Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Poem 1342. Apologize

From one thought and from one mind I just feel one thing on every point I have just feeling and
Thought inside mind that in every thinking I just feel that we can enjoy every day of life if only
We think twice before we speak in life but I feel better than that we can just learn to say sorry
Inside life as I went ahead on every point I just feel one thing inside mind they have something
Which is important in life which stop them saying it in life but then when we cross some roads
Inside our life we just feel one thing from our mind that those things which we do are wrong in
Our thinking and life because that thought which tell us we must not say sorry is telling us that
Mean we should surrender to someone and obey that person inside life but I just feel one thing
From my mind that apologizing don't mean thinking about bright future and other things which
Will take us ahead in life and it don't mean that we have to change our side when on every thought
And moment inside our life I just feel one thing that those thoughts are something precious in life
After all those thoughts are something unique for mind are those thoughts which will help us
From point to point but when we feel that we are on right side then what will be bad when we
Start to apologize because on every moment and on every time I just feel one thing from my
Thinking and from my mind that those thoughts are always part of our life but still we have
To say sorry on some point because we will just feel one thing that we are standing on wrong
Area of our mind on every point we just feel one thing from our life that on every moment
We just need something which is not right inside our life so many times other people also did
Same mistake in life but when we did it we just accept it but when other do it we just scream
Without much thinking inside life I just feel one thing from inside of my mind that I just say
Sorry because sometimes I scream too loud in life but sometimes when I just say something
As advice even when I am right I force to say sorry because other person don't want my advice
That person just ignore everything I said in life and just stick to things which are important
For my thoughts and my mind I just feel one thing from my mind that on every occasion I have
To say sorry inside my life after all when someone did something wrong like abusing some one
In life don't you think that objecting is natural for my mind but in life many times even those
Things look wrong inside life are something so uninteresting on each and every point inside
My future and my life when I went ahead on every point I just feel one thing from my mind
That on every occasion inside our life I just feel one thing that sorry is one word inside life
Which sometimes I force to say in sorry inside life but now a days I think that what is bad
In apologizing something inside life I have one mind about things in my life that sometimes
When we say sorry suddenly it feel as if we can run away from many problems in life because
When we say sorry we can stop that person on that time I don't think it is wrong move inside
Your future and inside your life on every moment we just feel one motive from inside that
On each and every point I just feel one thought from my mind that on every moment I just
Feel that sometimes those arguments just start wrong things in life because when they went
Ahead on many times I just feel one thing from my mind that instead of joining those screams
And arguing in bigger voice I just say sorry but before that if I made my point then it is like
One arrow which is just in heart and on perfect point we don't need so many arrows around
Those targets inside our life we just need one thing from our mind that on every point I just
Feel one thing from my mind that on every point I need to understand things in life on every
Moment I just feel one thing from my mind that I can win only when I get things perfect and
Right inside my life only if I avoid argument of that kind inside my life I just feel one thing
From every thought of mind that I need to win in life but things doesn't happen as I wish
Inside my mind every moment when I went ahead I just feel one hope inside that one day
Whom I said sorry will understand that mistake inside life I know inside my heart I felt
One need of revenge against that insult and that's why I said sorry to that person on that
Thinking and on that point that person could act as wish but I don't want my thinking to
Hurt me on many points inside our life on every moment I just feel that I want something
Important from my mind and from my thoughts and heart I just feel one thing from my
Thinking and my mind when I said that thing and say sorry I decide to forget revenge in life
I know some will not believe me but still I found one thing in life people will understand
Their mistake when we go ahead in life and they just remain on same point inside our life
But our need of revenge took us backward all time so when we want to go ahead we must
Understand one thing in life that we need to go ahead and sometime apologizing is just done
Because we want to go ahead inside some thought as well as inside part of our heart
It is our wrong thought that we apologize just because we are wrong and mistaken in some part.

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