Sunday, February 2, 2014

Poem 1302. Master of my world

                                                   Master of  my world
Sometimes I feel one thing from my heart that some thing are good and nice for my thought and
At same time something which is so perfect seems in few minutes so wrong like this nature life also
Seem so unpredictable on every form when we walk in life we just feel one want that we need
To go and understand every concept of life and every form but as days went ahead on every point
And I just feel one thing from my mind that my thinking is something not so perfect and nice because
When I went ahead on every moment of life I just feel one thought from my mind that every time
When I went ahead in life I have just one feeling from mind that good and nice things are just that
Part of our future and life only when we tried hard to get them in life so we just think about our
Thought and thinking in our life on every moment we just feel that we are not that happy in life
Because on every point in our life I have just one feeling from my mind that those thinking which
Always kept me alive are those thoughts which never let us live peacefully and in nice way in life
When I think about my future I feel just one thing from every point that maybe we need some
People who are perfect for our future and for us they are so nice when good things are just some
Thoughts and some parts of our life I have just one thinking from my mind that whenever I go
In some way in my life I just never dare to tell my heart that my same thinking may harm me
After some time because when we think in just one way too much in our life we just need to
Understand that our future will be always same way in our life what ever be our thought they will
Just harm us from inside of our mind but they never have power to dominate us on many points
In our life when we walk on those ways which we choose in life our thoughts just manage to
Give happiness and sadness sometimes I feel even results don't have power to give that in life
Because many times I feel that I need to understand those thinking of my mind which tell me
On some occasions that we need to understand those things which are important for our future
And for our life as I walk on ways which are complicated for our life I just feel one thing from
My thinking and from my life that when I walk some ways they all just seem so wrong for
Our thoughts and for our mind because when we began to walk we need to understand that
Peace which we get on each and every day by just thoughts in life we have those thoughts
Which manage to keep us happy in sorrows in life but sadly we also have those thoughts which
Manage to keep sad on each day of life I am saying this because sometimes I found some winner
Who are not at all happy  in life those winner are nothing but just loser from their mind so
When our thoughts make us loser we can't win anything in our life after all what human got different
By nature is nothing but just a mind which is master of everything that moves around in world and
It will manage our feeling around in world so that mind is one thing important for our world
Because it manage to take us on our life's different front this mind is one thing do important
For our thinking in this world on every moment I just feel that my mind will wonder from
One front to totally different front I just feel one thing from my mind that it is ruling things
That happen I don't feel sad when I have sorrows or when I fail I feel sad when I am hurt in mind
And then every thing seem wrong for me and around my world so on every moment and on every
Thought inside this world I just feel our mind are those boss who rule inside world as we began
To walk on every moment in our world we just feel one thing from our mind that we are not
On right side in our world I just have one thought which is always craved on my mind that
This is my mind which rules my world only if I can happy if that mind thinks it is important
For me and my world but then I just feel one thing from inside my mind and my world that what is
Happening around us is dominated by my mind but finally one thing is true that mind belong
To just one person it is belong to me in this world but then sometimes I find that instead of
Controlling it I let other people to control it in this world why sometimes I get so confuse
In my thoughts and my mind that I began to think that I can win many things which are
So precious and important for my world are damaged in life because I let my mind be controlled
By other person in world as my life went ahead on every point in this world I just feel one thing
From my mind that I am not walking properly as I wish in my world because I just sometimes
Think too much about other people who are important for our world after all those thoughts
Are something important for our future as well as our world because those thoughts will just
Manage to destroy our peace of mind in just few moments inside our future as well as world
So this mind who is master of my world become a slave of some person's thoughts and world.

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