Sunday, February 9, 2014

Poem 1313. Moving from point

                                                         Moving from point
I just feel one thing from inside of our mind so on every thought and on every point in life
When I start thinking about something as important for thoughts as well as for mind I just
Feel one thing in my life that when something happen it don't look proper in our life it look
As if I am trying something not perfect and not nice on every moment I just feel one thought
From my mind that on every occasion I need to understand things inside life I just have one
Feeling from inside of my mind which tell me in life I can get many things which are perfect
And nice for our future and for our life when I started moving ahead on every movement in
My future and in my life I just feel I want something nice in my life but moving is something
Important for life when I went ahead then I just feel one thought from my mind that how can
I can be sure that I am having things perfect inside life because as days went ahead on every
Thought I just feel that those thoughts are something just important for life when I went ahead
On every point I feel that maybe I have just thought one thing from inside of my mind and
When days went ahead on every occasion and on every time I just feel one thing from my
Thinking and from my mind that maybe my life is not so perfect on many spots in life but
Still I feel it because I am scared to go ahead in life many times we do same thing in life
And we just never feel it even from inside we just kept thinking on each and every point
That we are on wrong side of our life we just never understand what we feel from inside
We just always feel that our thinking is perfect because we don't want to take risk in life
When once we get in problem we just feel one thought from our mind that we need to adjust
With our life because life will manage to harm us on every point when we go ahead on every
Thought and every point I just feel one thing that I am too scared inside my life I want to
Go ahead on every time in life I just have one feeling in life that I am not enough happy but
Still I feel too scared to go ahead in life but if I just move some steps I can see that horizon
Which look perfect and nice for our life we can see that it will give us that happiness which
We really deserve in life but problem of life is that we can't just take it ahead on any thought
Or on any point we all have one feeling inside life that we need to understand those thoughts
Which look so perfect for my thinking and my mind when I just want to go in details about
Those things in life I just feel one thing that moving is necessary on every point inside life
When I start walking on every point of life I just feel that I am on wrong path of my life
Because every day when I walk inside my life I just feel one thing from my mind that in my
Future I can get things but they are not something so interesting in our life because when
I start walking ahead on every day of life I just feel one thing from my thinking and my mind
That those people who are acting wrong have manage to damage to some part of our mind
And it just kept us stuck to one place and instead of moving ahead sometimes we just remain
On same thought and on same future inside mind when I start walking ahead on every point
I just feel one thing from inside of my mind that I need to understand those thoughts which
Are important to us on each and every point I just have one feeling from those thoughts which
Manage to destroy on each and every day and every point I just feel one thing from my thought
That I need to understand my thinking and understand my mind because on every point
I just feel one thing from my mind that I could have change many things if I went ahead
Before because it could have saved my time after all so small is our life but then I think
Once again about things in life because when I start going ahead I just feel one thing from
My thought and from my mind that I can change many things inside life but for them I need
To understand my mind I need to first except that I am happy but my happiness can be
Further improve in my life movement is one thing required in life and it may take you ahead
Or it may take you backward still we want it in life when I start walking on every time I just
Have one thought in my mind then on every moment I feel one thought from our mind
That I need to move ahead or behind because just being stuck to one place never help me
In my life I just don't want to stuck on any point because I just feel one thing from my mind
I have to move in life because sometimes when we want to go ahead in speed we need to
Go backward before going ahead on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that
No one is going to take me ahead on any point until I start moving in life because no one
Is so happy that further happiness can harm that person inside future and inside life on every point.

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