Friday, February 7, 2014

Poem 1311. Worst weather

                                                        Worst weather
On every part of nature I just feel weather is not that much pleasant on sometimes but then
After some moment I just feel one thing that nature is not that wonderful because that is rule
Of life sometimes it is perfect and sometimes it is wrong on many points but I just feel so
Upset when it goes wrong way sometimes because I have never thought that I need to understand
My thought which tell me that I am not doing right thing inside life when I just walk in that
Wrong weather it can harm me in life but then when I sit at home I just feel one thing from
My mind sitting at home is not good for many days of life because weather will remain as
It decided by our nature inside life we have adjust with it and make changes to suit it and then
We must go out as we are told inside life when nature is wrong on some points I just feel
One thought from my mind that nature should change only for me on sometimes but it is never
Happen inside life because nature may have same wish from inside nature want us to adjust
With it on every point but we just never do it like some stubborn child and just remain as
We are before in life so when life goes ahead on every point I just feel one thing from my mind
That nature will worst for some days but then it will be okay if we decide to adjust with it
In our life but problem is that we never want to adjust with it because that nature manage to
Hurt us on many points but still I feel that even in that worst nature I like to wander for some days
Of our life we just never feel it that our nature will remain same in our life because as days
Went ahead on every time I just feel one thing from my mind that those things which I see
In nature are not that nice but they are just worst by every angle of our life because our life
Never went ahead as we wish from our mind it just goes ahead I feel that weather is pleasant
Inside life after all in life on every point weather never look as nice as we wish in life but
That don't mean we can sit just waiting for weather to become nice until then we can't just
Sit inside our house in our life we just never feel what is wrong and what is right inside life
We have just one thought from every point that we need to understand our thoughts are in
Totally wrong way inside life because when we see that weather on every point we just feel
That inside our life we have that weather which will look so perfect on every point in this
Weather on every time we all feel that we can't tolerate it in life that weather is something
So horrible on each and every time I just feel when we look out of window in our life that
Weather which look so perfect is not always waiting for us on every time we never want
That weather to see out of window on many points we just never understand that from that
Window sometimes we need to adjust with weather in our life hoping that it will get clear
Is totally wrong thinking of our life on every moment I just feel one thing that if we keep
Waiting then weather will never improve on proper point if we keep waiting then we can
Have opportunities inside life to have that weather perfect on many points we just never
Understand what is truth of our life if we keep ourselves shut because weather is not proper
And suitable for our life same thing apply to our future on every time because our future
Will never remain perfect on any point in our life so we have to go out in worst weather
When it is need of our time but in life on every moment we just feel that we are on wrong
Thought and wrong point inside our life when we see to go out in bad weather sometimes
But no one can avoid some times in life when we need to go ahead on those occasions of
Our future and our life we just have to understand one thing from our mind that our weather
Will not become perfect until we spend in bad weather some time because our weather will
Teach us many things inside life it will just manage to destroy happiness of our life after all
In life on many points we need to understand that weather can be bad but still we have
To fight for our life same apply to crisis of our life just sitting inside home and not doing
Our work will never help us much inside life how lucky we are that now a days we are
Even given chance to work by home and do things which we want to prove in life so
When weather is bad you can manage to do things in life as you like when we think that
Our luck is worst we forget those things which we got in our life when we feel that
Our fortune is robbed we feel so sad in life but we forget to think one thing in our life
At least we have got gadget to help us in life think about those people who don't have them
And still suffer through those weather which we are facing on our some days and time in life.

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