Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Poem 1341. Limited freedom

                                                     Limited freedom
When I see those balloons I see freedom inside them of life I want to fly free like them and
Still remain in touch like them with ground that is meaning of freedom for me on each and
Every thought and ground I just feel one thing from my mind that I want to move around
With freedom but still I want my one string to remain with ground because when we fly too
Freely sometimes we miss manage logic and truth which are part of our thinking and part of
Those things which are precious in many amount I just feel one thing inside life because
Then on every moment inside life then freedom seem so important in life because those
Thoughts are something which are so nice after I want to have freedom in life but still
I want to stay attach to ground on every time because those moment are something so
Pleasant inside life but then after some moments inside life I just feel that for every one
Freedom have some different meaning inside life I just have to get some freedom inside
Life that those freedom are so important in life but then suddenly I feel that those thoughts
Are something so great inside life then I just feel that each people have different meaning
Of freedom inside life some don't want to any attachment to land inside life I just feel
One thing from my mind that on every moment I just need that my heart should not be
Attach inside life because when I feel freedom I like to have some limits inside life but
Then I just feel one thing inside life I have one thought that are something important
Inside life then I just have one thing inside life but then suddenly I just feel something
That free don't seem so much free to come people inside life because that freedom is
Something wrong inside life I just feel one thing from my thought in our life after all
I like those thoughts are something which are so nice in the life but still sometimes I feel
Those thoughts are something which are nice inside life I feel that like that balloons
I just want that those thoughts to be attach inside our life but then I just think that
This freedom are something which is important in life I have one feeling inside life
Because on every moment I just feel that those thoughts are something which are
About freedom are limited  in the life on some point but then after some points I just
Feel one thing in the life I have just one thought that I don't prefer freedom inside life
I have just one thing in life after all those freedom are something which are important
Inside life I just feel one thing that freedom should be limited some times but some people
Want it fully inside life I want to stay attach to some people in our life but then I just
Want freedom inside life but it is limited to some extend in life I just want that those
Freedom which are perfect for my life but some want that freedom which is not
In control on any point and any thought of any point inside life because those thoughts
Are something which are important inside life I wish that freedom are something
Which differ from person to person in the life some want freedom like air which can
Go on any moment and any where in life but that is as easy as we thought inside life
Because some times air turn in storm and it manage to destroying and sometimes
I feel that balloons are something which can also cut away from thread inside life so
We can't just say which freedom is wrong and which freedom is right because every
Time of freedom have other side some sides are so perfect and some are so wrong
In life on every moment I just feel one thing from my mind that those freedom which
Are important to us can be perfect on any type we just can't say something is wrong
Inside life because then I just feel one thing from my mind that both types of freedom
Are good in life because one will keep us on earth and keep all those rules alive in life
And other freedom will give us power inside life because we can't just like one concept
On one point of life I just feel one thing that those freedoms are something so limited
Inside life because when I think of freedom as perfect as it comes in life never underestimate
Your freedom even if it is of any kind because freedom is precious type of gift in life
And I just feel that those freedom are some important gift for me inside my life and
Then I just feel one thing on every point that those freedom which we get in life
Are totally wrong inside life because when we lose our freedom then we just understand
Importance of freedom on each and every day inside life because that freedom is
So important in life because we all know that there are some people who don't get it in life
But still why sometimes we just began to throw away our freedom for other benefit in life
But after thinking this I just feel that I must not pay attention to them inside our life
I must try to learn every thing inside life because then I just feel that I value my own
Freedom and that is enough for my life because what others feel is not important in life.

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