Thursday, February 13, 2014

Poem 1322. Beautiful Snow

                                                     Beautiful Snow
When I see those beautiful scene in life I just feel one thing that this white beauty looks so perfect
On each and every point when I see that nature which is so wonderful in life I feel that this beauty
Is something enchanting in life I feel that in that snow that picture seem so perfect in life and I can
Admire it from point to point I just feel one thing that snow which look so perfect manage to enter
In every day of life I just feel that how beautiful and white it is in life so I admired it from every
Angle and from every thought inside life I just talked about that snow and admire it on every point
But then when someone suggested me that I should visit that country and enjoy that snow suddenly
I felt that it is totally wrong from every side and point because I know that I hate that snow when
It began to touch me on every point I feel that those touch which look so beautiful to us are something
So interesting and nice for life I just feel that beauty of snow which will become part of our life
And I feel that this whiteness is beautiful to look but it doesn't look so pretty on touch from every
Thought and every point I have just one thought that those white colour which look so perfect
On every point in life I feel that when I touch that snow I feel there is one painful feeling from that
Snow inside life I have just one feeling from every point that this white which touch my body just
Seem perfect and nice for second then it will manage to burn my skin like sunlight so when I was
Admiring it I never thought that I have touch it on any day of life I just feel that those white mountains
Look so perfect and pretty on every point I just feel that watching those mountains will never solve
Those problems of life they just feel as if white mountains are nice for others but they are wrong
For me on every point I just feel one thing how can I convince other people that it is not right because
They don't feel what I feel inside life so sometimes we just admire things because we feel that
They are beautiful and nice but we never thought that they can enter on any day inside our life
But then as days went ahead on every point I just feel one thing from my thinking and from my mind
That those white mountains no longer seem something perfect on every angle in life I just feel that
When I look at those white mountains I have one feeling inside my mind that those mountain
Which are white totally wrong for life I have just one feeling from my mind that those white and
Pretty mountains look nice for life I just keep watching those pictures on every point they just
Look so perfect in one colour that is white but in reality I just never want to touch them in life
So this is my bad habit of my life that on every point I admire something because they are nice
But never think of entering them inside my life I just want to admire them from far side I just
Feel one thing from my mind that admiring don't mean permission to that thing to enter in life
It all seem so wrong on every point I feel as if that snow is so beautiful and nice from every side
But it is just for picture not for real life but people just feel that I can hardly enter on those points
I just never imagine that some one will tell me about visiting to that place inside life I just want
To sit their and admire that picture on many times but some people just assume that when I admire
I must like to include it in life I just feel in every way that I just love that snow on every point
I feel that I can admire things and say them perfect on every moment of life but it is just about
That picture not about staying on that place inside life I just never want to visit that place in life
How easily sometimes we say things in life and then forget that we have said it inside life I have
Just one thought on every point I feel that those picture with snow are so right for our life but
Then when I see that snow I just feel one thing in my mind admiring is nice but people assume
All wrong things inside life I just feel on every day and on every point that things are something
Which should be said in light way in life I just feel that on every occasion and on every point
May be I need to understand things in my life which take me ahead on every day and on every
Thinking and point I just feel need to think twice before admiring in life because people are looking
At us from many points they are observing those people from every side we all just assume things
In perfect and nice light that they will just not take these things seriously in life but when really
Life start to move ahead on every point we just feel one thing from our mind that only if we start
To think twice before we say in life but then I feel that it will just stop our talking in life then
I just feel that those thoughts about snow are just example of my wrong thinking inside life
I just feel same thing on every point that I must not say things just to please others in life and
When I say them I must remain ready if someone turn them into true inside my future and life.

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