inside our life when those things will touch our mind some times those things
Which are going in wrong way of life I feel no one is perfect and no one is right on every moment
I just feel one thing from my mind that life is not going ahead as we feel on every point because
Those things which touch our soul will have effect on our life positive thoughts which we claim
Just belong to our mind seem to go in different directions of life because no one is perfect so
No one can remain positive every time some times we just feel negative and that is truth of life
When we move ahead we just feel one thought from our mind that we are positive but that is
Just beginning of our life at start every thing is perfect inside life but when we move ahead on
Every moment and on every point we just feel one thought from our mind that those things
Which look so perfect at beginning seem to have other side on some points and those things
Will look wrong on every moment when we went ahead inside life I just feel one thought from
Inside that in life when we move ahead those negative thoughts will enter inside life so on every
Moment and on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that negative thinking will never
Help us much inside life and positive thoughts are not going ahead on any point so I feel just
One thought from my mind that negative thinking is also part of our future and our life since
It is always existed inside our mind on every point we feel those things are going ahead in life
On totally different angle of our life and manage to take us ahead with every thought and with
Each point those negative thoughts will never let us be something which we feel from inside
But until we accept we have them we can't cure them and become perfect inside life and
On every point we just feel one thing from inside that negative thoughts are creating problem
For us on each point they are hurting our senses and our logic on every moment of our life.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Poem 1502. New and old words

                                                            New and old words
Those words which look so nice once began to look wrong some times but at same time we need
To understand that other words have entered inside our life those words which once use to give
Our thinking pleasure may began to look so wrong on every point but we need to understand that
New horizon and can enter in our world only on that point when old thing left the show new one
Enter in life may new one look hard to adjust but it is the best one on that choice just waiting on
That old front and waiting to get that old thing never help in life some times even with new those
Old one will return back in your life and then you can decide if you keep both or just reject that
Old one on that point but I just feel that we should not let our anger rule our mind we must not
Let rejection to dominate our thoughts and our mind those new horizon which will look so perfect
In life will have different reaction when we start to rejecting things because they are once rejected us
Inside life I know new horizon is good and perfect but it also need help and support sometimes so
If old one is good for our support may be we should forget our ego in life and support that old one
To get benefit for new one in life but mostly there is one problem in life when we quit old one
We just never know how much that old one have change during that time so if some times new
Enter in our life we get that success and then people just start to come to us just to grab that
Power in their life they just never care what we feel or think from inside just including wrong people
Never help us much in life those moments with which we move ahead will take us ahead on every
Thought and point because old things are something which will look good for our life those things
Can change with time so how confuse we feel when we decide to include those old things in life
Because they have many sides which are unknown to life so even accepting help seem like some
Totally wrong in life after all those words which are so important in life are precious because
They are that things which use to part of our part on every time because those facts which are
Something have different types of things inside life are related to old and new things on every
Moment and on every point those old and new things which form strange web inside life seem
To have one strange sort of combination which is set in different type of life when I will move
Ahead I just feel one thing from my mind that those words which are so precious to me are
Going in totally wrong angle of life some words are old one and some are new in life but problem
Is that even including old is not that easy inside new life because when we start to walk one way
We just feel one thought from our mind that old things are something which will confuse us in
Our future and in our life those words which take us from one point to another point some times
Just stood against each other on life's some point I just have one thought from inside of my mind
That those different parts of life which are so good for our future are not ready to move with
Each other on every angle or on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that old and new
Things are going ahead as per our thinking inside life when old things quit new one will enter
Inside life I feel that old words are having different meaning on every angle of our life because
Old words are set in such way of life that they will began to move ahead in wrong way of life
New words will move on those places in life which are kept in place of old thing on every moment
And on every point I feel just one thing from my mind that old thing and new thing which will
Have two different front can take us on different angle of life I just feel one thought from inside
Of my mind that old area of thoughts will be gone when new area enter in life that is what expect
Some times by new fronts in life and we just supply them with unwanted help on every point
Because those new things are creating new word on every point those things which are so
Good and precious in life on every point I feel just one thought from my mind that new things
Are creating those ways inside life I feel just one thing from my mind that those things which
Are creating new front in life on every point I feel just one thought from my mind that those
New words are something which will have some impact inside life after all those new words
Which will have some different thoughts in life will began to react in totally different type in life
If we include against their wishes those words in life which are not those words that will look
So good on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that finding new words and cherishing
Them is important in life but should I quit my old words just for them in life is one question
Which never answered in same way from mind because it changes from time to time in our life.

Poem 1501. Cheating in life

                                                                  Cheating in life
Sometimes you think that you need to change things and then we start to plan without even
Proper thinking we never once thought what are we doing because sometimes we feel that we
Are cheated because we are convinced regarding that thing sometimes we feel that we have right
And people are doing every thing wrong so we just began to feel one thing that those things
Which are wrong were just due to that cheating and then we just began to feel we must come
Ahead and start to change the thing but question is that how can we change things when those
Wrong things which are started have began just due to our thoughts and thinking no one can so
Easily cheat us in our thinking something is always wrong with our thoughts when we just fell in
That trap of cheating when we are so pure and so innocent thing how can we just change so much
Just when some one convince us about that cheating when some one have heart of that gold
Which will shine on every time they will never get so angry and start doing so wrong just because
They feel some one cheated them in life on many occasions and on many points I just feel one
Thing from my mind that those things which change our future and our life will have wrong
Thought reactions inside life those things which will make us so bad just after hearing one word
Cheating inside life shows us that we are standing on wrong spot of our life when we move
Ahead I just feel one thing from my mind that sometimes one word cheating bring out all anger
Which we stored inside and it is just throw on one person instead of throwing on proper person
Who bring it in life and then we feel just one thing if we are so frustrated in life why don't we do
Something to find peace in some nice thing in life but we just never did it we just keep searching
For that cause on every point we just feel one thing from our mind that those plans which we made
Are creating problem for us in life we feel that cheating is one thing against which we must fight
But just running after that thought will not help us in life we can punish cheater but do you think
That cheating will stop after that in life no, it will not stop it will visit us from time to time and we
Just get subjected to it again on some point I know that you need to fight against cheating inside life
But while doing it we must understand that we should not cheat our humanity on any point because
We are human being and we want justice in life and we can get that justice by just some thoughts
Which are more practical inside life just running after some thought will not help us in life if we
Want to fight against cheater then I feel that those thoughts will change many things in life because
Those thoughts which are important inside life I feel just one thing from my mind that those cheating
Which are touching my thoughts and my mind those cheating which are having effect on us are
Creating impact on us at each and every point I just feel one thought from my mind that sometimes
When we go ahead with cheating we feel that those wrong things are something which will have
Impact on our mind those cheating which look so interesting on every point I feel just one thing
From my thoughts and my mind that cheating are something which will have some wrong side
Of our life I just feel one thing from my mind those cheating are having sad effects on life so
Just in few days and in few moments of life I just feel that cheating will have impact on every
Moment and on every point those cheating which are touching my soul will look so different
On every point I feel just one thing that cheating is not only thing which matter in our life we need
To understand that those sad effect which it create will matter of just some time but if while
Asking for justice we forgot our limits then pain will be for whole life because people will remember
Just one thing on every point that when you are asking justice you have done injustice to them in
Your life so when I will move ahead I just feel one thought from my mind that those justice which
We want against those cheating are never helping us inside our life because when we make that
Injustice on every moment and in every point of life because when cheating is found we feel that
We can find some justice inside life but truth is that we are just creating injustice on other side
Because when we start throwing anger then no one can be spared so inside our life those all form
Of cheating will never help but just creating more injustice will also not going to help us in life
So when you found that you are cheated don't just start to raise your voice try to understand
That you want justice in life that doesn't mean you can do any wrong things with others in life
Asking for justice doesn't mean hurting others in life just because you ask justice never feel
That you are acting in right way inside your life if you act in wrong way then you will look worst
Even than that cheater in life never let your thoughts tell you that for justice you can do any thing
And act what ever way you want inside your future as well as inside your precious type of life.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Poem 1500. Moods

When some one ask me a question inside life I just feel one thing from my mind that those moods
Which we have inside life changes from one form to another form of life when something happen
On some point I just feel one thing in few seconds my mood changes in life I feel those feelings which
Are inside my mind will slowly change every point of life when mood began to enter on every point
We just feel one thing that moods are like water which will shift from one point to another point
After all those moods which look so nice in life will have some impact on our mind when we go
Ahead on every moment of life we just feel one thing from inside that those mood which we have
On every point seem like some thing which will bring happiness inside life I feel one thought from
Every point that wind will manage to take leaves anywhere and mood will manage to take our mind
So on every point mood will change just by swing of our life when we move ahead on any time
Then we just feel one thought from inside that those moods which look so perfect to us on every
Moment and on every point have one air of change inside life I just never understand what is hidden
In my mind because every day we change our thoughts on every point of life I feel that my mood
Are something which just manage to shift from one target of life to another target of life I just feel
One thought that my moods are cheating me on every point because when I make one plan and
Then mood suddenly take different turn in life we just feel one thing that mood will look so different
On every moment and on every time I have just one feel from my mind that those things which
Look so nice to me are something so perfect on every point because those moods which look so
Wonderful to me are part of just some moments and time they just never remain there for long time
Those moods are like some tides which enter in our life and then have effect on some points and
Then just vanish in few moment as if they are never going to stay with us in life but when those
Tides touch then they will create lot of effect in life we need to understand just because they are
Going back in sea of life doesn't mean they don't create effect on life because those effect will
Change us on many points they will construct different aspects of life they will make us happy
And sad on every point they will create effects which will have some reflections on every point
I just feel one thing from my mind that those moods which are having just effect if not controlled
Then start creating our life in mess we just began to change with them on every point we began to feel
That we need to move ahead with those moods on every point those moods began to dominate
Our wills and wishes inside life they will began to create us or destroy us on every point I just
Feel one thing from my mind that moods are that part which can create effect according to our
Thinking and according to our like and dislike but how much we let them rule us depend on how
We move ahead in life I just have one thought that moods are not just changing they are creating
New concept on every point I just have one feeling from my mind that moods are something which
Will have impact on every moment of life I will never understand what I feel from inside but those
Thoughts which create those moods are something which like to dominate our life and when
We let them rule slowly we will lose faith of those people who feel that we are standing with
Them in their problem on every time because those moods which are important in life those moods
Which are so special inside life those things will have effects on every point those moods are changing
On every point inside life because they are having reactions inside life on every moment and on
Every point because those moods which are changing on every front inside life those moods are
Having different reactions in life are due to those moods from time to time I just feel one thing
From my mind that moods are changing shades of life those reactions which touch our mind
Will have impact on us at every point those feeling which are having different concepts inside life
Can change my thinking on every point those ratios of life which can help us on every point are
Those concepts which will take us ahead in life but some moods just are not right for mind and
We need to change them from every reaction of life we need to fight sometimes against those
Tides like sometimes we need to move ahead against tide when we decide to swim to save some one
Inside that water drowning due to tides those moods are like just those tides but person that is
Drowning is no one but us and it is creating effect on our life so we must understand those moods
Are something totally wrong inside life on every point I just feel one thought from my mind that
Moods are something which will help us on every point when we have them good way inside life
So we must learn to fight some moods in life and some moods must be cherished for whole life
But never let your mood rule you inside your life you should be the ruler of your future and life.

Poem 1499. Unfortunate fight

                                                            Unfortunate fight
When ever I heard loud screams I want to stop them from my life I just don't want to enter in any
Form or kind of fight when those fight began to enter in my life I just feel one thing that is need
Of fight on every time those things which are leading problems in life how much I hate those screams
In fight I feel just one thing from my mind that those loud voices are going ahead in different tone
Of life on every moment those fights are having so frustrating voice that they just never let me
What I want inside life I just don't want to engage inside fight I tried so hard to ignore from time
To time but some fights are just truth of life we just can't ignore them on any point when we went
Ahead on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that if I want peace then it is not possible
On some moments of life when I will move ahead inside my life I just feel one thought from my
Thinking and my mind that fights are something which just follow me on every point because some
Voices just never stop on any point in life I feel just one thing from my mind that those facts that
Start to move ahead in life can't move ahead if we start to move in positive way of life those fights
Which make voices are just not letting us move ahead inside life those voices which are forming
Bridges from time to time manage to destroy them due to wrong thinking of mind I just have one
Thought from my mind that those voices which will have side effect will manage to hurt me on
Many points of life because those voices are too loud and too harmful to mind those things which
Are stopping me in my life are interfering in each part of my mind so I just need to stop those
Voices in life sometimes just ignoring doesn't help us much from our mind those thoughts which
Will help us on every point are moving ahead in every moment from mind but still those wrong
Voices are trying to destroy those pleasant and beautiful voice I just want to live with pleasure in
My future and in my life but still I just have to stop sometimes to get involved in those fights but
When I have to stop I just have one questions from my mind why did god have created this world
Such way that always encourage wrong tide of mind why people just always try to upset positive
Thoughts on every point why world never understand that those things are taking us on wrong
Route of life I just feel one thing from my mind that I must not surrender before that thinking in
My future and in my life those thoughts which tell me that I can change world from inside will
Just manage to hurt me on every point when I just get my thinking hurt due to those angry thoughts
In life I just wish one thing from inside that those wrong thoughts must not change on any point
Because those thoughts are creating that anger which will hurt me on every point and I just feel
That anger can't bring peace in life so when I start to create some thing for peace I just need one
Thing those angry voices to stay outside of my life on every moment I just feel one thought from
My thinking and my mind that those fight which began just to stop those voice slowly inside life
Manage to hurt that peace which is created in life so when I started all things I just have one thought
From inside that I want peace and pure thing but how confused I will get after some time I just
Start with one hope that I will construct something nice and when I am in middle of work that
Voices start destructing inside life that peace will manage to take us ahead on every point but then
I feel just one thing from inside constructive things will left my mind on every point those things
Which are having effect on our life are taking us to those fronts which will have some disturbing
Effect inside life but then those new constructions which will touch our thoughts on every point
But when I start against those destruction that fight I feel that constructions are so important on
Every point but still due to those voices I just quit my constructions and change into that destruction
Mode of my life so only if life can change on some point it will change many things on many times
Because I just started paying attention to wrong things in life like those voices which are disturbing
My thoughts and my mind then get whole attention of my life don't you think it happen to us
Many times we just can't able to create anything because those things disturb us on every point
Inside life should not get full attention on every point but sometimes it happen inside life but then
I feel just one thought from my mind that construction is important inside life so when I engage
I feel those are unfortunate fight inside life just waste my time I know that it happen to every one
In life so I just suggest one thing that don't feel sad when you engage inside life such fight just
Give yourself few minutes and then just change to constructive side and then in few moments
You shall see change in world on every point so I just feel one thing that engaging in those fights
Is our destiny sometimes but then I feel we can move ahead and ignore it in life because those
Things are creating bad effects on life they just manage to hurt but only if we let them inside life
Just ignore them and then when ahead in life because they are just act of impulse nothing  valuable
Inside life construction is important we just need to fight to stop those voices at least for some time
So that we can get back to our work as we wish from beginning of our thoughts and our mind .

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Poem 1498. Controlled fight

                                                             Controlled fight
Sadly when I see a crisis I just feel one thing inside life that I must try to do some thing and I must
Start fight so on every moment inside life I have one thinking on every point that those crisis must
Be stopped on every point so I will just began to move ahead in life to start those crisis will have
Effects inside life those things which will move ahead inside life those things which happen in
Our future and in our life are creating crisis on every point those things which will enter in our
Future and in our thoughts in life are telling us on every moment that I just must do something
In my life when my life will move ahead on every point I feel just one thought from my mind
That those thinking which will move ahead will have results on life if I just keep thinking about
Those crisis I feel they will manage to harm me more inside life those things which happen to
My future will be depend on my thinking on every point all those fights which are so precious
To me are good for our thinking and our future in each part of life I feel one thing that when
I get obsessed with crisis sometimes I just do too much inside life to solve those crisis which
Will open my mind on every point of life it tells me that I am looking too much at those crisis
And forgot to look at other things in life on every moment I just feel one thought from my mind
That those crisis manage to capture each thought on every point and they are just having some
Thoughts inside life those fights are taking away that happiness from our mind after all those
Thoughts they are having some fantastic thinking on every point because on every moment in life
But then those dream which are having something meaningful in life on every point those thoughts
Are having nice planning inside life after all those fights which we have in life are for crisis but
Sometimes they just manage to change our peaceful life those crisis which enter inside our mind
Will have some effect on our life those ways which we use to move ahead in life are taking us
On totally wrong way on every point I just feel one thing that inside my life those crisis get so
Much attention that I forget construction of life on every moment and on every point I just feel
One thing from inside that those new things which I want to create in life are having reactions
On every point those crisis will come to visit us on every point look totally wrong from every side
Of my mind because those fights which are started inside my life will look so different when I think
About constructive side they look as if they have captured my life and on every moment they seem
To take control of each thing inside life I feel just one thought from my mind that those plans
Which I will make in my life are managing to hurt me on every point because they are just about
Crisis and not regarding bringing happiness to me in life when I will move ahead I just have one
Thought from my mind that those crisis are not helping me on any point of life those crisis are
Just hurting me on each point because they are stopping positive thinking of my life when I will
Move ahead I just feel one thing from inside that those good side of life are taking me ahead on
Every point suddenly seemed ignored on every point those crisis which entered inside our life
Are creating problems on every point I feel one thing from my mind that crisis are something
Which manage to hurt me on every angle of my life I just kept telling from my mind that those
Positive things can be ignored I just need to handle crisis inside life I feel one thing from my
Thoughts and mind that those things which will have effect of crisis just manage to move on
Every point I just feel that I must not let crisis to move ahead in life on every moment I just have
One thought from my mind that those crisis which enter inside my life will have some reactions
On some point which tell me that I need to move ahead in my life just looking at those crisis
Will not help us that much inside life I feel that crisis are some thing which will have impact
On my life but I must understand that constructive side is important to me but still I just run
Around that crisis and manage to destroy many pleasure of my life I just have one thought from
My thinking and my mind that those crisis which enter in my world are not coming ahead as
Per my thinking inside my life they just visit me on any point and then if I just kept thinking
About them then I can never able to see that positive light so if we have crisis I just feel one
Thought from my mind that those crisis should enter in positive side and they will manage to
Hurt me on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that I must learn to start fight in my
Controlled mind so I feel just one thing I must have controlled fights on every point inside life
And then only I am live happy life because those controlled thoughts will manage to my life
And in crisis I just feel one thought from my mind that controlled fights are some thing which
Is precious and important inside life on each and every moment and on every point of life.

Poem 1497. Perfect and wise

                                                                 Perfect and wise
In life you always see people who claim to be wise just always prefer to call you fool in life
But I just have one question from my mind that those who called wise are moving wrong way
In life because every one will have enough brain in life to understand the world if they decide
But sadly some wise just don't want to understand our thoughts and our mind and on every
Moment and on every point they just feel one thing that we are nothing but fool inside our life
We just kept searching on every point those things which are precious to our life are not going
Ahead as we think on every point those thoughts which are called so wise are not telling us that
Truth because they are limited inside life just to those truths which are precious inside life but
Then I feel that those truth which they form wrong thoughts inside life those things which are
Having sad reflections in life those facts which are totally wrong in life because those truths are
Something not that much proper in life those facts which are good for our life are not said going
Ahead as per our thinking on every point those truths which are so positive in life are having those
Thinking which will wake up our conscious on every point but those wise people seem to forget
Those thoughts from their mind and still claim that those things which they tell us are perfect
As well as wise I just feel one thing how can some wise person can insult some one in life by
Calling that person stupid on every point because wise one will always know one thing in life that
Our knowledge is never complete on any occasion of our life we have to learn on every moment
And on every point we just feel one thing that we are having limited knowledge when we get next
Knowledge inside life since we are wise we just understand one thing that we never have enough
Knowledge inside life those things which look so good and perfect to us are not that wise when
Claim how wise are they and always tell others that they are wrong in life I just feel that is not sign
Of wise because just claiming other one is not wise just doesn't make them wrong in life I know
We all want to explain points in life on every moment I just feel one thought from my mind that
Those facts which we see inside our life are told to us by any one and some of them are those
People whom we never called wise in life we just never understand who is wrong and right but
Sometimes our experience tell us that some people are totally wrong on every point when we talk
By that circumstances then we must understand one thing in life that when we see things and
Say them before world truthfully then our thoughts are lot wiser than wise on every moment and
On every time we just feel that wise people are those who just move ahead in life without causing
Any problem in this world on every point because those who just remain stuck to one theory and
Tell world they are right are just stubborn person hardly called wise because when stubbornness
Enter your mind then you are no more wise if you want to explain other person some fact we must
First listen that person's facts and then give them answers inside life on every moment and on each
And every thought of life I just feel one thing that this fact will tell me that those circumstances
Are opening some possibilities inside life I just have one feeling from my mind that those situations
Which create problems for us are turning in wrong way for our life I have just one thought from
My thinking and my mind that those knowledge which I get in life can't be shared if that person
Think themselves perfect and wise because they just keep criticizing other person but never listen
To our points never find any solutions to those problems which we suffer in life when I will move
Ahead I just feel one thing from my mind that wise people are those people who will move ahead
On every point I have one thinking from my mind that those problems which we get by knowledge
Are something not that much perfect inside life wise people just never understand what they feel
From inside they just keep telling same thing on every point I just wanted solution for my one
Question but when I ask it to so called wise they just keep telling faults of other parties to me and
Then I feel those wise are not useful for my life because they are talking to me they are just talking
To themselves all time when some one ask you some question and you just keep talking about
Something else all time and just keep telling your knowledge do you really feel that is wise inside
Our future and our life so when some one called wise I feel that one be some one who listen to me
And try to answer my question as best as possible in life I feel that one is wise enough inside my life
I just don't want sea of knowledge and mountain of intelligence inside life I just have one simple
Question that is how much you have learn to respect other and it seem that it is ignore to answer
By many people who have so much knowledge that they should be considered as perfect and wise.                                                     

Monday, May 26, 2014

Poem 1496. My patience

                                                                  My patience
I always wish to god that I never scream again inside life on every moment and on every point
I just feel one thought from my mind that those wrong thoughts which are so important inside life
I have one thought from inside those angry thoughts which are so important to us on every point
I feel one thing from my mind that anger will always strong on every point I feel that anger will
Enter inside my life I feel that this anger which arise when some one does wrong in life will not
Arise on any point inside life I have just one thought from inside this anger will bring stress in
Our thinking and our life after all those anger which are so wrong inside life that anger will look
Totally confused inside life that anger will manage to look so different inside life after all that
Anger which will have side effects inside life I have that anger is so important on every point
I have those anger that will look disturbing inside life so then I feel just one thing from my mind
That anger which will come to me on first point those anger which will never take us ahead
In life mostly enter because we just don't have one thing that is patience inside life on every
Moment and on every point we just feel that waiting for something is not that pleasant and that
Nice on every point I feel just one thing from inside life those patience that is so wrong in life
After all that patience which we need to learn in life on every moment I just feel one thought
From inside that patience which will teach us that we must move ahead on every point will look
Totally wrong on every point I just feel that this patience is so important inside life but then
I feel that I can't wait on every moment of life to get that quality which will make us winner
On every point we feel one thing that patience is some thing so important inside life but then
I feel patience is some thing I need to have to learn patience on every point of life but then
I have one thought from my mind that learning right thing is not that much easy inside life but
Then after some moment and after some time I feel that it is hardest quality to learn in life but
Learning it seem like some thing so important on every point I feel just one thing from my mind
That those qualities which are so precious inside our thinking and our life because those qualities
Are something so important to us on every point but we can't get them so easily inside life since
Those qualities are something so important to us on every point I feel one thing from inside that
Patience is one quality which I don't understand inside my life on any point I feel that this quality
Which will enter inside life I feel that if only I can manage to learn that quality on every time
Because it is so hard to understand that quality inside life I feel that those feeling which we need
To learn from inside I feel that this patience will turning totally wrong inside life I feel that when
I feel just one thing from step by step inside life I feel that patience is so important inside life
But then those qualities which are taking ahead on every moment and on every point that those
Qualities are something which we need to understand inside life those qualities are something
Which are harming us on every moment inside life but then I feel one thing from inside life
There are many qualities which are so important inside life but still they are going many points
Which are so hard to learn inside life because those qualities are moving ahead on every point
And they have many angles inside life which are confusing our thoughts and our mind but one
Thing is always right that is to learn them life but anger come to us without much efforts and
These qualities which are so precious to our thinking inside life those qualities are something so
Important inside life but then I feel just one thing from my mind but step by step I wish to
Learn many things in life but those steps confuse me on every point inside life because those
Qualities which are so important to learn on every point but then I feel just one thought from
My mind those qualities which are so precious inside life I have one thing from my mind that
Those qualities are some thing so precious to us in life but it need hard working to learn them
Inside life I feel just one thing from my mind that anger will come to me so easily without tries
But one big quality of patience take a lot of days to enter inside life on every moment I just
Feel one thought on every point I feel that learning that quality will damaging us on every point
But then I feel just one thing from my mind that this patience will have one profit inside life
Because I feel just one thought from inside that patience is something which is precious in life
After all that patience will be perfect for our future or life but I feel one thing from my mind
That patience will look so hard to get in life on every moment I just feel one thought from inside
That patience is something which will stay with me on every point of life and anger will just
Manage to hurt me on every point and on every time but still it will enter inside life so I feel
That patience is something so important inside life anger will manage to hurt us on every moment
But then I feel one thing from inside that god will not help me because having patience is
One task which we suppose to perform inside life it is not for god but it is for us to do it in life
We can't just ask every thing from god on every time we will lose every thing if we do in life.   

Poem 1495. Useful life

                                                                    Useful life
How important it seem to have one useful life on which every point we do something worthy
On every point how nice it seem to get those useful things in life which will take us ahead on
Every moment and help us on every point but in this life I just have one thought on every point
That when we work hard on every moment I feel I can able to do some useful things inside life
Those things which I do on every moment and on every point seem so worthy of every moment
Which take us ahead in life useful things are something which will take us ahead on every point
Usefulness is that thought which is needed inside life those useful things which will help us on
Every point I feel one thought from my mind that usefulness is that point which will take us ahead
On every moment in life we just move ahead on every moment in search of becoming useful in
This precious life but some times it seems as if some people just want other to look useful but
Hardly like to work in life on every moment I just feel that usefulness will not help us on any
Moment and on any point those useful thoughts which will make our life some thing wonderful
On every point I just feel one thought that useful things are just demanded from us by some
People but they hardly act that way in their own life how can you say some one really useful if
That person just tells other to do thing right and inside life that person can do any thing to get
Success in life and then every one feel that doing wrong thing is perfectly right on every point
I feel one thought from my mind that while judging wrong and right inside our life I just feel one
Thing from inside that useful things are something which will have different impact on every point
I feel one thought on every moment and on every point that useful things which enter in our world
Will look so complicated when it enter inside our life those things which look so hard to do in life
But some people just use wrong way and get them done in two seconds in life but I just have one
Question will god forgive them in life but I know one thing from earth people easily forgive them
And forget it in life because when they are not hurt why should they care for others in life so
When those people get success in wrong way I saw them getting flowers and appreciation in life
I just feel one thing on that moment in mind how can we forget so easily those crime but then
I just feel it is my question which is wrong in my mind because people will always forget but
God is one who never forget that crime on every moment and on every point I just feel one thing
From inside of mind that those useful people who are receiving flowers before us by crime are
Never punished  by people they are always punished by destiny in life so maybe we should just
Ignore them and let destiny handle them from time to time just once we say they are wrong then
I feel it is enough for life those who never understand our words are like that slate which is fully
Written inside life so why should we waste our time in trying to write on it on any point because
That slate must be cleaned and that will be hardest task for life because cleaning slate seems like
Impossible task to me at this point so maybe we should just move ahead while ignoring them in life
After all we really want to spend a useful life which will help us when we decide to look at us
In mirror from time to time because mirror will show that reflection which is before it in life but
What we see it in mirror will be interpreted by our eyes from every moment and from every point
I just feel that this interpretation will look good for our future and our life because in mirror I see
Those perfect things which will bring happiness to us in life and they will make us useful from
Time to time I just feel one thing from my mind that usefulness is something which we can get
With hard work in life on every moment that useful things which we do in life are done by our
Hard work on every point I feel one thought from my mind that useful things are turning in totally
Different way inside life because usefulness is one thought which will take us ahead on every point
Those useful thing which are we needed to do in life on every moment and on every point I just
Feel one thing from my mind that useful things are important inside life but those which are in life
Achieved by hard work on every time I just feel one thought from my mind that those useful things
Which are precious to our life will look so different on every moment and on every time I feel one
Thinking and one thought from my mind that usefulness is some thing which will have effect on
Our future and our life I still feel on every moment that usefulness is something which is so
Important inside life because usefulness means to work hard and taking every one ahead in life
I just never feel that any one can move forward by wrong ways of life so when I want to be useful
I just want to lead a positive and hard working life but many disagree with me and that doesn't
Matter because I just don't want one person to disagree with me and that person is god inside
My thoughts and my mind so on every moment I just feel one thing that I will see my reflection
As beautiful only those days when I make my god happy by doing right thing inside my thoughts
As well as inside my mind those useful things which will help us are those that will help us to
See our face proudly inside that mirror on every moment and on every time inside our life each time.                                                        

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Poem 1494. The moon

                                                              The moon
When I see a moon in a sky which is stand in this sky and when I watch it that seems so nice
And pleasant to my eyes that moon which shine with all it's beauty look so lovely on each moment
And shines pleasantly that moon which give that shine which look like silver to my eyes will have
That beauty which will touch my eyes I just feel one thing that liking that moon is something that
I do every day whenever I see that moon inside that sky when I want to try something nice then
I just look at that moon and feel it's pleasure I just began to forget how nice that moon seem to
My eyes when I want to search something in that darkness of that night that moon which was
Pleasant become scary even on some seconds when darkness began to capture my thoughts and
My mind on each point and try I just feel one thing from my thinking and on my every try that
Moon which look so pretty and lovely to my eyes will doesn't have that beauty which will please
My thoughts and my eyes because when I see that coolness which touch my thought and my mind
I just feel one thing that in that moon I see that beauty but it is useless when I scared inside that
Darkness which capture my eyes I will not see any thing that will touch my thoughts and tell me
What is stood before me on every point and on every try I know that I like that moon but when
I walk in night I just wish from heart that it will give me some light so even that beauty which
Look so pleasant to my eyes will get blamed when it will not help me in what I wanted to try
Sometimes I think how selfish were my thoughts and my every try that even those things which
I like doesn't get much chance when they fail that task which I want to complete on that try but
If then I feel one thought that may be I never understood that point I just always blamed those
Things which are helping me on try I just never thought that how much I did blame that thing
Just because I feel that every time it is important to get that things which are important in try
I just feel one thing from my mind that those pleasant thing inside life are those things which
Are pleasant on every point will have that nice effect on life that moon which shine on every
Point will look so pleasant inside life I just feel one thing on every point that we just forget one
Thing from our mind that we are not just important thing in life we just keep thinking on every
Moment and on every point that moon will have pleasant inside life I just have one thought from
My mind that moon is always same but we just expect it to change for us on sometimes how
Confuse we are in our selfish mind that on every moment we just keep demanding every thing
On every point we just feel one thought from inside that moon is something which will give us
So freshness inside life I just have one thing on every point that this shine which look so good
For our life that shine will look so good on every point that moon will look so pleasant on every
Point I just feel one thing from my mind that coolness which look so nice on every point I just
Have one feeling from inside that moon will have pleasant shine but we just expect moon to act
Just as per our wishes on every time I just never understand when I start thinking this way in life
But I just feel one thought from inside that those moon which look so pure and pleasant and mild
I feel one thought that those important things like moon should act as per my wish just because
I like to look at them in sky how strange is that thought but it is truth of our mind that on every
Moment unknowingly we just think one thing that each thing should act as wish on every try
And when that doesn't happen we began to scream and cry how wrong is our thinking and how
Wrong are our tries because when we start some thing we must learn to do it on our own like
We learn to walk just by imitating some one's try but just blaming other because they are not
Giving us hand is totally wrong on every try because we must learn to do it our own if other
Help us that is their favor not  duty because we are no more child who are learning to walk on
First try we just feel that way on every moment but that doesn't change the fact that we are
Grown up so inside our life on every try we need to understand those thought which tell us
We must move ahead on every try because on every moment and on every try we feel just
One thing that moon is so nice and perfect for our eyes I just feel one thing from my thought
And from my sky that moon will look so nice and peaceful on every try I just feel one thought
From my sky that moon will look like silver inside that sky I feel just one thing on every try
That moon is not something which should obey me on my wishes and stay in that sky but
I suppose to understand moon and understand how did I suppose to move ahead by myself in try.

Poem 1493. Rainbow

In life I always love the rainbow when it enter in my life out of that window glass or inside sky
But mostly it's that glass which spread rainbow in my life because sky is so far away it just don't
Manage to enter in my life on any point something small things don't have power to bring happiness
Inside life but bigger thing have power on every point but when small thing bring happiness then
It will always stood near us inside life on every moment we just feel that we can grab happiness
On every moment and on every point we just feel one thing from our mind that happiness can be
Hold only when it is near in life but we can't hold that rainbow and we can't hold happiness in life
Both things will vanish after some time we need to understand one thought from inside that holding
Any thing is not that much easy inside life we just keep hoping that one day we can hold those
Things in life but even when we know that we can't hold I just feel that having them so close
Will make me so happy in my life just thinking that it is close will give me pleasure and touch my
Thinking and my mind that on every point I just feel that even if that happiness can't be hold still
It will look so wrong on every point I just feel one thing that this rainbow which will give pleasure
To my thoughts and my mind will have those colors which look so promising even when I just
Never able to hold them in life I feel that sometimes just having things near can give you so much
Pleasure inside mind that we just feel one thing that only if we have that thing close it will so nice
But we need to stay satisfied on those points because butterflies are made to fly and if we try to
Touch them then they are going to die in life some thing which are so delicate will look so different
On every moment and on every point I just feel one thing having those soft things will always
Help me on each point I just have one thinking from my mind that those things which are delicate
Will improve our future from time to time I feel that those things which are so nice and pure needed
Inside life but sometimes they are made in such way that we can't touch them and sometimes we
Even can't see them inside life like that sweet smell flower which touch our mind we just have
To keep sitting there but still that smell will reach to us on every time it will look so good and so
Refreshing to us on every time I just have one thought from my mind that those smell which will
Touch our mind are something like pleasant things of life I feel that even when I don't see them but
Still I will find their sweetness in air and in life on every moment I just feel that those smell is some
Important part of our life so even when we can't hold it or even when we can't see it for it we feel
Liking inside life some thing are so different that without seeing them we feel for them that pleasant
Feeling from our mind we just never understand what we feel from inside but those things which
Look so good for our future are those which we hold but still I feel those things which give pleasure
Of some moments are also so perfect and nice for our future and our life because on those moments
We can move ahead in life and we just can't hold those things which give us pleasure on every
Thought and on every moment of life when we move ahead we just feel one thought from our mind
That holding some pleasant thing is not most important in life some thing can't be hold but still
They are some thing so pleasant in life like our smile which comes and vanishes after some time
Those things which can't be hold are also most important things in life they are moving ahead on
Every point as per our thinking and as per our mind I just feel one thought from my mind that those
Things which are precious to us can come and go in just moments of life we just can't hope that
Those things will stay with us for entire life because those things are not made that way inside
Our life just trying to hold much thing will create problems in life and just feeling that those things
Which we can't hold are useless is biggest mistake in life those things which will vanish out of
Our life will have some part in future because those things will vanish after some time since they
Are creating many aspects of life which touch our thoughts and give us pleasure on every point
We just feel one thing that just possessing some thing is not enough in life we need to understand
That we must learn to live in moments which enter in our life and then give us that pleasure
Which will touch our soul on every point I have just one feeling from my mind that holding things
Is not enough for our future and for our life on every moment I just feel one thought from inside
That those beautiful feelings which make me light are important for me on every point I feel
That just holding things is not important in life some times we need to let them fly as those things
Wish from inside because that will give us happiness on each and every point inside our future
And inside our life because those light and beautiful feelings which vanish are creating true and
Important feeling inside life on every moment we just feel one thought from mind that those
Mild feeling which will create happiness for us on every time are so precious to our thoughts
On each and every point because they are as light as air on every moment and on every time in life.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Adventure story 138. Lost friend

                                                                    Lost friend
Trusha worked so hard on every point inside life. She wanted to get that project.She had arranged every thing properly on every point.That work which had started so perfectly in life she felt that she arranged it. Trusha did every thing properly in that office.She arranged every thing with best efforts in life.She made every thing according to plan.Her whole team was working hard with her.There were many of them when lot of people were working on that project with her.They all were working so hard.She was watching them.They all were spending days and nights just to do that project.She was their boss so she just spent every moment in doing some thing for that project.She was doing every work as hard as she could.It took her long hours to do that work.But she did her best.They all were working but she hardly had time to remember their names.That was her bad habit.She always forget names of people. But still she remembered faces perfectly and she called them with new names like Mr.sincere or Miss perfect or Mrs. neat etc.She used to create them but always kept them in mind because she was sure that people would not take them nicely.Today it was final day of their work then they present it.If it got approved then they will work for that project and if it failed.They all had to go in different ways.But she would suffer worst because then she would get some useless project as next one.Since in business failed one never received any good project so she couldn't receive one.She was keeping her finger crossed.She noticed tension on everyone's face.But then she noticed that someone's teeth were making strange noise and if that person was shivering.She went near that person.She asked him"Are you okay?"Then that fellow nodded.That was Mr.Sincere.She wanted to ask his name but she didn't dare.She didn't want to any one that she did know their names because she knew that people would take it in wrong way.She just tried to find his profile on her computer.She searched hard and then she found.His name was Piyush. He was so strange. She just didn't understand that why did he was so scared when every one was relaxed.After all if they failed then it would be her responsibility.She was so upset by all this.But she was not acting so strange.She just didn't understand his problem.They were waiting for long time.Finally a peon came and gave them that letter. Trusha felt shivering of hands when she took that letter.She was so scared to open it.She took deep breath and opened it.But her worst dream came true.Her project was rejected.She felt as if floor under her feet was vanished.She wanted to cry but still she controlled her tears and told every one that project was rejected.Then she saw every one was so upset.They all felt that it was wrong. Trusha had to control her feeling and tell them that they should not feel that way.Someone might had made better project.But no one seemed to be convinced. Trusha was so depressed that she went away as soon as possible.It was worst day for her.She knew that she was going to cry all day and she felt as if she would never get over it because she did her best and still she got nothing.
          Trusha woke up next day.She was feeling so worst but still she decided to go in office.Then she received a call from boss who told her that her team would remain same.Since her boss was convinced that they were best but still they failed so they got some not that much interesting project.But they could work together. Trusha was little relieved that at least boss had not throwing her with unknown team.But still she wanted to cry and she was scared.But still she felt that she could do it.She went that day to office with lot of struggle because she knew that it was hard to keep smiling on that day. Trusha was so confused about keeping that smile alive.She felt that it was not right for her that she didn't want to pretend things. But still she controlled her emotions and went to office.Every one was upset but when she told them that they got second chance.They all cheered with hope.She pretended to smile but she was so scared that new project would be some thing to hard to handle.After all they were not going to get any better project,last time their project was important and they did it best.But still they failed.She didn't know that how did it turn out. Trusha "Let me go and check out what is this new project?""Don't worry Madam.We will do our best."They all began to encouraged her.But then suddenly she noticed that Piyush was looking in strange way in nothing. Trusha"Piyush what happen?""Nothing and that is the problem.We will not win.Until we find something."Now Trusha was confused."I don't get it.What are you talking about?"Then Piyush just looked at her in strange way as if he was wake up out of dream. Piyush"Nothing.I was just thinking.How can we win?It seem as if every thing was lost.""Nothing is lost.We can win."Trusha said it but from heart she was also scared of all those things. She went to boss that project was hard but it was not that easy. Trusha"It is hard to get solve this project sir."Boss"I know but you have to try.Your last failure is not going ahead easily for our bosses.They wanted to give this project to someone whom they can trust but not worthy enough to work on new and bright project.I convince them to give it to you.I saved your job.I hope you will understand it.""But we did our best and sir you know it.""My knowledge will not help you.Since you have failed other things will not help you.You know this world.They all want just winner on every point.They never cared for other things.All they cared for was just one thing.Success!!And you have failed so just try to do that project.""But it is hard.This could be fail.""Now don't worry.You will win in this.""But...""Now stop those buts.You will do it and if you can't then just forget your promotion and increments.You have to understand.We are not just hear to collect friends but to get some money and do our jobs."Trusha was so upset but still she smiled because she wanted that chance.She wanted to try and wanted to at least that job for some time. Trusha"I know sir.I will do it."She took that file and went back to her team.
         Trusha was confused that how did she was going to do this all.When she went in office,she saw that all her team was looking at her with anxious expression.She gave them smile and told them"Just relax.This one is okay."They all looked relaxed but then when she told them about project.They all looked so nervous.One girl finally said it "This is too hard.We will fail again."But then Piyush smiled and said"No.We will do this.Just let me look at it."He started arranging every thing.He was in so much better spirit.He started doing everything. Trusha was so confused.She never had any plan but Piyush was full of plan now.She just couldn't believe it.She was in charge but before her he was giving all plan.Inside her heart she hated it.She wanted to tell him who was boss.But then she looked at his project.It was so good.But it was so hard work. Trusha"But this is hard way.""Come on.We can do it.We want to win this time.Don't we?"Piyush looked at every one for support.They all knew that it was hard but still they all wanted to keep their job and for that they had to prove themselves so they nodded. They all started to work out that how did they could do that things. Trusha also entered in that scheme.But Piyush was heart of it.He started working from beginning.He was doing every thing with such a speed that every one was so shocked. Piyush was never that good but he was doing every thing in best way now.His energy was surprising.He was just running around office doing each and every thing. Trusha was so shocked with his power that she wanted to salute him with heart.It was just due to his encouragement they started their work on first day.When every one felt that they would not win.But no one dared to say it inside life.They all saw that Piyush was working so hard.They just didn't dare to say no to him.So on first day they all started working for an impossible project. Trusha was watching his hard work.She tried to help him her best.But somewhere from her heart she felt that he was doing too much.But she couldn't able to stop him so she kept working.That day proved too exhausting for them.But even at end of day Piyush was working in fact he was not at all exhausted. He felt one thing from his mind.He must do every work.But finally Trusha had to tell him that he must went home.But he started requesting that he had to work.He was requested in such way that Trusha gave him keys of office.In that office he had arranged every thing with such hard work and she didn't have any valuable inside so she agreed.Then she went away.She felt that Piyush would go home after some time.But next day when she came,Piyush was still working in same spirit.No one could tell that he was working whole day.He even slept in that office for that night.She just didn't able to guess that how many hours he had slept.But he was looking fine.In fact he was looking perfectly healthy and he was working for hours.She suggested to relax but he didn't.
        After that it became regular that Piyush just kept doing each and every work on every point.He was main spirit of that job.Trusha also didn't work that much hard.He just ran to do every work.But then slowly they all started complaining that he was doing it too much.In fact one day Trusha also noticed it.Piyush was talking in such fast speed that they didn't able to understand what he was trying to say.Trusha was listening to him but it seemed that they just didn't understand.He was speaking so fast.He was always in such hurry that Trusha had to scream on him again and again.In fact it became their patent way of talking that he should take it easy.On every point he just kept thinking that he was doing it totally wrong.He was so scared that on every moment he just felt one thing.He had those things which were so important on every point. But when he just kept them telling every thing so fast,they just didn't understand.Every time they had to tell every one that he was going ahead on every point.But he was so fast that they had to literally ran on every point to get things as per his wishes.Some times there were arguments in office.But Trusha knew that Piyush was doing best so she just convinced every one to do as they said.On every point she felt some thing good was happening. She had one thought from inside that she was doing hard work on every point as per his wishes. He was started moving ahead from one point to another point. Piyush was doing one thing which was working non stop.It was even hard for her to adjust with his schedules.But they all wanted to win this time so they all argued and screamed against his bossiness but still obeyed with one hope.That it was important inside life.He was so great on every point but then when he started moving ahead too fast.They all got so irritated.He was working like some fast machine which never stopped at any point.He was doing every thing with his best thoughts.Slowly he started working over night and finally their project was complete.They had finished their target.They all were so happy.But Piyush was not at all happy.He wanted to do some thing more so he went ahead on one tour for which he insisted that he must go then he collected a large data from there.He did big research there regarding his work.He did every thing in best way.He tried do hard to get every thing that Trusha was shocked with his spirit.Then one day he came back with best work.They added it to their project and submitted it.But when it was submitted.They all were shocked to see that Piyush was not there to give it final touch.Trusha phoned him.But his wife took his mobile and said that he was feeling nervous.They felt that he would come after some days.But he just didn't appear.Finally that hardest project got approved just because of Piyush and still Piyush was not there.They all felt so sad that they decided to visit him.Trusha also encouraged this and whole staff decided that not all but Trusha and another four senior should go there.
        When Trusha reached that house,she was so confused.That house was not some thing as she dreamed.It was so small house which needed painting badly.When she went there,she noticed that no one was inside except small twelve year old girl with her old grandmother.That old lady told Trusha that she was Piyush's mother.When Trusha introduced herself to that old lady,she immediately took her inside. Trusha sat on that sofa.She was so nervous on every point because she was sensing some thing was wrong.Then Piyush's mother took them inside.Piyush was sleeping on bed like some statue.He was not even moving.Trusha"What is wrong with him?What kind of sickness he is having?"It is not risky.He is just feel so weak that he is not moving.""I just don't understand.""Neither do I.But that is what he kept telling.He just kept telling every time.He didn't want to move any thing.He just can't and kept sleeping like that.We have to force him to eat food or he just kept sleeping like this.""But he was perfect few days ago.In fact he was full of energy.""Yes.I know.This is what always happens.At first he is full of energy then after some days he sleep like that.It will take so many days to get him normal.We just can't guess so my daughter-in-law had to work because he will stay unemployed."Why don't you show him to Doctor?""Doctor?Which Doctor?And who will pay that money?"Trusha was so confused.She wanted to say that she would pay it.But she couldn't have enough to pay that large sum.But still she decided to try.Trusha"How much money is needed?""No thanks.We will not take him to mental Doctor.We don't want to show him.""But.."Trusha wanted to argue with that old lady.But she literally threw them out of house.They all were so shocked.When they returned to office,they were crying.When they told it others,response was mixed.Some of them were angry and some of them were sad.But they all knew that they could not do any thing.One of staff"But what is wrong with Piyush?""He had mental problem.My brother is Doctor so I can tell you that much."Trusha"What kind of problem?""May be Bipolar Disorder?I can guess but can't be sure.I feel that it must be because he was working in strange way like maniac."Every one nodded so they all felt that it was strange.But still they chose to ignore it because they all wanted to win.Now it all seemed so wrong that they had won but their best friend and best team member was missing."Then that depression.It must be that sickness.""We have to convince his wife."Trusha remembered his mother and then his wife's strange unhappy tone when she spoke. Trusha I didn't feel that it would help."Still they called and then they told Trusha that she abused them.Every one cried that day even after winning because they were missing Piyush and they all knew that they would never see him again.They all knew that now they all were going on new project after all boss was not going to keep their team intact for whole time.They had to go their ways and Piyush was once again jobless.They all cried even after winning in a way which they didn't cried when they lose because they had lost their friend forever.
                                                                       The End

Poem. 7220. Door of light create

                             Door of light create  Door of light create new word to thinking of mind which open new appeal to knowledge towa...