Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Poem 1306. Harming ourselves

                                                    Harming ourselves
How much we can wait that is always one question in our life because it seems sometime
That waiting is just one truth of our life so when we start from every point we just need to
Wait in our life on every moment and on every point we just feel one thought from our mind
That each of us have to wait for something in life some wait for rain and some wait for sun
In life while some are just waiting for cold wind to give them freedom from heat in life but
We all have some points when we can't do anything inside life even when we know that
This wait can harm us on many points still we just keep waiting inside our life we feel that
On every point in life we need to understand waiting is something which is important for
Our life on every point we just wait in our life I feel that those waiting are something which
Are truly become truth of life when we began to walk we just have to wait for something
In our future and in our life when I walk ahead on every point in life I have one feeling from
Inside of our mind I have that thought that waiting is some truth of our life when I wait
In life on every point I just feel that waiting has become a fixed part of our life I know after
Some time we can always get results in life but that waiting become so hard to me sometimes
I know that time is best thing which is true guide and rushing in the things will just create
Problems in life I just have one feeling from my mind that how can I go ahead on every
Spot and on every point of life I just never feel that this is something proper for our life
Because when I need to wait I have to see what losses which will suffer during that time
But we can't just change process of our life sometimes waiting is return in destiny of man kind
On those dessert where people and animals die without water rain will come only when
Rain feel it is proper time it never come early to help us in our life because destiny is something
Like some rule book which never change on any point it just remain same way inside our life
But worst thing is that we just never understand that waiting is a concrete part of our life
And just keep on trying to get things just as we wish inside life we feel that if find some
Ways which can change some part of life we can win in our life on every point I just have
One thought from my mind that even while waiting form point to point I just feel thinking
That I need to understand things in my life that I just can't wait on every day of my life
So I just decide sometimes to do something which look so perfect and unique in my life
That I can just bring out that change which look so perfect in life on that time because I don't
Want to see my things to be destroyed on every point I think just one thought from my mind
That on every moment I need to understand those feeling which waiting bring to me in life
I know that I can't win but still I just can't stop trying but every moment I just feel one thought
From my mind that on every moment I just feel one thing that I have to wait but still I just
Don't wish to sit quietly in life when I see wrong things I just want to do any thing which is
Suggested to me in life but there is other truth which hurt in my heart on that time that I can't
Do anything even when I know things are not perfect and right as I walk every day and
I know even when it will be perfect in some time but still I feel I can't give those sacrifice
On those days this is what is part of our life sometimes we are just some problems which
May vanish after some time but then on some point we just don't understand in life that
We are on wrong side because we feel that we can change but we can't change them in life
But on that moment I feel that I can just do one thing on that point I create some plan about
How to go ahead on those thoughts and on those points because crisis will come and many
Friends turn back to us and some friends are just never on our side so how can we expect them
To understand that truth which we are saying in life that waiting can be more hard if we use
Wrong ways to spend those days in our life we are going to destroy whatever we have on
That time by our demand to get things as we prefer and as we like when I start thinking about
Crisis I just feel one thing from my mind that some of us are destroyed by crisis and some of us
Have destroyed by our wrong decisions on such time as we began to walk on every point
We just feel one thought from our mind we feel that we must understand one thing from mind
That we should not be destroying our thinking in that time because when crisis will go away
I just feel one thing from my mind we have suffered enough losses due to those crisis then
Why should we increase them with wrong things done by human mind so just in crisis if we
Keep open and peaceful mind at least we don't harm ourselves instead of crisis in our life.

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