Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Poem 1305. Hope

People always say we must remain stick our sentence on every point and on every try then
We should not change them because honesty means sticking to them on each and every try
People just think on every day in life that we must not shift what we thought on some point
But I just don't understand one thing why don't these people understand those difference in sky
We are all not teachers but just student in this life on every try so how can we go ahead in life
And tell prefect thing on every try it means to say we get knowledge as we went ahead and
Then we start judging risks that enter in sky we just feel one thing on every day that we need
To understand what we thought on every point and on every try people who tell us many things
Are people who just want to live as they like and change sentence as they feel in their sky
But those people who are wrong in their thinking that we should not do that in our life or
On any try our life is something so unique for each try I just have one thought from every time
I feel those people who help me in life are one who try to understand why did I change my way
And why did I want that change in our sky but those people who never care for me just feel
It's their duty to do all try which are important for our life because we can have them as
We like under our sky I just feel one thing from our mind that we must not just stuck to one
Thought or one point in life we have different thoughts every day which will show us that
We must understand that our life will go ahead just as we wish from our sky when I walk
In my life I have just one feeling on every try that when I start walking ahead I need to learn
New and unique things in sky I just feel one thought from mind that I should never do any
Wrong thing in my world and for doing it so perfect we just feel one thought that we need to
Understand what we wish from inside our mind as I start walking every day I just feel one
Thought from my mind that when I am just a student in life then how can I say something so
Perfect for our thought when I am just trying to learn things on every try I just feel one thought
From my mind that on every point I am just student so I am learning every thing on each try
As I went ahead in my life on every try I just feel one thing from my mind and in my brain
About every thought and mind that while learning things how can someone tell me that I should
Say something so perfect that I don't need to change it on any try so as days went ahead
On every point I just feel one thought from my mind that on every moment and on every try
I need to understand all thoughts which enter in my sky then only after some time and after
Some try I feel one thing from my mind that some things I guess at beginning are wrong
When things went ahead on every try as I walk on every point I just have one thought in mind
That when someone is learning things from others on every try that person can't be consider
As right for each thought and for each sky when we start walking on every try we just feel
On every try that we are so perfect in our life we need to understand those thoughts on
Our thinking and our mind on every try when I learn many things I just feel one thing from
My mind that I need to understand those new things and I can understand them only when
I went ahead in life with new things but sometimes adding new things mean rejecting the old one
Because some old things just never adjust with new one so this is our life on every point
We have to adjust with new things in our life but when we began to look at new development
Some old things just never adjust with those points so after some points we need to adjust
On some concepts of our life when we walk ahead on every point we are those students
Who have learn many things in life so students can't be perfect on many concepts in life
But still we expect to have same view on some points but our views will change and that is
Truth of our life we need to adjust them on every thought and point I just feel one thing
From my mind that on every occasion I need to have those views which will shine on
Each and every day of my life but then some times we make mistake in life because we don't
Have knowledge and sometimes we are misguided inside life on every front we just feel
One thing in life that we are on wrong point in our life we all want to go ahead on each point
And we just feel that going ahead will not mean changing sides but many times it means
Changing sides but if we do it for good then we are not doing crime but when we are doing it
Just to please our personal motives inside life we feel that we are standing on wrong front
In our life as we walk every day inside our life we just feel one thought from our mind but
We can't promise anyone that it will remain with us on entire life because hope is one thought
Which will help us on every point and to get it many times we need to change things in life.

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