Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Poem 1344. Running after fictitious dream

                                                Running after fictitious dream
After some views are after some time I just feel one thing about my life that when I went
Ahead on every point I just have one thing from my mind I can imagine my future just as
I prefer and I like on every moment in life I will get things which are important in life only in
Those dream and I think it perfectly alright because inside truth I can't get everything just
As I prefer and as I like on every moment inside this world I just never understand what
I have inside mind so why should I struggle to get those things as I like when I am even
Confuse what I want from my life on every moment I just try to get things and then I just
Feel they are not that much needed inside life I just run around something which are not
Even so precious on many points of life I just never understand what I feel from my mind
On every moment I just feel that I want this and that thing but finally when I get them then
Many times I say they are not what I imagine about them inside life on every point I just
Keep thinking about those thoughts in my mind I just have one thinking that on every point
I just keep getting things in wrong way inside life I have just one thought which is hidden
Inside my mind that when I do things then I must keep them just to match as per my
Thinking inside life I just never understand what is truth of my life because mostly I just
Run after those things which are not made for me as I thought inside life sometimes we
Just dream or imagine things in life but when we see them with our eyes then you just
Feel one thing that they are not nice for our life on every moment I just feel one thing from
My thinking and from my mind that on every moment I just feel that things which happen
To us are so wrong inside life we just keep thinking on every moment and on every point
That every thing which we will see on our roads of life is not that much perfect in life
When we walk ahead on every moment of life I just feel one thought from my thinking
And from my mind that on every day when I dream things then things are not that much
Perfect in life I feel that those views which I see seem like something so different that
Those thought of mind so it seem like touching some horizon inside life and it seem so
Wrong that on every moment I just feel that I need to get things not as per I wish but
As per they are best for me in life I know that I accept it for some days or just for limited
Time but problem is that greediness sometimes enter again in life I just wish from heart
That I must not trust those instincts in life but many times when I see them then I just
Feel that things are not going to change in each and every way inside my life when I start
Moving ahead on any point of life I just feel one thing that I am not that much alone in
My future or my life I have just one feeling from my thinking and my mind that on each
And every moment I need to go ahead as I wish inside life I have one thought which is
Hidden inside my mind that on every moment I will feel just one thing that we are standing
On wrong side of truth of every point inside life I just feel that when we start thinking
That we must run after something we need to know do we really know that thing so
Perfectly in life because many times thing may deceive you on many thoughts and on
Many points and you just feel that you got that thing and you will feel that you are not
Getting that thing properly in life on every moment I just feel one thing from my mind
That on every moment I just went ahead on every thought inside our life I just feel one
Thought from my thinking and from my mind that on every moment I just feel that
I need that thing inside life I just never understand those concepts of life and on every
Moment and on every thought I just feel that I am on right point of life and then when
Destiny don't give me that thing I began to scream in life but now a days I just feel
One precious question in my mind did I really need that thing inside life because I feel
I am perfectly happy without it in life I mean to say that on every moment I feel that
Sometimes that I am so lucky that I have not included that thing inside my life but
Then when I think that way I feel guilty for my thinking in mind because some fellow
Person who got it is already suffering due to it inside life so I just can't say it in broad light
But inside my mind I have just understood one thing from my life that whatever I got
Will  make me happy in all way in life just running after some fictitious thing is never
Truth of my life so I can always went ahead slowly and in perfect way inside my life. 

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