Thursday, February 20, 2014

Poem 1334. Two thoughts and sides

                                                Two thoughts and sides
One practical thought and one practical mind tells us many things inside our life on one thinking
Of our mind I just feel one thought that we should not just go ahead and fight for each and every
Thought and right I just have one thinking inside my mind that when I need to go ahead I feel
That those thoughts are conducts of not just safety of our life they are also part of our thinking
On each and every point I just feel one thinking from every day of our life that practical thoughts
Are one which manage to hurt us on every point of life because sometimes emotions are also
Important in life but then many times we find that emotions can began to mess us in our life so
We start from one thought and one point that on every moment in our life I just keep thinking
That practical thoughts will make for me more nice life I just feel one thing that from my thinking
And from my mind that on every point I just feel that maybe I need to understand my thinking
Inside my life because my thinking manage to hurt me on each and every point because practical
Thinking take away from us all happiness and joys sometimes emotions are needed in our sky
On every moment we just feel that we also need some joy so on every point and on every try
I feel that I need to go ahead in life and find something perfect for my thoughts and for my sky
When I start walking inside life I just feel one thing from every point that those things which
Happen in our life are not going to give us any happiness on any point I feel one thing from
My thoughts and my mind that those practical thinking never help me at all in my life I just keep
One thought from my thinking and from my mind that those emotions which we win are those
Which are not from practical side sometimes affection can take us further in our life and it will
Manage to take us ahead on every point I just feel one thing from my thoughts and my mind
That every day I will see lot of things in my life every day I just feel one thing that my thoughts
Are something so precious for my mind we have two thinking which will take us on two
Totally unique and different sides when I just have to think which one to choose I just feel
One thing that it is not my decision in life my emotions will decide that which side is good
And perfect for our life I just feel one thing that we can't decide because on those situations
Life will decide what is good and best for our life on every moment we just feel one thing
From our thoughts and our mind we feel that we are standing on wrong point we just feel
On every moment just one thought of our mind that we just choose on that moment what
We want to do in life I just feel one thing from each and every point that when I decide
On that moment I just feel one thing from my life that on moment we just have one thought
Inside our mind we just feel one thing that our life is taking good turn or bad still it is not
Nice for every point in our life I just feel one thing from every point that on every occasion
We need to understand what we feel in our life that those thoughts of two directions are
Not that good for our life I have just seen one thing that on this moment we just choose
What we think perfect for our life and then after some seconds and after some points we just
Feel that we are standing on wrong thought and our all logical thoughts are just turn into
Some useless thoughts for our life all our thoughts just become something so without profit that
I began to think two sides of that thinking and discussion over them seem not much valuable since
We don't use them when we need them in life when moment of crisis enter inside life then
We all just feel one thing from my mind that on every second we feel that we are on wrong
Thinking and on wrong point we just feel that both sides of thoughts are wrong for our life
Because those thoughts don't take us out of crisis on every time I just feel that our hard
Work and patience manage those things in our life whichever thought you may choose but
If you don't keep those important factors in life you will never get success because I don't
Believe in one term quick success in life some people say they go it easily but they are just
Comparing it with others who have to work more hard in life and many times it's just their
Modesty which force them to say that they had not work so hard in life some people just
Don't want to boost too much so they say that and some just love to boost their intelligence
So they say that inside their life I just feel one thing from my thinking that I don't think
That without hard work and patience any one can get anything in life I know that when
We look at some people it look easy to us in life but we are not living their life so we can't
Just let our imagination turn into wild we just keep saying things which we feel true but
I don't think that is truth of life because any of these ways you took hard work which is
Finally and truly needed on every point inside our future and our life so on every thought
I feel that I need to keep patience and then have accept some side effects which will not
Be much if we decide to walk wholeheartedly inside our future and on each and every day in life.

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